
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.006=> Why does I have to clean statue, what the hell is this!!!

[Edited on 24 April, 2023]


The next day, as the sun began its ascent, Zhang Wei was roused from his slumber by the insistent beeping of his alarm. With a vigorous stretch, he leapt out of bed and swiftly donned his athletic attire. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel irritated by the appearance of his body.

"Patience, my dear physique,"

He admonished himself.

"I shall soon vanquish your imperfections and become the most dashing of men. But for now, let us begin the day's tasks. I must clean the Buddha statue in order to gain access to the system. Must I perform this task every day?"

He grumbled.

With a contemptuous snort, Zhang Wei exited the mansion. All around him, the inhabitants of the estate slumbered in their respective chambers. As he made his way outside, he saw Munki, his chauffeur, waiting by a sleek, old Audi RS70.

"Audi RS70, a handsome vehicle indeed. But still lacking when compared to the cars owned by my family members. They possess vehicles worth a million dollars, whereas I have a mere fifty-thousand-dollar car. Nevertheless, I shall show them all when I make my fortune."

He mused.

Zhang Wei scrutinized the car, while Munki respectfully opened the door for him.

"Good morning, sir. We are ready to depart."

Munki announced.

With Zhang Wei seated in the back and Munki at the wheel, the vehicle set out. After a brief ten-minute drive, they arrived at their destination: the Temple of Lord Buddha.

"What on earth is this? A joke?"

Zhang Wei exclaimed incredulously, upon seeing the temple in front of him.

"Why can't I see the temple? Only a staircase leading to the clouds. Must I ascend these stairs using my own stamina?"

He complained.

The Buddha temple was situated atop a hill, accessible only by a steep, winding staircase comprising at least two thousand steps. There was no way to build a road on such a precipitous incline.

"Young Master, if you would rather not attempt this climb, we can return to the mansion,"

Munki suggested, sensing Zhang Wei's hesitation.

"No, we must forge ahead. If it is two thousand stairs we must climb, then so be it. Munki, bring the bucket and cleaning cloth. We are going to the temple,"

Zhang Wei declared resolutely, setting off up the staircase.

After only ten minutes of walking, Zhang Wei was already struggling.

"I must press on. I will reach the summit,"

He vowed.

An hour later, Zhang Wei finally arrived at the entrance to the temple. He was sweating profusely and thoroughly exhausted.

"How much further?"

He gasped, collapsing on the steps. Munki, who had been following him, still looked fresh, but sweat was beading on his forehead.

The temple was a small one, with a wooden shrine at its center. At the shrine's entrance stood a Buddha statue, several meters tall. The statue was crafted from stone, with a red scarf draped around its shoulders.

"Let us begin."

Zhang Wei instructed Munki, gesturing towards the back of the shrine.

"See if there is a tap or a well, and bring back some water in the bucket."

Munki nodded and returned in a few moments with the water-filled bucket.

"Let us commence the cleaning."

Zhang Wei declared with reverence. Removing his shoes, he climbed onto the wooden ledge and began to scrub the statue vigorously.


"Goodness, so much dust! Does no one ever clean this place?"

He grumbled.

After thirty minutes of intense scrubbing, the statue sh

"Let us now proceed to cleanse the statue," declared Zhang Wei with the utmost reverence, removing his shoes and ascending the wooden ledge.

After a half-hour of devoted effort, the statue shone anew as though newly wrought.

"Ah, at last, my labor is complete. I must receive some well-deserved reward from my system!" exclaimed Zhang Wei as his daily mission was successfully accomplished.

(A notification sound resounded)

(Reward: Access to the System)

"Excellent, it is accomplished,"

He descended from the wooden ledge to offer his fervent prayers to Lord Buddha.

"Dear Lord, I vow to visit and clean your likeness every day. May your blessings accompany me on my journey."

He clapped his hands and deposited a few coins into the donation box.

As he turned around, Zhang Wei caught sight of Munki, who had appeared with a water bottle and towel to wipe his perspiration. Zhang Wei graciously accepted the towel and expressed his gratitude.

"Many thanks, Munki!"

He said, smiling warmly at the diligent helper.

"Come to think of it, I still have to check the status of other people through my system. Let me try... Status!"

Edited on 24 April, 2023. Drop review! It gives some superpower for me write new chapter!! Tehe!! (^_^)

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