
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.008=> I'm doing workout! Stepmother is haughty!!

[Edited on 24 April 2023]

You can skip this chapter!


Zhang Wei descended from his room and proceeded to the dining room. Upon entering, he observed that his father and mother were already enjoying their breakfast, while his elder brother and sister were conspicuously absent.

"Good morning, Father and Mother."

Zhang Wei politely greeted and sat directly opposite his father at the table.

"I recall that Father never tolerated any family members missing meals."

Zhang Wei remarked, noticing the absence of Zhang Tao and Zhang Bei.

"Unless, of course, they have a valid reason or his permission."

In response, Sarah Kim interjected, opening her mouth and turning to her husband.

"I'm delighted today. Zhang Tao will be assisting his father in the business. However, was it appropriate for him to go to the office before you did? And did Zhang Bei ask for your permission for something?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wei comprehended that his stepmother was attempting to provoke him.

"It is expected that an employee should arrive before their superior. And Xiao Bei is attending a party with the son of the Minister of Education. If all goes well, they may become engaged."

Father Hun calmly explained.

"That's quite harsh, calling him an employee."

Zhang Wei smirked, silently scrutinizing his stepmother.

"Xiao Bei has the opportunity to meet and decide on her engagement. I did not receive such a privilege."

"Oh my goodness, I must have been foolish. That must be the reason."

Sarah Kim said, emphasizing the word "chairman." The entire room fell silent, except for Zhang Wei and Zhang Hun.

"I will consider it."

Zhang Hun replied indifferent.

"I am positive that my Xiao Tao is intelligent, physically fit, and consistently ranks first in his class. He even participates regularly in social events. I am confident that having him in the company will have a positive impact on its image."

Sarah Kim continued, attempting to ingratiate herself with Zhang Hun.

"I said I will consider it!"

Zhang Hun raised his voice, clearly irritated.

"Alright, thank you.."

Sarah Kim stopped talking and continued eating without speaking to anyone.

At that moment, Zhang Hun broke the silence and turned to Zhang Wei, asking,

"Where did you go this morning?"

"I went to the Buddha temple on the outskirts. I decided to exercise in nature with my bodyguard Munki."

Zhang Wei replied nonchalantly, continuing to eat.

"It's quite delicious," he thought to himself.


Zhang Hun raised an eyebrow.

"That's commendable if you're attempting to change. Just don't do anything reckless," he advised, without elaborating.

"Thank you, Father," Zhang Wei responded politely.

"This brat, exercising every day. I hope he doesn't cause any trouble for my children. I'll need to keep a close eye on him. He's becoming more enigmatic with each passing day."

Sarah Kim thought to herself, making a mental note to monitor Zhang Wei closely.

After breakfast, Zhang Wei retired to his room and examined the system's features and objectives.

"Let's see what the primary missions are aside from the daily missions," he remarked as he perused the interface.

[Edited on 24 April 2023] Stay alert! Please drop a review and some stone here and there. Appreciate it! (^_^)

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