
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

Sarah POV

My mother was dumbfounded when she saw the car,I can see the confusion on her face. Sarah whose care is this? She talked finally, that's my car Mum,I answered smiling widely. How? Cause I know that your salary can not afford this type of car and you did not save up any money cause you spent all of them on your brother and I, So how do  you come about this car? My mother asked. I told my mother everything that happened and this is form of appreciation from my boss,she have tears in her eyes and she look so happy. I can't believe that you are now a car owner,am so happy for you,My mother said and hugged me congratulating me once again.

I left my mother shop to our house to show my best friend what my boss got for me as a form of appreciation and also prove to her that my boss is not stingy as he insinuated. The driver whose name is Tom drove me to my house,I alighted from the car and saw my best friend staring at the car and me like someone that just saw a ghost. Surprised Huh? Close your mouth before you swallow a fly or two,I told Ella while laughing so loud cause Ella expression right now is so funny. I don't know that this type of car can be used as commercial vehicle, Ella said nonchalantly when she finally composed herself from the surprise.

Bi*CH that's my car! I shouted at her. Chill you don't need to show me how angry you are I understand that you are mad that I can see through your act,Ella said with that expressionless face. Jeez I just feel like killing Ella right now she is becoming unbearable lately,I decided to calm down and not allow her to ruin my happiness. Well as for your information that car you are seeing right now is mine and that's my driver for the time being his name is Tom, I told Ella. Her eyes widened when she heard what I just said.

Wait your car? How did you get a car? I mean this kind of car cause this car right here is the real deal,Ella said while admiring the car. Well I don't know about cars to know whether it is the real deal or not, all I know is that my boss got the car for me, I told her.

The way Ella eyeballs bulged out am sure they are already on the ground, unbelievable! So he finally confessed and with a car also,Aww so romantic, Ella gushed having that dreamy look on her face. I wish he confessed but the car is for appreciation for what I did for him,I told her. Wow that's great am sure the confession will be coming sooner than you expected, Ella tried to assure me. Let's go inside and toast to the new car,Ella said while dragging me inside. Tom gave me the car key and promised to be here in the morning to take me to work.