
Chapter Two Hundred and Two

George POV

What Sarah and Aunty Rose suggested are not bad at all but I think I will go with what Sarah suggested cause I think the lady really need the help. Am really mad at the person that is manipulating this lady situation to his or her advantage and whoever is behind this, I will make sure to put that person in their place. Aunty Rose and Sarah left my office so that I can't be disturbed while I call Lisa so that our plan will be in motion. I dialed Lisa number but she did not pick her call so I texted her.

"Why don't we go for the test tomorrow? Cause I have a free day tomorrow" I texted her cause I don't want to waste one more time thinking about this issue. I was working while I wait for Lisa to text me back. Five minutes later Lisa texted back, "sure be there at Samdis Hospital at 9:00 am". I smiled just as I expected she will be the one to choose the hospital so that they can be able to manipulate the result. I packed up my things and started getting ready to go to my house and get prepared for tomorrow.

I walked with Sarah to the parking lot. We will conduct the test tomorrow, I informed Sarah. Sarah looked at me and smiled. Okay just go and come back with a positive result, Sarah encouraged me. Am happy with the way things are, I thank God that I have a girlfriend that understand everything that is going on and she is ready to support in the little way she can. We reached the parking lot, I entered inside my car and I left the company to my place to get ready for tomorrow and see what the outcome will be.

I woke up in the morning feeling so anxious cause today is the day, we are going for the test. 8:30am am already on my way to the hospital cause am the type that like to keep to time. I arrived at the hospital but Lisa is not there yet, few minutes later she walked inside the hospital. After exchanging greetings we walked to where the test will be conducted. We reached the place and entered in there sat the person that will conduct the exam. The lady on the white coat who introduced herself as Dr Sylvia Colt.

The doctor started explaining to us what the test is all about and what we are needed to do. I know this are all normal protocol cause the chances of the Lady before me to be fake is high. After the Doctor explanation, we did the necessary thing we are asked to do for the test. When we are done submitting the necessary samples needed for the test, the doctor asked us to come back tomorrow in the evening to collect the result. I quickly headed to my car immediately I left the doctor office ignoring Lisa who kept on calling me.

Am just rushing to get to the company and buried myself in my girlfriend arms cause I miss her so much. I arrived at the company and Sarah walked with me to my office while Aunty Rose noticed that I need an alone time with Sarah decided not to come with us but wait for when am ready to fill her in. Immediately I closed the door of my office, I pinned Sarah on the door and leaned in to kiss her. I kissed her so passionately while I tightened my hold on her waist and she hung onto my neck.

We were already panting when we broke the kiss, I looked deep into her eyes. I miss you so much Sarah, I said to her. Sarah sealed my lips with her lips this time she is the one taking the lead, I just let her be. She was kissing me gently at the beginning but soon enough the kiss turned to needy one, she is touching me at every part her hand could land and am really burning up, while down there am all ready to strike. We broke the kiss while resting our forehead on each other.

I love you so much George, she uttered. I love you Sarah, all of you, I replied while smiling lovely at her. So tell me babe, how did it go this morning? Sarah asked. I shrugged my shoulder, well it went well just that am not comfortable while I was there knowing fully well that am in the midst of wolves that any one of them could be the one that is going to change the result, I told Sarah what my fears are. She laughed at what I just said and said to me.

Believe me babe everything will turn out right just give it more time, so when are you guys going back for the result? Sarah asked. Tomorrow evening, I simply answered her. Okay I just pray that she will cooperate so that this whole thing will be solved, Sarah said. I looked at her I wanted to ask her something but am afraid of the answer I might get from her. I always chicken out whenever I want to ask her that question. Hey why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to ask me something? Sarah asked.

I think this is my opportunity to ask her what's on my mind for a while now. But before I could get myself together to ask the question my stupid mouth have already chickened out on my behalf. No I don't have anything to ask you, am just staring at your beauty you are so beautiful, I said to her while internally beating myself up for missing such a golden opportunity that might not present itself again. She blushed deeply cause of my compliment, if getting her to blush deeply like this is the only I got out of my foolishness, then I don't mind been foolish for her sake.