
My catastrophically sweet soul summons.

Millions of people were summoned to clear trials of world,but why? it was still a mystery. Along with millions, Ren our mc was also summoned in that hell like world. Join his journey, to get answer of why? to see what he do, to see what his destiny chosen him to be at. What relationships will he make.What he gain what he lose. From weak normal human to advanced super human. Will this journey last long or die in mid.[Warning: Content have many killing scenes] _ Travelling worlds with his.... DISCORD: Omkar_M#2388 https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW _ _ _ [chapter length : 1000+ words] .................................... this work is participating in contest.

Omkar_M_7463 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Ch:26.end game

Kaguya's POV:

[Conquer the fortress. ]

[Floors cleared (0/3) ]

It was already the last day in the arena and also the last day of the battle in this arena.

Kaguya didn't consider completing conquer the arena challenge because whole arena outside the barrier was surrounded by many unknown dangers and zombies.

"Now is the time... "

Kaguya was ready for this battle.

It wasn't something she wished for but it was something she couldn't avoid.

"I guess that's it for preparations. " Said kaguya looking at her preparations.

Kaguya had two swords, one shield which she found in a corner of barrier.

Some food and water.

The fortress wasn't big so she ate food and drank some water.

But when she was eating she tried opening her system but it didn't work.

She frightened.

Kaguya thought that she couldn't use system then she cannot use her stored items from inventory.

But luckily her stored items came out just by thinking of them.

"Did system broke? " She muttered looking in sky.

[Time remaining (18:02:09) ]

"Uff~ Just 18 hours left! " she hurried.

It was like early 6 in the morning and sun wasn't fully awake.

She did her morning activities and prepared herself.

It took her 1 hour to prepare properly.

She once again searched the surroundings, praying to find something useful.

Kaguya was waiting for sun to become hot.

And the time came.

"I think now it would be nine to ten in the morning"

Sunrays are emitting heat temperature is warm.

"Perfect time for zombies to sleep. "

Well, not like they sleep. She wanted to say that zombies don't come out at day and stay idle at a place.

Except if we go in their area and it's dark place with no sunlight.




Kaguya took her sword and put other in inventory.

Took the shield and put it on her back after saying...

" Shield would come in my way and lock my movements... I think I should keep it on my back for now. "

She tied the shield on her back so she do not have to always focus on her back.

Even if zombies attack her back they will attack shield first so she will get alerted about it and can react on it.

And also this will help her focus on her front.

Kaguya looked back inside the barrier and prayed in the empty land where she sent broken people to eternel rest and then looked front.

'I can do it' she she motivated herself and walked to the edge of barrier.




"Grrr~", Many growling sounds were coming from the first floor.

Kaguya was crouching down behind the wall and secretly peeking from there.

Inside the first floor very little or almost close to no sunlight was entering.

It was dark in there so Kaguya was having a hard time locating the zombies.

Kaguya thought of something for a while.

She decided to go close to the door.

When she got closer the growling sounds intensified.

Kaguya knew that whatever happens zombies will not try to come out... But if she does something that will make them forcefully come out then it will be her victory.

'Zombies become weak to sunlight'

She came front of the main entrance where there was no door.

She was currently standing outside the barrier and front of her were silhouette of many zombies.

They were standing still in the dark but when they heard cracking sound caused by kaguya stepping on a broken stick they immediately turned their heads towards her direction.

Their eyes we're glowing red and growling started increasing.

Kaguya smirked and shouted.

"Yo fuckers come out! "

"Orrrraaaa~Hoooo~ Hooooo"

Listening to this shouting, uproar was caused in zombies and they were coming out of their little den.

There was a problem... even if they came closer to her they didn't quite risk to come in contact with sunlight.

Kaguya came little closer to the entrance and shouted again.

This time a zombie came running towards her but that zombie's body started turning into greasy substance and started melting little by little.

It was slow so kaguya couldn't wait for him to melt down... The zombie attacked her in its greasy state but kaguya slashed her sword and beheaded it before his attack touch her.

The headless body collapsed on the ground but it still kept moving and some seconds later it became motionless.

Kaguya showed a evil grin and ran away in search of something.

Ten minutes later she returned empty handed. Because whatever she brought was in her inventory.

When she removed the things from inventory and stacked it at a place close to entrance she smiled.

They were stones of size of a baseball.

"Hahaha..." She laughed and picked up a stone.

She juggled it with one hand four to five times and then...

Bang~ She threw it inside the first floor through the entrance.

If it was some apocalypse movie then she would have had moltov... but whatever she has to think outside the box and come with some alternatives.

She continuously started throwing stones one by one keeping some interval of seconds.

"Grrrrr~~~~~Grerrrrr~~~" Growling turned into earsplitting noises.

Kaguya's actions made zombies to go berserk and everyone came running towards her.

".. Eh..! " her smile physically disappeared.

Kaguya ran and made some distance between them.



She easily cut through zombie like cutting cakes.

In these six days she has sliced through many fleshes so she didn't have any guilt left in her keeping aside her daily nightmares and bad dreams.

A person how much he/she tries to get over something. He/She couldn't do it totally. Getting over it is possible but it's not easy... We have to get used to it or get over it but it will take time... It will go gradually but Surely.


Kaguya sliced through last rotten flesh.

"She looked for more zombies but there were none.

She was breathing heavily she had killed more than 10 zombies in a row.