
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.033 => Something's missing Munki!!

Zhang Wei was confused by his father's words. Every year, he rejected the invitation to his grandfather's party, but his memory was different. Didn't every year he not receive an invitation? What was going on?

Zhang Wei realized something was fishy. His father would never lie, so there must be something he was missing. He was invited but didn't receive the invitation. Someone intercepted it, so he couldn't come to the party or any social gatherings.

"Father, did grandfather really invite me?" he asked to confirm something.

"Of course, your grandfather always invited you. He even called for you to visit him during summer school holidays, but you always rejected his offer, didn't you?" his father replied.

Zhang Wei couldn't understand it. Someone didn't want him to meet his grandfather. If he thought about it logically, it could only be his stepmother, Sarah Kim. She was the only one who was not happy with Zhang Wei, no matter what he did. She was a perfect example of Hitler for him.

"I understand, father. I'll come to grandfather's birthday party," Zhang Wei said.

"Okay, then you can go. Also, be prepared to meet your fiancée. You will see her at the birthday party. Don't embarrass us," his father spoke in a strict tone.

"Yes, father!" Zhang Wei replied. He stood up and bowed to his father before leaving the room.

Zhang Wei left the study room and opened the door, seeing Hu An and Munki standing side by side. When he saw them, he couldn't pinpoint it, but he felt that something was off. He felt a fierce aura radiating from them, and the aura was conflicting as if fighting between them.

"Munki, let's go!" Zhang Wei said. Munki nodded and followed him from behind. Zhang Wei went inside his room, and Munki also followed him. He also had the envelope his father gave him.

Zhang Wei sat on his bed and sighed. He loosened his clothes and comfortably took a seat. Munki didn't know what he talked about with his father, but he saw the brown envelope and was curious about what was inside.

"Munki, listen, I'm engaged again!" Zhang Wei spoke first. Munki didn't believe what he said. Wasn't he engaged to his classmate? But the engagement broke! Was Young Master having some delusion, he thought.

Zhang Wei clearly understood what Munki was thinking. He sighed and replied, "No, Munki, not the old one, but a fresh new one. This is her," he said, passing the envelope to Munki.

Munki opened the envelope and saw the picture of a female in a blue dress with a hat. She was beautiful; that's what he thought at first glance.

"You're telling the truth!" he shouted.

"Yes, I am!" Zhang Wei replied and snatched the envelope before Munki could tear it in excitement.

"Young master, are you okay with this new arrangement?" Munki asked, standing in front of Zhang Wei. Since Zhang Wei had transmigrated, Munki had been the only person to show him affection and care. He understood what Munki was indicating.

When former Zhang Wei was engaged to his ex-fiancée, he truly loved her, so he was happy with the arrangement. However, he didn't know that his ex-fiancée was not happy with him being her future husband because he was introverted and timid.

Therefore, when she told her family about her disagreement, they decided to exploit the influence they had from the Zhang family due to this engagement. After becoming independent, they called off the engagement.

Former Zhang Wei was a coward, and he thought that everything had occurred because of him. He thought that there was no meaning in living, so he tried to end it, but at that moment, Zhang Wei transmigrated into his body.

That was the reason why Munki was afraid. He just didn't want Zhang Wei to see him in that state again.

"I don't know, Munki! She is the girl chosen by my grandfather. I guess for now, I have to nod until I figure a way out of this engagement. I don't even know the girl. I guess she is also in a situation like me, forced into an engagement with a complete stranger," Zhang Wei said.

"Young master, no matter what happens, I'm always there to support you!" Munki reassured him.

"Hmm," Zhang Wei nodded.

He took out the envelope and saw the picture of the girl. This was the first time he had seen her. She was beautiful; that was the only thought that surrounded his mind.

She had silky blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and her long eyelashes made her blue eyes shine even more. Her long nape made her look more sensual in that decent white dress. She was holding a red small bag that matched her heels. Her face didn't have any makeup; it was her natural skin.

Overall, she was a perfect example of elegance and femininity. Zhang Wei was awestruck by her beauty, but he controlled his emotions and read the information about her given by his father.

The lady's name was Jin Nuwa, and she was the granddaughter of Jin Guozhi, who was the long-lived secretary of his grandfather. His grandfather had made a promise with him on Jin Guozhi's deathbed to become one family, and that was why he was trying to marry Zhang Wei to Jin Nuwa. Zhang Wei continued to read her information.

He found out that she went to the same school as him, but he couldn't remember her from former Zhang Wei's memories. She was in the same grade as him, and other than that, there was just basic information about her likes and dislikes.

Zhang Wei sighed and kept the file aside. He would deal with her when the party time arrived. For now, he had to focus on his new business. The party was near the end of his winter break, so he had a lot of time and work to complete.

Hello!! New chapter out! I just wanna what everyone thinks of novel. Please drop a review. Also said you like and disliked about novel so far. Please tell how's my writing style. I hope you support my work!(^_^)

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