
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-seven

Victor POV

I want to move out of my father's house but I don't know how to bring that up cause I know that the moment, I will let him know what's going on in my mind, he will tighten his security around me. So I never bring up the issue with him. When I heard Claire stated what she wants before she will marry me, I wanted to rush to her side and give her a tight hug. She just offered my desire to me on a platter of gold and knowing my father he will do anything if the lt will benefit him. I know that he will accept Claire's condition if that is the only way for him to have access to Davidson's family. The dinner went well and I must admit, Claire is a pro when it comes to handling my father's unceasing questions.

I escorted Claire back to her car and thankfully where she parked her car is a little bit far from where my father's car was parked. Claire, why did you give him such a condition? I asked her cause I still don't know why she did it and it is not part of our plan. If you want to help yourself and be a man of your own, you need to move out of your father's house and that is what am helping you with, she explained. Thank you so much, Claire, this is what I always wanted but I don't know how to bring it up to him and the last time I tried to be on my own, I found myself back in his house six months later, I thanked her. 

You are welcome Victor, I did that because you are a good guy and you deserve your freedom, Claire said to me. I never see this side of Claire when I met her before, but am glad that she changed and she is redeeming herself. I arrived home with my father and I know that he will like to have a word with me. Victor I will like to talk to you in my study, he said to me the moment I stepped inside the house. I followed him to his study, we entered the study and I sat down before him waiting for what he had to say to me. Victor, what do you think of what Claire said while we are at dinner? My father asked me.

I think it's a good idea, considering that is the condition she laid down that must be met before she will accept to marry me, I don't see anything wrong with it, I told him. Yeah, we must do this because of our future goals and you must remember no matter what this is your home, he reminded me. From what he is saying I guess I will be living alone, finally am going to be living all by myself. In that case, I will start looking for a good place to move in and after that, I will think of a better way to propose to her, that she will not have any other option but to say yes, I boasted before him. This is what he likes, he wants me to be talking like that all the time, in his words I should always be confident.

Now you are talking like my son, I will arrange for a good place for you and you will move in with some of my guards for security purposes, my father told me. Dad, I don't think that will be necessary, I can take good care of myself and I need to show her that I can be on my own without depending on your help, just like George, I told him hoping that he will see reason with me and drop the idea of me moving in with his security team. Okay, if you say so but at least your driver will move in with you and that will not be negotiated, He started. Guess I don't need to argue with him on that and I already set out a plan to make the guy my friend. I left my father's study and headed to my room, I need to place some calls and I need to do that in private.

I entered my room and start typing on my phone, I need to send a message to George cause I don't want to complicate matters by calling him, cause there is a possibility that my room will be bugged by my father cause he want to monitor everything I do. I texted George asking him to recommend a good place I can live. *hey man is your father aware that you want to live alone?* he texted back. I quickly replied to him, *yeah he is aware of it, all thanks to Claire she made it possible* I explained to him. I will like to ask you to explain further but that will be a discussion for another day and am happy for you, this is a step towards your freedom, George replied.

So, is there any place you can recommend for me? I asked him. Yeah, there is this condo unit that is not far from my place, you will love the place, check it out tomorrow and tell me what you think, George replied. I ended the chat after I thanked him for his suggestion. Getting a place close to George Will help me to be closer to him I always want to be close to him. I texted Claire, thanked her one more time and also informed her that I will start house hunting tomorrow, to which she replied to me, telling me that she is happy that her plan worked. But one thing still worries me, the fact that I don't know what my father's plan is yet and I need to know it before it will be too late.

I need to find a way to get the answer to my question so that we can be able to stop my father on time before he will cause any major damage.