

A distraught look graced Terrence's face as he stared off into space blankly.

The chair swerved sharply then spun him round the room till he brought it to an abrupt stop. Crossing his legs, he threw his head backward— White golden locks sprawled across the air, painting a fragile image.

He sighed. Yesterday, the girl of his dreams finally accepted his confession. He had been so elated. He kissed, caressed, and touched everywhere till she eloped his grasp with significant struggle. And… he regretted nothing.

Because in that moment, when his lady lay on the couch with brilliant black strands clashing sharply with its crimson shimmer. And the lost look, which amplified her vulnerability along with her loving gaze, he nearly decided then and there to ruin her. Yes, he had shown a glimpse of his side. A side she would have never guessed existed.