
My brutal system

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Its almost three weeks that Eshi had been training under commander Mathew. He was learning hand to hand combat skills as he doesn't have a family inherit skill which mostly all people in the world had. Most of the people have Earth related skill as it was the easiest to learn and didn't take much of the chakra energy which every living organisms have as its is the basis of living and to manipulate this life energy on will to activate one's ability is known as chakar energy manipulation . Every soldier that was also training under Mathew's was just shocked to see that Eshi didn't even had a basic knowledge about the chakra meditation which increases ones chakra energy naturally.

Eshi also got to know that there is a class system in the whole world as the higher up who where know as Nobles have unique abilities that help them to rose up to these positions but among those Nobles there was again a status system which allow the families with stronger abilities to have more power in the world and then above them were the families whose heads were the kings candidate which were among the few that have unlocked their Sahasrara chakra which allows them to be the next king of the kingdom when the current ones retired.

'Man, this hole thing gets more complicated the more I listen' Eshi thought.

"so, tomorrow there will be a tracking session to the mountain summit " Mathew's informed everyone " pack your things till evening because we will leaving to the village Nadhra, as we will be spending our night in the village so that we can start the track first in the morning. Pack your jacket and snow shoes with you" Mathew ordered.

The planet on the which the base 009 Nova was located was harsh barren planet with a cold climate and snow fall is every common thing on the planet but the amount of natural resources this planet offer were astronomical and the state in which today's world is after mysterious death of the king of Querencia Kingdom, the situation had just got worse.

Eshi reached his room which was more like a cell and started his rest of the remaining daily quest of push up, sit ups and chin ups to get his daily 4 points Eshi had accumulated of total 52 available points till date out of which he is yet to use his 42 point as he don't want to grab much attention of the soldiers around him. Eshi had also learned the art of meditation which every soldier have to do before they go to bed but the process take a lot of time and extreme concentration but still after all of that Eshi was only able to accumulate only 10 chakra energy.

"well, I think I am not into this chakar business" Eshi said sighing.


Eshi current status

NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human

XP - 52/200







NATURE - selfish

AVAILABLE Points - 42


After completing his training he went to the soldiers mess hall for his lunch. The soldiers canteen was just like general hall with benches to sit on and eat in a group but for Eshi he just sit in the corner with his plate as he never talk to anyone because when he even tried at first no body want to talk to him . So Eshi just ignored everyone and minded his own business.

In the Evening everyone gathered at the battalion 85 training ground in front of the telepoter which lead to the village Nadhra.

"Is everyone ready" Mathew shouted standing on the stage to the soldiers standing in front of him.

"YES.. SIR!!!" The soldiers replied energetically.

"Now move" Mathew ordered and soon all the troops started to enter the teleporter. Eshi also entered the teleporter wearing the regular winter uniform that was allowed to him.


As Eshi reached the other side he found himself infront of a huge gate which was the entrance to the village. Looking around he saw no vegetation around as the whole place was just rocky barren land with mountain around. Well now a days cultivation for food doesn't matter much after the introduction of food pills and now people Juat eat to enjoy a gathering. The whole place was covered in snow. Which was not that bad as there were still at the foot of the mountain behind the village that they have to track tomorrow.

The whole village was surrounded by huge walls made of a material that was 100 times stronger than tungsten as it protected the village from the beast that roam around the planet.

On this planet there were various settlements and also there were other military bases but Nova was the biggest one on this planet.

Soon everybody entered the settlement and went to the village logging area were they were supposed to rest for the night. Commander Mathew's went with the Village head. And everyone else were to drop their thing in there designated rooms and after that they were free to explore the village for the night.

As they all dropped their things in the room many soldiers went straight to the bars but which surprised Eshi the most that some soldier had there families living here as some soldier were native to this place.

Eshi also after dropping his bags which doesn't have much as Eshi only bring his gun and his other military uniform. He decided to explore the night market as he heard some soldier talking about it how there were various different things one could buy. Eshi don't had a lot of one as the only sum he had is his monthly salary which he got in advance. All the amount was stored in his watch which was directly connected to his account.

"Now I understand why the soldier asked me to never lose the watch" Eshi said with a smile on his face.

Eshi headed straight to the market as he was extremely excited to explore the place as it the first time he is actually going to get in contact with actual citizen that were free and had no restrictions on them as his entire life as far as he remembered he was in the prison and after escaping he went to the military base which was not much different from the prison where he had to live in restrictions. He doesn't know why but he was always get fascinated by the word freedom as whenever he thinks about him being free from all the chains, free from all these people. He don't know why but whenever he thinks about it he gets goosebumps.

As Eshi reached the market he saw people strolling. Some were purchasing things for their daily use and some where head to the café. Eshi was just stunned by the look on the faces of these people it was like that Eshi was just in another world. The world that is always dream of, the world where he wanted himself to be as Eshi slowly pass the different shops he saw smiles where ever he see he saw smiles and looking all these Eshi himself had a huge smile on his face it was the happiest moment of his life where he have the first taste of freedom.


As Eshi soon cross the whole street he soon saw a building which was very different from ever other building as it was like a tomb and on the top of it was a statue of a dragon.

"this late night stroll is just the best I ever imagine" Eshi said standing in front of the tomb like building as the small snow flakes fall.

"Do you don't want to go inside and pray" An old man came from behind Eshi said .

"Aaa...well you see I am actually came with the soldiers so.. I actually don't know much of the village" Eshi said to the old man with an awkward smile rubbing the back of his head.

"Well then... How do you like our village" the old man asked with a smile.

"Beautiful.." Eshi said looking at the dragon statue.

"that is our temple.." the old man said "Do you want to come" the old man asked walking towards the temple.

"Am I allowed to.." Eshi said with a worried face.

"well who will stop someone going to a temple" the old man said with a smile.

Then both of then headed to the temple. As they entered the temple the first thing Eshi saw as he entered that the interior was made up of gold with beautiful carving. By closely looking he found that every curving was different it was like it was telling a story


NEW QUEST - Find the missing part of the history

REWARD - upon completion


"Huh.. Wait what is this quest, find the missing part of history. I don't even know the history of this world so I am supposed to find something missing" Eshi said to himself looking at the curving with great intensity.

"this is our history, if you want to believe on it or not is a different matter" The old said looking at Eshi who was looking at the curvings.

"what history" Eshi questioned.

"I can tell you a story is you want."the old said

" story "Eshi said with a confused look on his face.

" Yes, the story of origin, the story how it all start"

" The story of the lost..... 'BLUE PLANET'... Where everything started. "the old said with with the eyes that were looking at the distance.


Thank you for reading today's chapter I just hope you are liking the story till now.

Plz if you all fell any problem plz tell me I. The comments.

So thank you again and see you all tomorrow