
My brave Lizzie

Elizabeth had an accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. The result also left her Agoraphobic which means fear of going outside. She lives in her brownstone house which was souped up by her family for wheelchair access. Her life turns flipside after one of her neighbors leaves and is replaced with a former marine with PTSD.

Ghaadha · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

I sat down in front of the TV and was channel surfing when I saw the movie prom night. It was enough to awaken the nightmare of a man I bumped into in the woods.

I went camping with my friends and got lost when I saw a man face down in the water. So I did what anyone in my shoes would do. I did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I asked him if he was ok and he kept on smiling. I got him on his feet and he happily obliged me. He leaned on me a little as we walked towards the huge rocks where he can sit. He watched me intensely before asking me my name. I was about to answer when Peach came running towards me. She shrieked, "I found her." She hugged me tightly and took me away. I made the mistake of looking back and he gave me the sweetest smile. I smiled back and he slowly followed me. I remember happily chatting with my friends. I got in my sleeping bag and passed out. When I woke up I was in a bed with the man I rescued next to me. I jumped up and he woke up with a start. He kissed my shoulder, my neck and my jaw. He caressed my face, "Good morning wife did you sleep well?" I looked at him, "Wife? I am only sixteen. I just met you how on earth did we get married? My parents would never approve of me marrying an older man. I have a boyfriend and so we can't be husband and wife." This did it for him. He screamed for hours about how I was born to be his. How I am still innocent because he was the one. He took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me to the bed. He left for a few minutes and came back with breakfast. I was spoon-fed and afterwards he carried me to the bathroom where I did my business. I was taken back to the room and the door was locked. He promised to be back by dinner and he will happily convince me that I am his.

I managed to open a window and ran to find the campsite. When I got there they were all dead. They were brutally murdered. He came from behind me and held me in place. He explained that he had to get rid of them because they took me away from him. He promised to remove everyone till he is the only one left in my life. He dragged me back to his house and cuffed me again. He kissed my neck and ran his fingers through my hair. I begged him to let me go. This earned a slap across my face. He tightened his grip till I screamed in pain. He smiled and gave me a big hug. He kissed my fingertips and walked out of the door. I felt around the place for anything to pick the lock and I found a wire thin enough to do the trick.

I snuck out and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I found a dinghy and hopped on it. I rowed till I found the forest ranger. He was kind enough to find the police. They arrested him and collected my friends as well. A week after I graduated he tried to escape so mom and dad agreed that this is the type of guy I will have to hide from. So my uncle's ex-wife brought me here. This was the house she was born and raised in. She never had any children so she bequeathed it to me. I spend some time here and got bored. I decided to go joyriding with Rihanna and the rest is history.