
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five

Rose POV

My team reported that Anna kept stalking Sarah everywhere she goes and Sarah is not aware that she is been followed. I need to call George and suggest for a restraining order on Anna though it will not be effective for long but at least it will give us time to be able to figure out what she is up to. I have tried to know if Anna have any history of mental illness but her medical files are all clean but am still not convinced. From her recent movement and all it seemed that she is not mentally stable or is it just an obsession to win all the time.

I called George and George picked his call informed me that he is on the road now that he will call me back when he get home. Twenty minutes later George called me back, I picked his call. Hello George, how are you? I inquired. Am good aunty and you? He asked. Good, I answered. You might be wondering why I called you, I said to him. Yes am curious and I guess it's something really serious, George said. Yes it's something serious, I got a report that Anna is really stalking Sarah everywhere to the extent that she is in that party you attended this evening with Sarah, I informed George.

But I did not even see her shadow, I guess I wasn't paying much attention to my surrounding, I guess I should be more careful next time, George said murmuring the last part. I know he is already beating himself up for not been careful while he was with Sarah. George there is no need for you to hate yourself or anything, I guess it's time for us to take action that's why am of the opinion to get a restraining order on her for now, while we try to figure out what she is up to, I suggested. 

I don't want to tell George my suspicion of Anna being mentally unstable cause it's not confirmed yet, it's just a guess. Aunty I don't think that getting a restraining order will be the best thing cause we don't have any tangible evidence that she is stalking Sarah, it's just our words against her, George mentioned. That's true and such an important point escaped my mind, I guess am getting old. My team have a video of Anna in the party looking at Sarah continuously, I told George but within me I know that is not a strong evidence.

She can counter that video, we need something strong like her talking making a threat of what she will do to Sarah, I think that will be strong enough, George suggested. That's a great idea but the problem now is how to get her say all those things unless she is being confronted. But who will confront her? Sarah definitely is not the best option cause she can see that as an opportunity to execute her plan. I think George will be the best option he is a man and he have little knowledge about fighting while Sarah have none.

I think confronting her will be the best option, I said to George. I know he is still on the line knowing fully well that I was cracking my brain to get the best solution to this problem. Am thinking that too and am the one who is going to confront her this time, Sarah have done enough already and since we don't know what Anna is planning to do sending Sarah to confront her will be dangerous, George stated. We are thinking the same line cause if it comes to be dangerous you can fight your way out, I told him. Okay I will end the call now so that I can call Melvin and set a date tomorrow but am hoping it will be possible cause the earlier the better, I told him to which he agreed.

I end the call and dialed Melvin number, he picked the call immediately, Hello I think you are right about your suspicion that my wife is mentally unstable, Melvin said the moment he picked the call. Take a deep breath Melvin, I told him cause he is sounding like someone who is running. Are you calm now? I asked him. Yes am calm a little bit, he answered. Okay tell me why you said that you think my suspicion is true? I asked him. I saw her mumbling most of the time and even while she is sleeping, Melvin said. Do you happen to comprehend what exactly she is mumbling? I asked him cause I think that she might be mumbling her plans or something that will be useful to us.

Yeah I heard her clearly whenever she is sleeping and this started since she came back from the trip you told me she took with Evans, she is mumbling about Sarah and George, Melvin said. Can this man try to explain things in details cause I don't have all the time for all this and also it's his greed and his pretence of being who he really not that brought all this mess. Can you tell me exactly what she said about Sarah and George? I asked him. All she said is that she will get her revenge on Sarah and George no matter what it takes her, Melvin told me.

That information is not enough I can't work anything with it. Melvin the main reason I called is because I want you to set up a date so that George can meet your wife, I told him. Why? I mean why will George want to meet her? Melvin asked. You see Anna is stalking Sarah and we need to get a restraining order on her but we need a strong evidence and a confrontation will give us the evidence we need, I told him. Okay I will see what I can do but I have to tell you that it will not be easy cause Anna is not that easy to handle, Melvin said. Okay I will be counting on you, I told him. I end the call and it's obvious that meeting with Anna tomorrow will not work.