
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

George POV

My mother called me and suggested that I should buy a car for Sarah that she don't like the fact she don't have a car and she is working for and have come to my rescue on two consecutive occasion. I told her that I already have that in mind and even as am talking to her that Max and I are on our way to the dealer shop. She was very happy when she heard what I said, she asked me to make sure that I got the best for her. It's very obvious that my mother like Sarah but I don't know if she like her enough for me to date her especially she is my personal assistant.

I called Max after Aunty Rose suggested the car gift,I asked him to help me to get a befitting car for her but I regretted asking him to escort me to buy the car cause he seemed more happy like I want to buy the car for him. I can't pretend not to notice that he is so happy, Aren't you ashamed that you did not buy a car for the girl you claimed to love but here you are smiling like an idiot because another man want to buy a car for her, I taunted him. Oh! Please save me the sermon, she is working her ass off for you and she have saved you on two occasions, so I think she deserve a car from you than me and more over I have not tell her my intention yet,Max said nonchalantly.

I don't care about his ranting but the only thing that kept on going on in mind is that, He have not made his intention known to her which means I still have a chance with her,I mused. Why are you smiling? Max asked, I did not noticed that I was smiling so I quickly answer him. Nothing am not smiling I think you are hallucinating,I tolld him. But he don't seemed convinced but decided not to go further with the matter,am so happy that he decided to drop the issue cause I don't think I have the strength to handle Max now. We arrived at the my favorite car dealer shop cause the man always have good collection of cars but I don't know much about car like the car that will be more reliable that's why I asked Max to tag along cause he is better than me in that area.

Max eyes shined brightly the moment we stepped into the shop,he have been going from one area to another while I follow behind him cause I trust him to find the befitting car for Sarah. He stopped at a particular car and smiled widely, I guess he have found the car that will be befitting and I must confessed that car is really befitting like it will fit Sarah perfectly, thank God I came with a professional. The car dealer is also pleased with our choice. You really have a great taste in cars Arston Martin cars are really good and this is the Vanquish, it is called Arston Martin Vanquish, He told us.

We left the shop after I paid for the car and also paid for them to deliver the car to the company tomorrow morning. I slept while anticipating how tomorrow will be cause am eager to see the look on Sarah's face when I will gift her the car. In the morning I wake up and hurriedly dressed up to prepare for work I have never be this quick in preparation for work,I guessed I just set new world record as the fastest man on earth to take his bath. I arrived at the company earlier than any other person not too long after my arrival, the driver drove in the car inside the company.

I collected the car key from him,I already have the documents with me. I quickly get back to my office when the driver left cause I don't want anyone to see me standing outside. When Aunty Rose arrived I called her to my office and tell her that I have purchased the car. So Aunty Rose now that I have bought the car what next? I asked her cause am nervous to present the car to Sarah. There is nothing much but to calk Sarah and give the car to her am sure she will be very glad by the way the car is nice,I guess is the blue Vanquish parked outside? Aunty Rose asked. Yes it is,I answered, then there is no reason for you to panic you got a befitting car for her, Aunty Rose try to encourage me.

I called Sarah to my office, when she arrived I asked her to follow me outside which she did without asking any question. We are outside now when she asked me,Emmm George why are we here? God I love the way she called me by my name, am glad I asked her to call me by my name whenever we are alone and I love it whenever she will do that. I pointed to the car and asked her,Sarah what do you think about that car? She looked at the  car and smiled it's a lovely car I must confess,she said. Do you like it? I asked her. Of course I like it,it's so lovely but why are you asking me all this? She asked cause she seemed curious why am asking that question all of a sudden.

Well because that car belong to you,I told her handing the key to her but she did not collect it rather she asked me a question. How is it my car? I don't remember buying a car and definitely not a car as  lovely as this one,she said pointing at the Vanquish. Well I bought it for you as a form of appreciation and also I don't like the fact that you don't have a car of your own and that stressed you a lot whenever you are working for me,I explained to her. I can see the unshed tears in her eyes,she turned to me and hugged me tightly thank you so much George, she mumbled to my chest. First I was caught off guard by her sudden hug.

I wanted to enjoy the hug a bit longer but when I remembered that we are standing in front of the company, I quietly detached myself from the hug. She quickly apologized to me for hugging me suddenly that she did that out of happiness, I assured her that everything is fine. If only she know how much I want to hold her in my arms,she quickly ran to the car and frowned immediately like she remember something. I was afraid maybe when she got a closer look at the car, she don't like it anymore. What's wrong? I asked her, Nothing is wrong just that I remembered that I don't know how to drive,she answered while looking down at her feet.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard what her problem is,that should not be a problem, I will be glad to teach you how to drive, I offered. She looked up immediately, You will do that for me? She asked to make sure that am not pulling her legs. Yes I will do that for you ,we can start tomorrow but first I will arrange for a driver that will drive the car to your house and take you to work or anywhere you want to go to,then after you learn how to drive a car you can take over,I offered. Which she quickly accepted and thanked me while smiling brightly.

Sarah POV

I can't believe that my boss I mean George got a car for me,my joy know no bounds am literally on the sky right now. Am smiling from ear to ear I was so happy that I hugged him not minding we are outside the company and people could see us. I remembered that I don't know how to drive a car which I explained to him but he assured me that,it is not a problem he even volunteered to teach me how to drive and also provide a driver that will be driving me around before I master how to drive.

Work closed for the day I quickly park my stuffs cause I can't wait to get home and share with my family the good thing that happened today,I already shared the good news with Rose and she is very happy about it. I asked the driver to stopped first at my mother's shop cause I know she is still there and I can't wait to see her reaction. When I showed her the car my boss got for me, she was dumbfounded.

Author Note