
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Six

George POV

Heard the scream and turned to the direction I heard it and was surprised to see May on the floor. Am not surprise that she is here, am only wondering how she end up on the floor, I took a closer look at the man who is trying to help her stand up. I recognise him, he is one of aunty Rose men, I smiled feeling so proud of my clever Aunty. Of course she will try to help all the time, Ella made a move to walk towards May and help her out but Sarah held her back. I think she is okay, she have a capable man to take care of hér, Sarah said to Ella while pointing at the man trying to pull May up.

Ella nodded in agreement to what Sarah explained to her and turned and walked out of the hotel. I mentally patted Sarah on the back for what she did just now. Although I refused to tell her what is going on but am sure that she already know that May is not who she is presenting to them. We left the scene and entered the car and drove to Santa Catalina Island. We arrived at the island and packed the car. We all stepped down from the car, Sarah closed her eyes inhaling the fresh air, Ella did the same thing. Both of them are behaving like kids.

I looked around our surrounding and smiled cause this is really what an island should be like. Swaying palms, white sand beaches, I looked at Sarah to see her eyes gleaming with tears. I immediately rushed to her side, hey what's wrong? Why are you crying? I asked her cause I am really worried right now cause I only expect her to be happy not shedding tears. Sarah smiled at me, babe am not smiling because I am sad but I am smiling because I am so happy right now, I can't believe that I am finally in an island, Sarah explained wiping her tears.

I heaved a sigh of relief to hear her explanation and hugged her from behind and kiss her cheek. Babe let's explore this island but mind you we will not be able to cover the whole island, I informed her so that she will not be disappointed at the end of the day. That's okay, am glad with the much we will be able to cover, Sarah assured me. Let's go already so that we can achieve something tangible, Ella said reminding us that she and Max are still here and she is also anxious to explore the island.

I held Sarah hand and walked towards our adventure, we first stopped at the Catalina express and board the ferry that will take us across the sea from long beach, the ride lasted for one hour and it was fun throughout. We get down from the ride and rented a golf carts that we will use to move around the place. While we are moving around in the rented golf cart we saw a lot of restaurants that serve fresh seafood, just looking at the restaurant alone am already salivating. I leaned closer to Sarah ear and whispered, are you hungry? Cause I need a partner in this hunger.

Sarah laughed and uttered, I guess looking at all this restaurant is making you hungry already. I nodded my head in affirmation why eagerly waiting for her to say something positive. Yes, I am hungry, she answered. I raised my fist in the air in celebration, I turned to Max and Ella who seem to be in their own world. Hey guys, let's go and eat, I said to them while pointing at the blue water grill in front of us. They packed their cart and I packed ours too and stepped down from the cart and walked to the restaurant.

We entered inside the restaurant and the inside is so beautiful, we settled at a table and the waiter approach us and gave us the menu to go through it. We ordered what we want to eat and wait for our order to arrive. We started relaying our observation so far, everyone of us have something good to say about this place. That's what we are doing when our order arrived, while we were eating I looked at every one of us and see how genuinely happy we are. I can't help it but silently thank Aunty Rose for coming to Max rescue cause I am sure that May will insist on following us.

After we finished with our food we stood up pay for our meal and head to our next place for adventure. Sarah was tuggingmy shirt I looked after to know why she is disturbing,. She is pointing at a direction, I looked towards the direction she is pointing at and saw people standing on a queue waiting for their turn to rent a kayak and stand-up paddle boards. I don't know how to row that thing, the last time Max and I tried that, we nearly drowned luckily a life guide was on standby, I explained to her to which Max seconded immediately. I guess he have not forgotten that experience.

Maybe there will be a tour guide that will help us out Sarah said. Let's go and find out their arrangement if there is no life guard or your guard then we can look for another fun thing to do cause there are many options here, Ella said while smiling. I looked at Sarah and she have that cute face of hers on and there is no way that am going to say no to that cuteness. We walked towards there and luckily there are your guards and those that will teach you how to roll are there. We really enjoyed our time rolling on the sea, we were able to see dolphins, seals, sea lion and other amazing sea creatures.

We left there and returned the rented carts and walked to the beach to take a dip and watch the sunset from our car before going back to our hotel. Sarah was sulking that got me to wonder what is really wrong this time around.