
Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen

Third Person POV

The buzz going around the company did not escape the notice of Mr Davidson, he was surprised when he heard that Stephen visited his daughter and took her out for lunch. He called his secretary to get everything he know about Stephen Macpherson, cause he want to make sure that his daughter is going out with a responsible fellow. He doesn't care about class what he is after is someone who can be responsible and take care of his daughter. He had heard about Stephen and the way he resurrected his father's dead company to what it is today, but he doesn't know him on a personal level and he is like in a relationship.

Mr Davidson instructs his assistant to call Claire to his office the moment she will come back. He has been pacing around his office since he saw that the lunch break is over. Could it be that Stephen took my daughter somewhere else apart from lunch, oh am going to talk some senses into Claire when she will come back home and am going to warn that guy to stay away from my daughter? How can he be so irresponsible, it has been five minutes after lunch and Claire is not back yet, this is what he kept on muttering while pacing up and down. 

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard someone knocking on the door. Come in! He ushered the person in wondering who could that be. The door opened and Claire stepped in. Hey Dad, your Secretary said that you are calling me, Claire commented the moment she stepped inside the office. Yes, I called for you, where we're you during lunch? I looked for you to have lunch with me but you are nowhere to be found, Mr Davidson inquired. Claire knows that her father is aware of Stephen's visit as the news must have reached him but he still wants to hear it from her. I went to lunch with Stephen, Claire answered her father.

And who is this Stephen? I don't think I have heard of him before, Mr Davidson asked his daughter trying to know his daughter's relationship with the said young man.  His name is Stephen Macpherson the CEO of Macpherson enterprises and we are just friends, Claire explained to her father. Princes, I know every friend you have and I have never heard of this Stephen guy until today, Mr Davidson pointed out to his daughter. Claire knows that it will be hard for her father to believe that nothing is going on between her and Stephen, the workers in the company are not helping the issue here with the rumours they were peddling.

We met each other for the first time on the night I went to see May at the bar and we had a great conversation, today is the second time am seeing him and he just wants to grab lunch, Claire explained to her father. Are you sure that he just wants to grab lunch with you or is there something else you are not telling me, Mr Davidson asked his daughter in a more serious tone? No Dad I told you everything already and if something is going on, I will not hesitate to tell you, Claire assured her father. Princess is not that I am against you having a man in your life, all I want is for you to find a responsible one and don't mind me, am just being a father, Mr Davidson said to his daughter.

I will keep that in mind Dad and I love you and I promise not to disappoint you, Claire promised her father. Pecked his cheeks and left his office cause she still has pending work waiting for her.