
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Important Notice!

Hello Everyone!

You might have noticed by now, but this story have been ghosted. I wanted to make few things clear with everyone who was reading this story.

First, I'm truly sorry announcing this that I'm dropping this story. I'm truly truly sorry for wasting everyone time's. I'm shameful for everyone's invested time on this story.

When I started this story, it was like no one can stop me now. It was an great feeling. But I guess I was over excited that I neglected the basic of writing and planning the story.

What I have thought might not have been presented here.

I learned various things on this small journey of writing. I realised writing is easy, creating is hard.. It gives an altogether of new experience.

Therefore I guess due to insufficient planning I'm dropping this story.

But I'm not leaving writing. I will be presenting an new story, it will be fully planned. Therefore I'm again sorry for anyone who have felt angry for seeing this.

Even I never thought I will be writing this.

I might be writing this quite late. I was feeling guilty for constant support by you guys I was seeing the power stones, the comments everything.

I was happy for having readers.

No matter what I say, it will be not enough.

But I didn't wanted to act irresponsible and ghost everyone. Therefore I'm coming clean. You guys can curse me to the death. I kinda deserve it.

But even then I will be continuing writing. My mind have been trained by this small session of writing, I might have failed but I gained experience.

The experience to create something.

I will be back.


Thank you everyone who have been in this journey.

I'm sorry!