
My catastrophically sweet soul summons.

Millions of people were summoned to clear trials of world,but why? it was still a mystery. Along with millions, Ren our mc was also summoned in that hell like world. Join his journey, to get answer of why? to see what he do, to see what his destiny chosen him to be at. What relationships will he make.What he gain what he lose. From weak normal human to advanced super human. Will this journey last long or die in mid.[Warning: Content have many killing scenes] _ Travelling worlds with his.... DISCORD: Omkar_M#2388 https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW _ _ _ [chapter length : 1000+ words] .................................... this work is participating in contest.

Omkar_M_7463 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Ch:27: End game

She breathed out and then in again.

Kaguya's breathing came to normal immediately after two three breathes.

'Now I have to make sure thees nuts are cracked. ' She chuckled and smashed every zombie's head with a rock.


She sat in tree shed on a stone nearby and drank some water.

She looked again towards the entrance and then walked in front of it.

She screamed but no zombie came out.

'Good!first floor is clear. ' she thought and slowly entered the room keeping eye on her surrounding.

It was little dark but now some sunrays had way to enter because zombies died and made way for it.

Things became slightly visible and she saw a shadow like figure standing with red eyes looking at her with anger.

"Grrr~" it screamed and ran towards her.

It was a weakling.

A zombie which died twice.

First before becoming zombie and now undead died in hands of Kaguya in one slash.

This zombie alerted remaining zombies from different rooms on first floor by his growling.

"What the fuck! some time ago screams were louder but no one from them came before? "

She had a annoyed look.

When she literally screamed from outside and all the zombies too made noises these idiotic zombies didn't came out.

But now look at them. They are like some introverts who avoid the calls of a group and prefers to listen of a particular person.

"Frigging so many zombies" kaguya bit her lower lip.

She didn't wait for a second and decided to take them head on.

"I have to make more noise so that many will come out."

"Come you damn fuckers" She started shouting.

"I will slice you up now come on idiots! "

Kaguya sliced the approaching zombies.

Zombies had very very low intelligence so their attacks.

They were like some big crushed dogs coming upon you just to take a bite from your flesh.

These fuckers had strength but no skill.

It was like giving a gun but dont know how to use it Or something like having a system but dont know it exists.

"They just look scary and nothing much until they bite."

"Their bite is infectious. One bite and I will be turned into zombie. "

This was something she always kept in mind because she had watched many zombie movies in the past.

Whatever happens she always keeps some distance from the zombies.

Even their corpses.



Two zombies were cut in two slashes.

Many zombies came running towards her just after she killed third one.

"Fuck~" she said and ran out making many loud noises.

All the zombies came running towards her.

And in the same way as last she killed them in sunlight.

"Sigh~i can wait here for some time now. "

She looked up the sky and predicted it was almost one PM.

"Grrr~" A sound was heard.

Kaguya stood up and started walking towards the barrier.


why did she didn't get alerted by this growling sound?

Well, It was growling of her stomach. She was hungry because she ate very little for her breakfast.

Kaguya ate the fruits she collected some time ago.

Now her stomach was full. She rested for half hour and entered the room..


Kaguya shashed some remaining zombies and walked towards light.

Reaching the source she saw some old styled stone stairs where bood was dried on it.

She gulped and looked above from the stairs.


Zombie screamed and jumped on her.

"Kyaaaa" she screamed and ran out.

"Huff Huff~"

She let out a breathe.

Kaguya looked back and killed that zombie and walked towards the stairs again and entered the se ond floor.

Luckily it was empty.

She easily went to third floor.

It was open from top and sunrays were blessing the king's throne where the blooded king was on the life's cliff.

"Are you the king? " Kaguya asked neutrally.

She can see that it was king on bloodied throne.

The king looked at her without hope and wanted to say something...

"I a-am the King Soluees " He said.

He wanted to tell her something more but he didn't have much time left and was in pain.

"Thanks for helping my people, I will forever in debt. "

He then took a sword and passed it to her.

The sword had golden colour with golden carvings on it.

"This is a small gift .It will keep a memory of S-Solus Kingdom. "

"Please give me freedom. ", the king said pointing towards a different sword.

It was a glowing sword which looked like a tubelight without glass.

If he died from his own sword then it will be like kingdom backstabbed him.

If he die from enemies sword then it will be his defeat.

If he died by this sword then he will be remembered as died by hands of a God who took him for his next life.

He battled against God ...

But truth was she was just a human from different world.

He was confused by her aura as divine.

She didn't stop him and listened to him.

Later he collapsed on ground and bowed before her with almost no energy.

He was in pain.

Looking at him she fulfilled his wish.

"May angels show you the way to heaven, Rest in peace. "

"I will keep Soluees and Solus alive as history and memory.

She said and a happy smile appeared on the bowing king.

'King only bows before his god'

'King will look down on everyone and even other gods. '

'It was king's way or his way'

She slashed the glowing sword and snapped his neck in one go.

King's headless body trembled, blood gushed out, and fell on ground.

His head rolled making a line of blood towards her.

The glowing sword disappeared into fine light particles and the particles flowed towards thrown.

The thrown glowed and all blood disappeared.

All the corpses turned into particles .

All zombies burn into dust.

Waves of golden particles flowed from every corpse and formed a foggy layer in the atmosphere and started moving towards throne room.

Kaguya walked towards throne and sat in a magestic way.

She just looked at all the golden particles in the air concentrating in front of her.


All the particles from surroundings was suddenly sucked inside the throne room.

Every particle concentrated into a ball of light and a glowing mini sun like bright ball was formed.

Kaguya looked at it with mesmerizing eyes.

The ball moved on its own and came close to kaguya's chest.

Kaguya tried backing off but she was on throne so ahe couldn't move back.

The glowing ball of light moved and passed through her clothes and entered her body.


Her heart started beating faster and louder.

Kaguya could feel a new surge of power entering her body.

All her fatigue was gone. All her pain was gone. She was feeling more energetic and powerful.

Kaguya waited for her heartbeat return to normal.

"Now it's the real end game...."

She placed her palm on her chest and felt the heartbeat return to normal.

She breathed once and released.

"All missions are completed,I guess... "




While kaguya was searching the throne room she heard a loud boom.

it was similar to lightning strike.

Ahe quickly looked up and saw lightning all over the place.

The space distorted and crack was formed.

The barrier broke and sun became invisible behind the dark clouds.

She went to another floor. It was empty and the entrance from first floor to second floor was small.

When she was going sound she heard growling sounds.

She knew it was zombies which were fare from barrier some time ago. They came running after barrier was dispersed.

She quickly ran towards entrance of second floor and blocked it with anything she get in her hand.

Cupboard, armours, clothes, chairs, tables... all.

Then she went to third floor and sat on the stairs of third floor with her sword pointing towards entrance.

She was waiting for this day to end.

She was happy that she manager to complete her tasks.

"Nice Kaguya you done well", She praised herself.