
My Broken Playboy

æ˜Žć€©The moment Selina bumps into the notorious Alexander Sebastian in a bar her life changes forever. _____________________________________________________________ “Selina?” A familiar voice called out in surprise as Selina exited the airport terminal. Exhausted from her flight, Selina was waiting for her twin brother to pick her up when someone familiar called her name. As she turned she realized it was someone she hadn’t seen in years. “Hey Jen.” Selina said with a warm smile. Jen ran up and hugged her, she was acting as if nothing happened years ago in Germany. “I didn’t know you were coming back!” Jen said as she released Selina from her arms. “Well, I didn’t want too many people knowing about my return.” Selina said with a shrug. “Only Helios knows.” Helios was Selina’s twin brother, yes their parents named them after the sun and the moon. “I know this must be awkward, especially after you rejected me two years ago.” Jen said. Selina frowned slightly. She didn’t reject Jen two years ago, she had been rejecting Jen for years and yet Jen persisted. “Selina!” A young man called as his luxury sedan parked in front of the pair. “I have to go, Jen. It was nice seeing you.” Selina smiled as the man got out and helped her load her things into the trunk of the car. As Selina’s car drove off she saw another familiar figure approach Jen and pull her into his arms. How unlucky was she to run into Jen Pelaez and Alexander Sebastian the moment she landed. ________________________________________________________________ How unlucky can Selina be? She comes home to her country to bring home the fashion empire she built abroad, only to bump into her ex-best friend. What’s so interesting about this ex-best friend? She used to be in love with Selina. Jennifer confessed her love to Selina in highschool but was rejected, so she persevered and followed Selina all over the world. It isn’t Selina’s fault that she likes men not women. Second shock? Jennifer is now dating the most notorious playboy in the country, Alexander Sebastian, the scion of the political Sebastian family and Selina's almost fiance. The thing is, Selina can’t help but stare at the dashing playboy, her heart seems to race at the sight of him, but she knows no good can come from being with Alexander Sebastian. NOTE: This novel is heavy on character improvement

wounded_warrior · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

Present day

"When did this happen? Why didn't I hear the rumors about Alexander Sebastian being rejected?" Helios asked as he laughed, he of course knew that Selina had said no to the plan. But if people knew that someone had rejected an engagement offer by Alexander Sebastian and the Sebastian Family rumors would have spread.

"The girls with her probably didn't want to mention it to anyone." Selina said with a shrug. "I mean they all still want Alexander Sebastian, and if people found out he had been rejected then it simply meant they wanted rejected goods."

"Rejected or not he is still Alexander Sebastian." Helios said as he drove the car into the parking lot of the mall.

"Either way, they didn't talk about it which is good for me. Could you imagine what my life would be like if I was branded as the woman stupid enough to reject Alexander Sebastian?" Selina asked her brother.

"Your rejection was justified. He's a playboy, he never sticks to one woman." Helios said with a shrug.

"I saw him with Jen at the airport. They seem to be in a relationship." Selina said as she recalled the image she saw as they drove away.

"She'll last a month tops. Alexi always changes the women around him." Helios said as he switched off the engine and got out of the car.

"Where are we supposed to meet Katerina and Alexi?" Selina asked as they walked towards the mall.

"At the entrance. Have you told Katerina we're already here?" Helios asked his twin sister.

"Yeah." Selina said as they looked around the entrance.

Within a few minutes a convoy of security vehicles arrived, they were escorting two luxury vehicles that stopped right in front of Selina and Helios.

"This is probably them." Helios told his sister as a group of bodyguards surrounded them.

The first to get out of the car was Katerina Sebastian. She was wearing a business suit and high heels.

"I like your fashion." Selina said with a smile as Katerina walked over to greet her.

"Thanks." Katerina nodded, she looked like she was in a bad mood. "I don't understand why my brother has to bring her." Katerina grumbled as Alexi got out of the other car and helped a woman out.

"Uh oh." Helios said as he spotted the woman with Alexi. "Selina, maybe we should cancel this trip, I mean you'll see Katerina later tonight anyway." Helios said as he tried to get his sister to leave.

"Helios, we're adults, we can be grown ups about this." Selina scolded her twin brother, so what if the woman with Alexi was her ex-best friend.

"Don't worry Selina, I'll always be on your side." Katerina said with a wink as she hooked an arm on Selina's.

"Selina, Helios!" Alexi greeted as he walked over with Jen in his arms. "Let me introduce you to Jen Pelaez."

"I know Jen." Selina said with a cold smile. "We used to be friends."

"Alexi, you don't need to pretend. I told you about Selina before." Jen said with a blush as she tried to keep her head down.

"I was just being polite." Alexi said sweetly to Jen as he pinched her chin and kissed her on the lips.

"Ugh, if I had known you would do this I wouldn't have invited you along." Katerina complained as she pulled Selina towards the mall.

"Make sure no one has any photos of this trip." Selina heard Alexi instruct one of the bodyguards.

"Do you have a dress for tonight?" Katerina asked Selina as they walked into a shop.

"I do but I don't have shoes or any accessories yet." Selina said with a shrug.

"Perfect. This mall is managed by my friend, Ayanna. It's her mom hosting the party tonight, we always get preferential treatment in the shops here." Katerina said proudly.

"Miss Sebastian, how can I assist you?" The shop manager had quickly run over when he saw that Katerina Sebastian had entered their shop. Not only was she the President's daughter and a top socialite, she was also a popular lawyer and almost anything she wore quickly became highly in demand.

"Shoes for my friend." Katerina said as she looked at the various designs that were on display.

"Katerina can you walk slower!" Alexi scolded as he and Jen finally caught up to them in the shop. "Jen came from work and is quite exhausted."

"Alexi, I told you I was fine. Don't scold your sister." Jen told Alexi in a tender voice.

Helios suddenly laughed when he heard how Jen spoke to Alexi.

"Is there a problem Helios?" Alexi asked as he glared at the younger man who was just sitting on the side.

"It's just different to hear Jen talk like this." Helios explained with a shrug. "I knew her for years and I never imagined her like this."

"You will take that back." Alexi threatened.

"Alexi." Jen said as she placed a hand on Alexi's arm.

"Jen, I suggest you leave Alexi, stop chasing after a man like him it will only do you harm, aren't you aware of his reputation?" Helios asked his former friend.

"Helios, it's not your place to say these things." Selina scolded when she heard her brother's question. She wasn't too happy about seeing Jen but she knew that when it came to matters of the heart it was best not to interfere.

"That's where you are mistaken Helios." Alexi said as he glared at him. "Jen doesn't want to be with me, it's I that keeps chasing after her."

Helios and Selina were both shocked by Alexi's revelation, most women chased after Alexander Sebastian, not the other way around.

"Alexi, can I have a word with Selina?" Jen suddenly said, talking everyone by surprise.

"No." Alexi said angrily.

"I won't hurt her." Selina said, rolling her eyes and walking away.

Jen looked into Alexi's eyes before following Selina to a more private area of the shop.