
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Anna POV

I was already bored waiting for the judges to be done with their analysis, I decided to roam around when I sighted George and his team with his girlfriend that is about to betray him today and make history to repeat itself today.

I approached them with the sole purpose of annoying George and slap my victory on his face, when I reached where they are seated I started talking to them more like to him but nobody paid attention to me. Even to the extent of saying things that I know will really annoyed him still no reaction from him and I decided to get back to my seat before people will assumed that am not mentally stable.

Not too long after getting seated the M.C appeared and asked the contestants to mount the stage and I am so proud of my husband right now cause I know the victory is already his.

When the designs were displayed on the screen, I noticed how everybody marvelled at our company design, there were various ohhh and wow around me I was so happy.

My happiness was cut short when the judges started throwing questions at Melvin and pointed out what the problem is and the possibility of our company been disqualified if Melvin fails to bring a replacement right there and now. I know there is no way Melvin can make that happen and George is already aware of what is going on,so no need of using him again cause he will be careful this time.

I don't know who to fault or what actually happened and how it happened, am sure there is an explanation somewhere and I intend to find out whatever it is. But my instinct kept on telling me that George and Sarah did something and my instinct is never wrong. I must surely investigate starting from Paul and if that guy is somehow connected with George on this and they team up to embarrass Melvin this way I will make life miserable for him.

Paul is the one with the guideline so if there is anyone to notice this problem that will be him and if he is not working against us he will notified us of this problem. So why didn't he notified us of this problem that only means that he is walking against us just pray Paul I don't get you cause I will make what is left of your career vanished.

I was thinking hard and trying to figure out what actually happened when I saw Sarah walking towards George to congratulate him. Of course we were disqualified and Vin Company was crowned the winner but it is not over yet until I say so.

I dragged Sarah to a corner where nobody will see us. What's wrong with you? Why did you dragged me? Sarah questioned. I looked her up and down she was looking like she don't understand what is going on but am not having any of it. Listen here and listen carefully if I find out that you are the reason why we lose this competition or that stupid boyfriend of yours is responsible for what happened here today,I promised to make life miserable for the both of you I glared at her.

Sarah acted like she is not affected by what I said and decided to act dumb. I don't understand what you are saying or what you meant by if we are responsible for what happened today. I just wish you can be happy for us Sarah said and walked away. Oh she is playing dumb let's see how long you will play dumb I muttered.