
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six

Sarah POV 

18+ Readers Underage Should Skip This Chapter.

We came back from the stroll and walked to our room, George was walking like the devil is after him. George was the first to get to our room and I entered after him, the moment I stepped inside the room I was pinned to the nearest wall. I looked at George eyes all I could see is desires and love, I gulped when I saw the look on his face all that is going on in my mind is will I be able to satisfy this beast before me. George captured my mouth immediately and locked me in a intense kiss and this kiss is different from others cause I can feel his hunger in this kiss.

I circled my hand around his neck and answer his kiss in that same intensity cause I am yearning for him too. The kissing deepened and soon enough it turned to battle of tongues to which he won as usual. He removed my shirt first while rubbing his hand all over my body, am already breathing heavily with the way his hand were moving all over my body. He trailed the kiss from my lips to my jaw down to my neck while he continued sulking on this particular spot that is driving me crazy, I can't help but moan cause of the sensation am getting from that particular spot, I guess that's what they called the soft spot.

This is my first time of experiencing all this cause this is not how it was when I was with Evans intimately, I think I should stop comparing George and Evans and focus on this wonderful feeling. I gasped when I felt the cold breeze on my boobs that is when it occur to me that George already unhooked my bra. Are you with me or you are not ready for this? I totally understand if that is the case, George said. That is when it occurred to me that George noticed me spacing out earlier. No am ready for it and am sorry for earlier, I apologized to him.

But George still look at me like he is not sure if he will continue or not, I moved in and started kissing him to assure him that I am serious about this. He returned the kiss and move his hand to my breast and he twirled my nipples, I moaned out loud and I can feel the goosebumps on my body. George left my lips and trailed down to my great, my nipples are hard and erect waiting to be feast on.  He twirled his lips around my nipples and that made me to shiver, I just want him to suck it already. I grabbed his head to press his mouth on my nipple but he held my hand and stop what am about to do and suck one of my nipples while he used his hand to massage the other nipples.

Am already a moaning mess while I gripped his head cause I don't want him to stop yet, he remove his hand from the other breast and replace it with his mouth. He is sulking it like a hungry baby, my legs are already shaking from all the wonderful things he is doing to me. Let's move to the bed I can see that you are not comfortable standing, I don't mind him taking me while I am standing but I don't want to spoil the mood so I agreed and move to the bed. I removed my skirt and laid down on the bed only on my panties. George removed his shirt and trouser putting on only his brief.

I can see how hard he is from the bulge in his brief. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me and move to my breast while his hand is going towards my high circling around my womanhood, am breathing faster now cause am so anxious to see what he will do next. He used his finger and circled on my honey pot while the other finger trace the lobe down to my channel, am already gasping by his teasing. I arched my back when he removed my panties and now am totally bare before him.

He trailed the kiss from my breasts down to my belly button, am already shaking. He continued going down, I can feel his breath on my womanhood, He looked at me and smile. You look so beautiful and you and am sure you will taste great, he said and dived into my honey pot. He suckled on my clit while we fist our eyes on each other, I can't hold his gaze any more and throw my head back cause the feeling is so overwhelming. He started licking me up and down while from time to time he will penetrate me with his tongue.

I can feel my wall clenching and that maddening feeling summing up and I know am about to cum, not too long my orgasm hit me very hard, I gripped his head tightly while my whole body is shaking. He looked at me and smiled and laid on top of me, I love you, I whispered. I love you too, he replied,. I turn him over with him under me, how I get the strength I don't know. I guess the feeling to satisfy him the way he satisfied me gave me the strength. My turn, I said to him while smiling. Sure am all yours, he replied.

I put my hands around his brief and pulled it down and his little buddy sprang up and it happened that it is not actually little nor that big but it's perfect for me. I admired his well defined body and his hard and perfect buddy. You like what you see? He teased. Yeah I love everything about you babe, I told him and move in to kiss him. I captured his lips and started kissing him.