
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.007=> Munki turned to be lord Monkey!! He must be by my side!

[Edited on 24 April, 2023]


"Upon reflection, I haven't yet ascertained whether my system has the capability to check the statuses of other individuals. Let's give it a try, shall we? Status!"

Zhang Wei exclaimed, his gaze fixed upon Li Munki.


Name: Li Munki

Age: 30 years

Trust: 90

Health: 96

Strength: 95

Beauty: 70

Talent: Awesome

Skills: Martial Arts^( A Rank), Driving^(S Rank), Self-Defence^(B Rank).


Zhang Wei was awestruck by Munki's impressive statistics. He was undoubtedly among the top few percentile of the entire country.

"Typical men have an average status of 60-65, but Munki's strength alone is over 95! And not only that, he also possesses high-ranking skills in martial arts and self-defense. Truly remarkable. He has my utmost respect."

Zhang Wei mused to himself.

Furthermore, Munki had a trust rating of above 90%, a truly impressive feat. Zhang Wei clicked on the trust description, which revealed the following:

(Trust => Hardest to gain! People spend years for it.)

(100: Unwavering Loyalty

80-99: Steadfast Devotion

60-79: Unshakable Faith

40-59: Reliable Confidence

20-39: Assured Reliance

-19 to 19: Tranquil Neutrality

-40 to -59: Lingering Doubt

-60 to -79: Lingering Mistrust

-80 to -99: Deep-Seated Suspicion

-100: Implacable Enmity)

"Munki has steadfast devotion. It's safe to trust him,"

Zhang Wei exclaimed.

At that moment, Munki addressed him.

"Young Master, may I inquire as to why you decided to clean the statue?"

Munki couldn't understand why Zhang Wei, who was not known for being spiritual, had chosen to come here and clean a simple statue. Zhang Wei couldn't reveal the true reason why he was there, as he couldn't reveal the fact that he possessed a system and was not the real Zhang Wei.

"Oh! Well, you know, exercise. The temple has two thousand stairs. If I come here daily to clean the statue, won't I lose some weight in the process? Didn't I mention that I wanted to lose some weight?"

Zhang Wei replied, fabricating a lie on the spot.

"Well, that makes sense. Would you like me to train you here every day, as you requested?"

Munki asked, referring to the workout training Zhang Wei had asked for the night before.

"That would be great. I'll be in your care, Munki,"

"Same goes for you, young master,"

After that, they decided to head back to the mansion, as it was already past 8 am. Zhang Wei didn't want his family to make a big deal out of his absence before breakfast. As they departed, Zhang Wei cast one last glance at the stairs, feeling a weight on his heart and legs.

After half an hour, they reached the bottom. Zhang Wei was drenched in sweat, his clothes soaked through and then dried by the sun, leaving behind white salt stains on his tracksuit.

"Finally, I'm back. Let me take a shower. Munki, please get ready in your uniform as well,"

Zhang Wei instructed, dismissing Munki so he could prepare himself for his duties.

"What should I wear now? Oh, looking at myself in the mirror, it appears that I've already lost a few kilograms."

He observed, as he held onto his belly with both hands.

"If I continue on this path for a month, I might even become slim,"

He declared with a steadfast determination.

Just as Zhang Wei was about to make his final sartorial decision, Munki, his loyal servant, knocked on the door and informed him of his father's request for his presence. Quickly putting on some decent clothes, consisting of a crisp shirt and comfortable cotton jeans, Zhang Wei headed out.

[Edited on 24 April, 2023] But it's getting more fun!! Give some support drop reviews!! Just destroy every features!! (^_^)

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