
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty

Sarah POV

After our morning exercise in the shower, clean ourselves up and stepped out of the bathroom. We dressed up and walked out of the room and looked around for Max and Ella and those are on the balcony playing cards. Ella will never cease to amaze me always moving around with her cards, we walked towards them and greet them. Good morning bestie and Good Morning Max, I greeted them. The both of them looked at each other and burst out laughing, I don't know what's funny with my greeting, cause the last time I checked greeting is not part of a joke and I made sure to look normal before coming out of the room.

Still can't figure out why they are laughing, so I don't have any other choice but to ask them. So what's funny huh? I asked while I put on my serious face cause I want them to feel how serious I am. Did you just greet us Good morning? Ella asked while dragging the good morning part. Yes, I did what's wrong with that we are still in the morning right? I asked her cause I can already feel that there is something wrong with my greeting. Yeah something is wrong with it, do you even check your time before coming out? Ella asked. I scratched my head cause that's true I did not check my time before coming out.

No, I did not check the time, I answered. Ella smiled at me while Max kept on giving George that look that says I know everything that happened behind those closed door. Well it's afternoon already girlfriend, Max and I are even contemplating on coming over to your and try to wake you two up again and see if you two will wake up this time around, Ella informed. My mouth is wide awake when I heard what the time is. I can't believe that we slept till afternoon, we must be reallywasted. So tell me were the both of you bitten by a tse-tse fly that you both slept till afternoon? Ella asked.

I know that Ella already have an idea of what happened behind the closed door but I trust my best friend she can pretend to be dumb, so that you will spill everything by yourself. Well we overslept, I answered praying that she will drop the question already but I know that is near impossible cause Ella is the one we are dealing with here. It's strange that the both of you overslept could it be that the both of you were drugged last night, Ella said while putting on her thinking face. I shook my head cause I know that she is indirectly telling me that she did not buy my excuse.

I just ignored her and looked at the cards on the table pretending my whole attention is on the card. Do you know what is more strange is that you my best friend is glowing after been drugged and overslept, Ella commented. I groaned internally, why can't she drop it already, Max is not disturbing George but why is my own best friend bent on embarrassing me today. This is the way I look every other day so I don't see any glowing, I responded to her query. She looked at me and gave me that mischievous smile, silently telling me that we are not done yet with this topic.

I silently thanked God that she decided to drop the question, maybe when next she will ask me about this sensitive topic, I will have an answer for her. Now that the two of you are here, I think we should grab lunch, I bet the two of you are starving considering you did not have your breakfast till now, Max suggested. I quickly agreed with him cause I am really hungry and I can't wait to eat, George looked at me and smiled at how eager I am to go and eat. Ella packed her cards and take it inside, we all walked out of our suite and headed to where we will have our lunch.

George come closer to me and held my hand, I pity you when you were on hot seat earlier, he remarked. I looked at him and pout, Why didn't you come to my rescue then? I asked him. Cause Ella is your best friend and any questions she ask you is for you alone, George replied. I understand the point he is making. I understand but why is your own best friend not bugging you with questions, I whined. Well he is still looking for the best time to fire his own questions cause I know that son of a gun will not let this opportunity to tease me to go by, George answered.

We did not say any other thing and silently walked to where we will have lunch. We got our table and order for our food, when our order arrived I quickly start to devour my own food cause am really farmished. I did not notice that I was eating faster until Ella whispered in my ears cause she was seating beside me. Slow down Sarah or are you trying to get all the energy you lost last night at one go. I choked on my food when I heard what she said. I can't believe that Ella will attack me directly like this. I was coughing loudly, George left his food and rushed to my side, offered me water while rubbing my back.

The cough gently went away, are you okay? George asked still rubbing my back. Yes am okay, you can go back to your food, I told him. Are you sure that you are okay? He asked to be sure that I am okay. Yes, I am, I assured him. He went back to his seat and I turned to Ella and glared at her but she only shrugged it off like my glare mean nothing to her. Luckily the lunch went smoothly without any other episode.