
My billion dollar jackpot of a husband.

Shanelle_Nova · Teen
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5 Chs

The lost haven

After a lengthy study case ,the group finally got a solution for Mr Sullivan.It wasn't an easy case but they managed.It was after this strenuous study that Nova wanted to finish what she had began in the library.But on searching for the haven she couldn't find it anywhere in her bag so she called Luke and asked him to check if she'd left it in the library.

"Luke, would you please do me a favor and go check if I left my haven in the library?"she asked him calmly.

"Yeah sure,"he answered.

Luke went to the library and checked but found nothing.He didn't call her to inform her though knowing she would be disappointed and he didn't want that so he continued with the search.

After two hours,Nova couldn't take it and went to the library herself.She went through all the tables and shelves but couldn't find it.

"This cannot be... how come it isn't here.When did I start being so careless...how did I just not notice that I had carried my book together with the others,now it's disappeared .It must be here somewhere...I just know it,"

She had started panicking.This was not good at all.

I was a total wreck when in panic mode.I never knew how to handle the anxiety and this time ...I couldn't take it.This was my life's work.I didn't even want to think that it might be lost but at the back of my mind I knew it was.The thought of it alone scared the hell out of me.I searched for it for two whole days but I couldn't find it anywhere.I even put posters at the door of the store so that other people could help me find it but still nothing.

I was frustrated to no end...I wanted to give up but I couldn't.At that moment someone called saying he had the book ,I was elated and furious at the same time.Furious because,he could have just put the book in the lost and found box but instead he chose to stay with it giving me all that heartthrob.Elated because I found it at last .

"Hello,may I speak to miss Nova?"asked a deep enchantingly beautiful voice .Nova was stunned for a while that she even forgot to speak.

"Hey,u there?"the angelic voice asked again.

"Yes,...who am I speaking to?" I asked back getting out of my stupor .

"Are you Miss Nova?"

"Yes that's me."

"I happen to be the one with your shiny book."he stated plainly.

"You do?"shocked I asked.

"Yeah and I'd like us to meet up so that I can give it to you."

His voice was really beautiful and it made me stutter and I didn't like it one bit.

"Why do we have to meet up when you can just drop it at the library?Why didn't you report this earlier do you know the mess that you almost got me into?Where did you find it?"I bombarded him with questions getting furious.

His answer was very cold and insulting," What a rude little thing you are , instead of thanking me ,you want to break my eardrums with your whining."

After a brief silence he continued,As a lady ,I expect you to be like...'Thank you sir,where can we meet so that I can have it.'...but instead you start being noisy,what kind of a girl are you,tsk tsk."

At this point I couldn't hold my annoyance.

"What did you just say?You want a thank you from me,hahaha... dream on.Thats never going to happen especially if you are the one that owes me.Come to think of it ,I think you did this on purpose.It was very easy for you to drop the book in the lost n found but instead you chose to leave with it,what type of a boy are you."she said the last part in a mocking tone.

The guy on the other end erupted in a hearty laughter.His voice was crispy and sweet to listen to.

"What's so funny,"she asked angrily.

"You're the funny one... it looks like you do not want you book back so I'll keep it and continue enjoying myself with your thoughts."

"Wait...what?...did you just say you read through my staff? That's invasion of privacy!"she shrieked.

How dare he go through my book.What kind of a man was he really?He reminded me a lot of the guy I fought with at the library the other day.I brushed it off not wanting to remember that encounter because it would only annoy me even further.

"When you decide you want your book back call me... I'm always available."he replied cheerfully then hung up before she could think of what had just happened.

What just happened?Was he bargaining with me?The nerve of that guy.How can he do such a thing?Who does he think he is?

She didn't think twice before calling him back to ask for a meet up.

"Hey,I accept ...where do you want us to meet?"she asked seriously.

"Wow ,that was quick"

"Cut the bullshit , will you?"

"Good,we now understand each other...be at restaurante espanola de Claire at 12.00pm tomorrow."

"Got it,"then she hung up.

Nathaniel on the other end was elated to hear her answer.Thanks to his glib tongue,she yielded.He didn't think that this stubborn girl would yield that quick but she did.