
Chapter One Hundred and Forty

Third Person POV

Claire went to the beauty parlour as she normally does every weekend, when she was done with her business there. She was leaving the saloon when a van blocked her, she is about to lash out on the person that blocked her but what she saw shut her up immediately. Three hefty men stepped down from the van and from their look you can tell that they are dangerous. As they approached her Claire was too shocked and afraid to act right away, so when they came unto her. She uttered the only word in his mind at the moment, what do you people want? She asked but that came out like a whisper indicating how afraid she is.

The men dragged her to their van when they noticed that she is about to react, everything happened so fast that Claire was not able to react on time. Inside the van Claire wanted to shout and she was kicking at one of the men when the man behind her placed a handkerchief on her nose which put her to sleep immediately she inhaled the substance in the handkerchief. Claire was brought to a room, she was only tied to a chair nothing else was done to her.

Two hours later Claire consciousness was coming back gradually, when she finally wake up she looked around at the environment she is in and nothing in the environment looked familiar. She is wondering where exactly she is and who are those men that took her. It now down on her that she is been kidnapped but who could have the gut to kidnap her.

She noticed that she was tied up but no blindfold was on her, maybe her kidnappers want her to see their face. The door opened but who walked inside shocked Claire to the core, her father warned her about this person but she thought that her father was bluffing. What the hell do you think you are doing?! Claire shouted at the person. Tsk tsk the stubborn fly that followed the corpse to the grave that's what you are, Rose said to Claire.

Why are you doing this? What do you intend to gain out of this? Tell me how much you want I will pay you, Claire proposed. You think that this is all about money? Rose asked. What else will want from all this if not money to better your life, Claire said. Gosh you are so daft, Do I look like I want your money? Rose asked. Claire don't need any prophet to tell her that the lady before her is well to do cause she speak with confidence but what baffles her is what she intend to gain from all this. Okay what do you want from me? Claire asked.

I want you to stay away from George, Rose stated. What? Are you kidding me? Claire questioned. Do I look like I am kidding to you,Rose replied. Wait are you telling me that you brought me here because you want me to leave George? Claire asked. Rose nodded in affirmation. You know that is not possible at all, I need him to take over my father empire and he is the best candidate for that, Claire told Rose. Well you leave me with no choice but to make your parents childless, Rose said with no emotion on her face. Wait you are going to kill me? Claire asked and there is fear written all over her face. Since you can't leave him,I have no other choice but to end you,is as simple as that just one bullet is enough, Rose stated while smiling internally cause she is happy to see the fear on Claire face.

Mrs Vincent POV

Max sent me the video and pictures that I requested my joy know no bound, I was so overwhelmed by what I saw. So finally my son made me proud by getting the girl of his dream and also my dream daughter in-law. Max already informed me that they are on their way coming back, I instructed him to bring my son to my mansion cause I want to hear all that happened from the horses mouth. Thirty minutes later Max arrived with George behind him who have confuse look on his face, I know he is wondering why they are here not his house.

Mum are you the one that asked Max to bring me here? George asked. Yes dear I am the one that instructed him to bring you here instead of your house cause I want to hear everything that happened today from you, I responded. Gosh Mum am so tired to chat with you now but just so you know everything went well and we are officially dating, George said while trying to go upstairs but am not done yet.

Wait don't go upstairs yet, I still have things to ask you, I said to you. George groaned and turned towards me. Okay what else do you want to know? He asked. I know she have been here and have met me already but that was as your personal assistant, so when is she coming to meet me formally as your girlfriend? I asked him. George frowned at what I just said, Gosh Mum is it really necessary? You already know who she is so I don't think the meeting will be necessary, He responded and am not pleased one bit with what I just heard.

That I know her means nothing I still want to meet her as your girlfriend and I expect to arrange for that to happen, I ordered him while looking sternly at him. Okay I will see to it, can I go to my room now? He asked you can clearly hear the tiredness in his voice. I decided to let him go and rest,am sure he have a long day today. Okay you can go and rest now and Max thanks for today, I thanked my adopted son Max.

Sure Mum anytime, Max responded and kissed my cheek and climbed the stairs. George also kissed me goodnight and went upstairs. I can't wait for Sarah to officially visit me as George girlfriend so that I can start spoiling her as I have in mind.