
My Billionaire Crush

She’s 25, she’s free, makes rich…. A billionaire. She’s the richest and the most successful lady in South Korea. She’s the daughter of former president Banks. She’s the owner of the Krystal group of companies, the biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista, a fashion idol who owns Arizona’s fashion institute, the biggest in Korea and popular for idols patronization. She lives a lavish and extravagant lifestyle. She can buy a hundred different car brands at the flick of a finger. She spends billions at a standstill. Cosmetics, shoes, clothes of different designers, jewellery, shoes and brands of bags are her babies. She spends money on them every day. She has been tagged as a shopaholic. To top it all, she’s a sociopath. A crazy one. Her name is ARIZONA BANKS, the p, sycho herself. The first daughter of the rich BANKS family. She has two juniors…. Adam and Cassidy. Adam Banks…. An eye candy. He’s 18. Cassidy Banks, the pretty baby of the house, the last born… She’s 15, a student of Flowers high, junior class. The parents are former president Paulson Banks and Rita Banks. Arizona has a rival. Her name is Arielle Lee. Arielle is the daughter of an assemblyman. She’s the owner of a wealthy group of companies, the second biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista like Arizona, another fashion idol. She owns Arielle’s fashion institute, the second most popular after Arizona’s, but at times, it competes with it. Arielle is proud and arrogant, she never gets along with Arizona, they ha, the sight of each other. Arizona believes a lot in dramas and her whole life depends on it. She loves romance movies but she ha, tes romance for real. Why? , Due to the ups and downs involved in love, she’s not ready to cry over a guy. Guys and men flock around her but.. She’s not a fan of feelings. She calls all men snakes…. Different species. Things changed when she met a cold guy. Viace Mendelssohn. Who’s he? How did they meet? Cold meets crazy Surely some crazy occurrences will take place.

Sajawal_Ali_4181 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

To Arizona

Boss!" Ming and Yang sh0uted.

Vince and Arizona's eyes are wide as their lips stayed glued on each other.

She can feel the weight of his palms on her @ss and her bre*sts that's resting directly on him.

"Boss‼" Yang shouted again and her lost senses found their way back to her head.

She quickly stood from him but her lipstick stained his lips.

She turned her back on them and pulled up her singlet in the front, covering her ex,posed b**bs.

She closed her eyes and ran back into the office.

Vince stood slowly, looking at the package on the floor.

"I came to deliver this" he said.

Yang quickly took it.

Arizona was about to start pacing around the office when she saw the cockroach again on the couch.

She ran out again and hid behind Vince.

"Please eliminate it, I can't stand cockroaches!" She said.

Yang stepped back.

"I hate cockroaches too" he said.

"Me too" Ming stepped back too.

"Do it, get r,id of it" Arizona said behind Vince.

Vince stepped into the office and looked around for the bug.

He found it beside the couch and got the box from the floor.

He hit the box on the cockroach and limp it went.

He inhaled and left the office.

"It's gone" he said.

"Really?" Arizona smiled.

"Yes" he replied and Arizona quickly hugged him.

"Thank you thank you!"

"Looks strange, first was the accidental k!ss then hiding behind him" Yang muttered.

"And now she's hugging him, what's happening" Ming muttered too.

Arizona realized she's still hugging him and quickly stepped away.

"I'm… sorry" she said slowly.

"Thanks Vince!, You're my hero!, Saranghea!" Yang said loudly as Vince started leaving.

"I'm your number one crush!" Ming shouted after him to.

He finally went out of sight and Arizona went into the office.

Yang signalled to Ming and they both entered the office too.

He dropped the package on the table but when he stood straight, he met Arizona's glare.

"Who was supposed to clean this office this morning?"

"The cleaner that's on shift for this office today is not around" Yang said.

"And you couldn't assign another cleaner to do it?, Huh!"

"We started today by drinking the e,vil juice then we started washing and rewashing toilets, how am I supposed to have time to assign another cleaner" Yang replied.

Arizona held her head.

"Gosh!, You two should…. Leave now" she said.

Ming and Yang looked at each other.

"Naga! (Get out!)" Arizona y,elled and they sauntered out of the office.

She started pacing around, dipping her fingers into her hair from time to time.

"We k!ssed again…we did it again" she muttered and touched her b*utt.

"He touched my backside!" She said in a babyish voice.

"My b**bs touched his chest!, I hid behind him and hugged him what the hell is wrong with me wae!" She sh0uted.

She laughed loudly like a demented person, holding her desk.

"I'm going crazy right now, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore and why was my heart beating so fast when it happened?" She asked herself and stopped.

The scene came clear in her head again, the k!ss last night and the one that happened not long ago.

She finally fell on the couch heavily.

"Arizona what has he done to you‼" She shouted, throwing her legs in the air but she suddenly stopped.

"He didn't take money for the delivery!"


Vince got back to the restaurant and came down from the bike.

He stood still, remembering the scene earlier.

He closed his eyes and tried to shake it off but it seems impossible.

He rested on the bike.

"I feel strange, it doesn't feel new last night too, what's wrong with me?, Am I losing myself?, this is definitely not me" he thought.

"Vince you took a lot of time!" His boss said from the door.

He sn@pped out of it and was about to go in when he remembered he didn't take the money for his delivery.

"What do I do?" He thought, walking in.

"She wired the money into the restaurant account instead" the boss said.


"Sure, your friend is waiting for you"

Vince walked in fully and saw Chrissy sitting.

"I've been waiting since ages" she smiled.

"Sorry something came up over there" he replied, sitting in front of her.

Chrissy's expression changed when she saw his l!ps, it has the stain of red lipstick.

"Did you use lipstick?" She quickly asked.

"I've never used it" he replied.

"I know that right?, Then why is there a lipstick stain on your l,ips?" She asked, giving him her phone.

He viewed his face in it and quickly wiped it with his palm.

"Vince you k!ssed a girl?" She asked hurtfully.

"It was an accident, nothing serious" he replied and Chrissy stood.

"Leaving already?" He asked.

"Yes" she replied curtly and rushed out of the restaurant.

She got into her car and held the steering wheel tightly, thinking about who it might be.

"Vince k!ssed a girl?, It sounds weird and strange and….wait, who's it?" She asked herself.

"Gosh I'm so @ngry with whoever it is, should I tell him how I feel?" She thought.



Alena's pains started slowly during her sleep.

She quickly got off bed and rushed into the bathroom.

She held her th,roat and vo,mited b,lood into the zinc.

She rinsed her mouth with water after that and started walking out but she suddenly ran back.

She vo,mited more bl,ood and became weak as usual.

She wiped her lips with tissue and her phone rang in her trousers pocket.

She smiled faintly when she saw it's Vince.

"My dear" .

"Mum are you ok?, Your voice is somehow dull" he said.

"I'm just waking up from a nap" she replied.

"Oh, I'm relieved, the dru,gs will he ready tomorrow" he said.

"You're trying so hard for me" Alena said sadly.

"Are you really sure you're fine over there?" He asked.

"Of course, the Banks family are the best and Cassidy is a cute respectful girl" she replied.

"I'll call you later in the day" he replied.

"Alright dear" she said as he hung up.

"Nanny!" Cassidy's voice rang from the room.

She entered the room and Cassidy hugged her immediately.

"Nanny you're running a high temperature" she noticed.

"That's because I woke up not long ago"

"Is that the case?"

"Trust me cutie"

"So…can we go for shopping now?" she said, raising up a black card.

"Of course, let's go" Alena replied, leaving the room with her.

They got downstairs and met Rita and Paulson with a guy.

"Who's he?" Cassidy asked curiously

"I'm Chang-Bin" the guy introduced and Cassidy laughed out loud.

"Sounds like waste bin gosh!"

"Cassidy, caution" Alena said beside her and she stopped laughing.

"Since Arizona is not ready to get married on her own, we're planning a secret wedding for her and Chang-Bin" Rita said.

"Secret wedding?" Alena asked.

"Yes, we'll plan it secretly and we just have to bring her to the wedding hall, I'm sure she won't have a choice in the wedding hall, she'll have to walk down the aisle with him" Paulson smiled and Cassidy laughed.

"100% failure" she said, leaving with Alena.

"I worked for hours in the labour room to bring those psy,chos alive, can't believe it" Rita said.

"Adam is my only hope, at least he's not like them, I can't wait to see my handsome son again, he literally took after me in everything" Paulson smiled

"Everything but not the face, if he took after your face I'm sure hospitals will be inviting him for free plastic surgery" Rita retorted.

"You're a psy,cho too" Paulson muttered.

"Yes I am" Rita glared.