


She heard mumblings. She heard discourse. But the most infuriating thing was the music that drifted into her ears.

'Could anyone turn that stupid thing off?!'

She roared in her mind and then her eyes snapped open, and facing her was a pair of cobalt eyes. Her visage fell sharply.

"Who the fuck are you?"

The lady gasped.

"Doctors! Quickly! Come!"

She stared blankly in shock.

What…? What was happening?


"She seems to have suffered from amnesia. Can you tell me how long you've been friends for?" the grey-haired lady, dressed in all white, asked, donning a stern look.

She hummed attentively while listening to the blue-eyed lady's report, taking notes of the needed details.

Done with the conversation, she stood up, and the lady followed.

"It's difficult to pinpoint from which exact point her memories remain. We can only ask her."