
My brave Lizzie

Elizabeth had an accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. The result also left her Agoraphobic which means fear of going outside. She lives in her brownstone house which was souped up by her family for wheelchair access. Her life turns flipside after one of her neighbors leaves and is replaced with a former marine with PTSD.

Ghaadha · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

I forgot to tell you the creep's name. His name is Milo Davis. He was ex-military himself. He was a former JSOC. He is significantly skilled to mingle with the habitat. He is certainly not afraid to put up a fight. He lived in my line of sight now and that gave me heart palpitations. Especially when my therapist came asking if I wanted to walk around the neighborhood. I fainted on the spot and woke up with a high fever.

The screamer knocked on the door when he saw the physician and the nurse walk out of my house. I ignored him on principle. He kept asking what was going on. I had to find a way to move around incognito. He kept knocking on my door demanding an answer. These days I had to double check to see if either them were prowling before I slipped out. Today I checked to see if Milo was out before I decided to answer. When it was all clear I opened the window and told him to get a life. He gave me an angry look. He was irritated that I was keeping secrets. But like I said he was begging me to let him see my new flat screen. I shut the door and asked Greta to ignore him. She happily complied. We sat down and played Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter before I went to sleep. I woke up to the bell constantly ringing. I checked to see it was the screamer. He had my mail and refuse to give it he was allowed all time access to my house. I told I have him on video and would happily call the police and have a restraining order against him in no time. He dropped the mail and left. Greta collected the mail and was about to close the door when Milo walked by. He saw the door was open. I turned on the radio and she immediately shut the door. Milo wasn't able to get in but he was curious. He approached the screamer to inquire about me. Just when things was starting to get seemingly better. Now things are getting even worse. I prayed that the screamer gets evicted as soon as possible. Not to mention Milo as well.

Milo showed up the next day asking for a cup of sugar. I told Greta that he was my stalker so be careful. She played smart and didn't let him in. She did get him the sugar though. He apologized for the inconvenience and left. That night I was outside for some fresh air. I had double checked to see if Milo was out. I walked to the drug store and got a few things and walked home. I almost reached home when I saw Milo across the street. Unfortunately he did too. He shot at me like a bullet but I was faster. I managed to get into Mrs. Granger's house. I had the spare key for the past few months I have house sat for her. I made sure to lock the front door and use the backdoor to get out. I managed to home and lock the door when Milo showed up on my street. He looked around and saw that all the lights except mine were switched off. He came straight to my house and banged on the door and Greta hid me before she opened it. My aunt pretended to be sick in the wheelchair. When he saw her he apologized and left. When the coast was clear Greta let me out. The screamer came and demanded to know what was going on. Aunt called the police for harassment and the screamer was taken away. I wish I could do the same for Milo. Vera wished me goodnight before she left. Her car has tinted windows she had nothing to worry about.

This evening's excursion was the last I am going to have for a while. Until Milo is evicted I am stuck in the confines of my house. I felt a duality in the situation. On one hand the house was a sanctuary on the other hand this house was a kind of prison. I woke up to a nightmare and a high fever. Greta had to help me because I had lost all feeling in my legs. I was in a different wheelchair this time. It was motorized. I severe hand tremors so in the end I had to use the old one. I was spoon fed and cared for like a child. I didn't dare go to the observation room so I preoccupied myself with video games. That only worked as long as I kept my mind occupied then when I stop the fear of Milo popped again. A few weeks later I made a startling discovery that made me avoid the screamer altogether. Milo was the screamer's uncle. This day just got a lot worse.