
Chapter Ninety-Four

Third Person POV

What about them? Mrs Vincent asked pretending not to have any idea of what he is talking about. Mr Davidson was not pleased with Mrs Vincent question but he shrugged it off and decided to answer the question. When we got home that day I confronted my daughter to know her reason for what she did,she told me that she did that because he want your son. So am suggesting since my daughter want your so it will nice if the both of them get married Mr Davidson suggested.

Did your daughter told you that my son want her as well? Mrs Vincent questioned. No she did not say such but that doesn't matter what matters is what we the elders decide,So what's your decision in this issue Mr Davidson asked with hope filled eyes. Mrs Vincent exhaled because the truth of the matter is that she don't have the strength to deal with this man and she is also trying not to get on his bad side for a while now but it seemed that it will not be possible because whenever it comes to her son she will chose his happiness over any other thing.

Well Mr Davidson from the look of things it seem to me that you love your daughter so much and you are willing to do anything for her to make her happy Mrs Vincent pointed out more like questioned him. Yes I will do everything that will make my daughter happy Mr Davidson answered smiling proudly.

Well Mr Davidson the same way you love your daughter that's the same way I love my son and I will also do anything to make him happy, so what I will do is that I will go and meet my son first and know what his take is on this issue also in our family we allow our children to take decision on their own,we only guide them Mrs Vincent replied.

Mr Davidson is not satisfied with the answer he got from the woman he thought that she will accept his proposal without any second thoughts considering how he helped her in the past. Mrs Vincent don't tell me that you have no control over your son cause in my dictionary parents are the ones that tells their children what to do not the other way round Mr Davidson commented.

That's where you got it wrong I don't need to exercise any control over my son, all I live for is to fulfill his desires just the same you want to fulfill your daughter desire,I can't sacrifice my son happiness over your daughter happiness. Like I said before I will ask my son and if he also desire your daughter we will waste no time to fix the wedding Mrs Vincent answered.

What if he don't want my daughter? Mr Davidson asked, I won't force my son to go against his wish Mrs Vincent answered firmly. You know what it means if your son reject this proposal, so if I were you I will make sure that I convince my son to accept this proposal Mr Davidson warned. It's that a threat Mr Davidson? Mrs Vincent asked. No it's not a threat but a friendly advice. Mr Davidson left Mrs Vincent office immediately, from the way he stormed out of the office it is very clear that he is not pleased with the respond he got from her.

When he left her office Mrs Vincent called her son and informed him to come and visit her in the evening at her mansion that she have something important to discuss with him.

Mrs Vincent POV

I don't know what to do now cause I clearly understand Claire's father warning better still threat. I know the moment he decide to retract his support, my position as the chairman of this company will be in jeopardy and the fire I succeeded in quenching in the past will resurface again and I don't want to go through that again. I also don't want to force my son to marry Claire since he had made it clear to me that he have no interest whatsoever in that girl.

Since I have asked my son to come over to my house this evening I might as well tell him about Mr Davidson threat,he is an adult and am sure he will be capable to handle what is about to come. The rest of the day I spent it mopping around the office like a lost course. In the evening I arrived at my place and instruct the maid to prepare dinner for two that my son is coming over.

George arrived two hours later,we had dinner and sat down at the sitting area to discuss our day. Mum you said you have something important to discuss with me so what is it? George asked. I told him everything that transpired between Mr Davidson and I when I finished with my narration I can see smoke coming out of George nostrils. How dare him to threatened you? And what does he mean by you know what it means if I reject the proposal? George asked visibly fuming.

You remember how Mr Davidson came to my aid when your uncle wanted to take over the company after your father's death? I asked him. Yes I remembered ,what about it he asked, I think Mr Davidson threat is that he will take away his support and that will only result to what happened in the past to resurface again and I don't have the strength for that I answered. George kept quiet his eyes brow raised showing that he is in deep thought.

That's why I called you here to know if you have any solution to this I told him. At the moment I don't have any idea on how to tackle this and also I don't want to marry that girl Claire or whatever her name is George stated.