
My Billionaire Mom (Billion Dollars Adventures)

"Get up!" A cold voice rang in Chuck Cannon's ears. The next second, the quilt on him was completely lifted. Chuck rubbed his eyes and looked at the woman. He sighed and felt a little uncomfortable. The beautiful woman in front of him was Yvette Jordan, who was four or five years older than Chuck. She was adopted by Chuck's grandfather and was groomed to be his bride since young. But since his grandfather's death, her attitude towards Chuck had become more and more terrible. "You useless piece of trash, your face even pisses me off!" Yvette's beautiful face was full of disgust. “...” Chuck frowned and tried not to take Yvette's words to heart. "Let me tell you, I have done my best to support you. If you don't behave yourself, I will chase you out of this house."

Novel_Affection · Urban
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440 Chs


Let his mother die before he can be with Yvette? Chuck Cannon will never do this!

Without a word, Chuck Cannon glanced at Yan Li with a cold face, "Auntie, you should rest early."

Chuck Cannon turned and walked out.

Yan Li snorted coldly, "Damn, damn!"

The shame in Yan Li's heart is extreme. She can't get past this hurdle. She feels that one day she will do something to Chuck Cannon!

Why did Chuck Cannon see his body that day? Yan Li knew that Chuck Cannon didn't mean it, and she saw that Chuck Cannon was stunned at the time, but this kind of thing is something that Yan Li absolutely cannot accept!

She wanted to gouge Chuck Cannon's eyes and let him see!

Chuck Cannon came out, and Yan Li's bodyguards certainly went in. Yvette looked down upon Chuck Cannon. Yvette felt distressed and must have been scolded by his mother.

"Husband, don't be sad." Yvette comforted.

Chuck Cannon sighed. Is this a fate with Yvette? Chuck Cannon hugged her, Yvette felt Chuck Cannon's feelings of loss, she was sad, "husband, don't think about it, I will always be with you alone, I will not let anyone touch me, I only have you to touch me..."

Yvette had this kind of thought. When she was studying, everyone who wanted to chase her felt inexplicably disgusting and hated this. Yvette was in her bones, and she believed that she was only of Chuck Cannon.

Except for Chuck Cannon, ever everyone else touched, even if it was just touching with hands, Yvette would feel sorry for Chuck Cannon. This kind of thinking has been deeply rooted until today!

Chuck Cannon didn't want to do anything, so he was the most at ease with his arms around Yvette, but he didn't know how long he could hold them.

Chuck Cannon sighed.

"Don't sigh my husband, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you today, do whatever you want, let me do what you want me to do, I'm willing to do it?" Yvette was completely relieved, she felt that If she can be so comforted, she is willing, just pay attention.

Chuck Cannon was moved and held her arm around her.

Chuck Cannon wants to ask his mother, the ins and outs of this matter, Chuck Cannon will never let his mother die unexpectedly, and will never give up Yvette!

"Do you want me? Husband." Yvette asked in a low voice. She was able to say such things. Yvette felt that Chuck Cannon was "forced".

This is a big boy. He has to be coaxed, comforted, and she has to listen to him. Yvette has already figured it out.

Anyway, there is a hotel nearby. It doesn't matter if you go there. If you listen to Chuck Cannon, what he wants to do is just fine. If you are embarrassed, you have to listen.

Yvette has decided.


There was a movement in the room not far away, and Yvette was shocked. It was her mother Yan Li who warned herself that Yvette was helpless.

Chuck Cannon let go, "Go to bed early, remember, call me wherever you go,"

"I know," Yvette took the initiative to kiss Chuck Cannon, feeling sweet in his heart.

Chuck Cannon sighed, turned and went downstairs. Yvette was a little worried and followed downstairs. From a distance, she saw Chuck Cannon getting in the car and Betty drove back. When she was about to go back, she suddenly saw Chuck Cannon's car as if it had been taken. Followed up.

Yvette is very alert, she thinks so.

She ran to the house, "Mom, I'll go out!"

Yvette ran out again and Yan Li scolded, "Daughter, what do you want to do? He is the son of your father's enemy!"

Yvette was particularly anxious to call Chuck Cannon, but she couldn't get through as the signal was disturbed.

This is the person behind the vehicle, what equipment is used to interfere? Absolutely.

Yvette ran to the side of the road and chased Chuck Cannon's car, but the car was far away soon, how could people catch up with the car?

"Husband!" Yvette was so anxious that her eyes were red, pouch! A car stopped in front of her, the door opened, and Yvette was wary, "Who!"

"Our boss wants to see you, you want to kill Karen Lee, then you come up!" A man's voice was in the car.

"I want to kill her by myself, I won't let others help me!" Yvette will make herself strong, and then go to Karen Lee alone, duel!!

During this process, Yvette will not let others help her, because, as long as Yvette has the strength, as long as Yvette has the strength, she can ask her out. Yvette knew about Karen Lee's behaviour last time. Character.

"Hmph, don't go to see our boss, I immediately let the car behind blow Chuck Cannon's car with a bomb, can't you get in?"

"No!" Yvette looked anxious. She stared at the car and looked back at Chuck Cannon, who could no longer see the figure. She was worried about her husband. Don't worry about it!

"Okay, I'll see you, but if you dare to move my husband, I will also drag you to die together!"

The man in the car frowned. Such a look makes people feel scared!


Yvette got in the car.

After the car turned a corner, it headed towards a place. Yvette kept staring at these people and had planned more than ten ways to get out.

About half an hour later, I came to a place, this is a villa!

"Go in by yourself, our boss is inside!" the man said.

Yvette frowned, got out of the car by herself, grasped the dagger inside the sleeve tightly, and walked into the villa.

The man in the car took out the walkie-talkie, "How is the tracking?"

"It can't be too tight, Betty is very alert!" There was a serious voice on the intercom.

"What about the bomb? Can you throw a bomb over? The boss said, tell him that the boss has come to China!" The man's face flashed viciously!

"No, Betty will definitely avoid it!"

"Okay, keep following!"


Yvette came in. There was no light in the living room, but a man was sitting on the sofa, holding a wine glass, shaking.

This is Chuck Cannon's cousin Li Shidao! He came to China!

"Sit." Li Shidao said.

"Who are you? Why are you following Chuck Cannon?" Yvette was alert.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know, you are under my control, and you are one of my pawns!" Li Shidao took a sip of wine with a smile on his face.

Yvette frowned.

"You want to kill Karen Lee, only I can help you because I understand Karen Lee, her fighting skills, I understand!"

"I don't need your help!"

"Don't need me to help? Then you are unlikely to commit suicide by yourself in your life, but it is also possible. How can Karen Lee be in her forties? When you are forty years old, she will go into the coffin. It is still possible to kill her, but would you like to wait for more than ten years?" Li Shidao said.

Yvette stared at her, "Don't think, I can't see you clearly if you don't turn on the light. You and Karen Lee look a little bit like Karen Lee. Is Karen Lee your mother?"

"She is also worthy of being my mother? She is just a younger sister of my dad." Li Shidao sneered, his eyes were cold.

"Then you are Chuck Cannon's cousin, why do want you harm him?" Yvette shot coldly, is that so?

Is this a fight for property or what?? There is only this reason!

"I am not his cousin, Chuck Cannon is not qualified to have anything to do with me, he is so rubbish,"

"I forbid you to say that to him!" Yvette's eyes were fierce.

"No? Chuck Cannon, I wanted him to die a long time ago, and let him live until now, the only reason is fun, do you understand that he is my plaything?" Li Shidao sneered, Yvette couldn't help it. He attacked all of a sudden, "I said it, don't say that about him!"


Li Shidao just kicked, Yvette fell out, she was shocked, she learned how to fight, why doesn't it work? Why is it so vulnerable? Yvette felt that she was going to faint, it was too painful.

"That's what you can do? It's really two rubbish, you still want to kill Karen Lee? You can only wait for Karen Lee to die,"

Yvette got up, and her eyes became more ruthless. She was not afraid, she could die here, but Chuck Cannon could not be in danger.

"It's easy for you to come here. I'll help you solve your cousin. You help me with one thing and make me more fun. Is this deal okay?" Li Shidao smiled.

Yvette ignored him and continued to attack desperately. Li Shidao frowned and kicked out. Yvette fell to the ground uncontrollably and vomited blood. Li Shidao came over and stepped on Yvette, "You Both Chuck Cannon and you are my playthings. Whatever I ask you to do, you have to do what if you dare to resist, and I will let you die!!"