
My Billionaire Crush

She’s 25, she’s free, makes rich…. A billionaire. She’s the richest and the most successful lady in South Korea. She’s the daughter of former president Banks. She’s the owner of the Krystal group of companies, the biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista, a fashion idol who owns Arizona’s fashion institute, the biggest in Korea and popular for idols patronization. She lives a lavish and extravagant lifestyle. She can buy a hundred different car brands at the flick of a finger. She spends billions at a standstill. Cosmetics, shoes, clothes of different designers, jewellery, shoes and brands of bags are her babies. She spends money on them every day. She has been tagged as a shopaholic. To top it all, she’s a sociopath. A crazy one. Her name is ARIZONA BANKS, the p, sycho herself. The first daughter of the rich BANKS family. She has two juniors…. Adam and Cassidy. Adam Banks…. An eye candy. He’s 18. Cassidy Banks, the pretty baby of the house, the last born… She’s 15, a student of Flowers high, junior class. The parents are former president Paulson Banks and Rita Banks. Arizona has a rival. Her name is Arielle Lee. Arielle is the daughter of an assemblyman. She’s the owner of a wealthy group of companies, the second biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista like Arizona, another fashion idol. She owns Arielle’s fashion institute, the second most popular after Arizona’s, but at times, it competes with it. Arielle is proud and arrogant, she never gets along with Arizona, they ha, the sight of each other. Arizona believes a lot in dramas and her whole life depends on it. She loves romance movies but she ha, tes romance for real. Why? , Due to the ups and downs involved in love, she’s not ready to cry over a guy. Guys and men flock around her but.. She’s not a fan of feelings. She calls all men snakes…. Different species. Things changed when she met a cold guy. Viace Mendelssohn. Who’s he? How did they meet? Cold meets crazy Surely some crazy occurrences will take place.

Sajawal_Ali_4181 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Flowers High


"Are we still making another video?" Blaze asked after the tenth one.

" Of course, my fans missed you" Havana replied cheerfully.

He has decided to stay by her side, not minding Byung so far she promised to protect him.

They made the last video and she smiled as she read different comments, the runaway fans came back.

"So…you have no plans to feature me in your videos?" Trevor asked.

" My fans want a cute face, not a cool one" she replied.

" So my face is cool, not cute" Trevor pouted.

"Sure" Havana smiled.

Byung came into the class with his minions and Havana covered Blaze.

"Haven't I told you to stay away from her?, Do you want to di,e?" He demanded.

" I'm not yours, you're not my boyfriend so get lost!" Havana sho,uted at his face.

Byung gra,bbed her waist and made to kiss her for,cefully but Blaze stepped in and th,rew him a pu,nch.

It got his mouth and he bled.

"Blaze" Trevor whispered shockingly.

Blaze pulled Havana behind himself.

"She told you to get lost, do that" he glared.

Byung wiped the blo,od on his li,ps and smiled da,rkly.

" You've finally triggered the an,imal in me" he said, going backwards till he left the class.

" Are you ok?" Blaze asked, holding Havana's arm.

" Sure, but you shouldn't have pu,nched him" she replied.

"That wasn't my first time" he replied.

"He's the son of assemblyman Lee, do you know Arielle Lee?, Arizona's enemy, He's her brother" Trevor said.

" I really don't care" Blaze said though he's slightly scared.

He faced Havana and smiled.

"To the cafeteria!" She said and the three left the class.

Byung was walking furiously down the stairs when he bu,mped into Avery.

He made to walk past her but she held him back.

"You want Havana, I want Blaze, what if we work together to te,ar them apart" she said and looked at him

Byung looked her way and their eyes met.


"Go wash them again" Arizona ordered.

Yang and Ming has been washing and rewashing the company toilets since they woke up.

They ended up drinking the remaining two cups at last .

"But this is the seventh time we've been rewashing it" Yang said.

"You guys are still going to twenty" Arizona replied.

" What!"

" Should I write your sack letters instead?" She smiled.

They both quickly left the office and she concentrated on her movie again.

Her eyes met with a k!ss scene and her throat dried up immediately.

It was so intense and the guy was pi,nning the girl to the wall…. Bringing her the remembrance of last night.

Vince's face appeared in her head again and she li,cked her Li,ps.

She quickly put off the TV and stood.

"What was I thinking?, Ok I'll not watch ro,mance today, I'll just rewatch squid game and chill" she said, getting her phone.

She contacted a restaurant and ordered lunch.

She finished ordering and when she saw the name of the restaurant, she gasped.


"I hope he won't be the one to bring it, I really hope" she thought, dropping her phone.

She sighted a box under the table.

The box of the pizza she ate yesterday.

"Why is this still here?, They didn't clean this office this morning?" She wondered, going to it.

She bent beside the table and tried bringing it out but immediately she did that, her eyes widened.

A cockroach is right on top of the box.

"Ahhhhhh‼‼‼" She scre,amed loudly, dropping the box.

She climbed her table in fear.

" What's a cockroach doing in my office Yang!" She sh,outed as the cockroach started coming towards the table.

" Don't come closer!, Don't come closer‼!, Don't‼" She sh,outed.

The innocent cockroach kept walking to the table and she jumped down.

"No! No! No!... No‼‼, Don't come near me!" She sh,outed, running around the office, jumping over everything.

The office became messy.

She kept it up for some minutes and when she thought it's gone, she came back to her table.

"Finally" she breathed but right in front of her, the cockroach came out from under a file and flew.

"andwae‼‼!" She scre,amed, thinking it has flown to her shirt.

She pu,lled off the shirt and threw it down, leaving her in her singlet.

The cr,azy cockroach came out from under the shirt again.

"No‼‼‼‼" She scr,eamed again and went for the door.

She opened it and jumped on the first person she saw.


He actually came to deliver her orders.

They went down together with her on top of him.

Yang and Ming appeared and their eyes widened at the sight.

Vince's hands are on her @ss.

Her br*asts is almost popping out of the b,ra as she l,ay on hi,m, it's pressing right on his chest.

Then their lips are accidentally on each other.

"Boss‼" Ming and Yang sc,reamed.