
My billion dollar jackpot of a husband.

Shanelle_Nova · Teen
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5 Chs

First official meeting Well

Nova was not okay with this meeting but for that book she was willing to go ahead with this.She arrived at the restaurant twenty minutes earlier so that she could get her shit together.She didn't know why but for some reason she felt very anxious.Minutes passed by and as they passed the more anxious she got.A waiter then came and asked her if she could have a drink while waiting for her companion.

"Hey miss , welcome to our restaurant... would you like to have a drink while waiting for your companion to arrive?"asked a male waiter politely.

"Hi,thank you and yes I would like to have a drink before my companion arrives."she answered the waiter rather sarcastically putting more emphasis on the word companion.

She couldn't even picture that guy as her companion...she had not met the person yet but she felt like she already did and she hated him for that matter too.

She didn't know why but today her emotions were all on edge... could it be because of the guy she was waiting for? It had to be him coz she always had her emotions in check and today all of a sudden she felt different kinds of emotions all together. She was anxious and mad at the same time and this was making it hard for her to breath that she had to do it through the mouth.

The waiter came back with her order some minutes later... just as they landed on her table she didn't wait for the waiter to leave and took the drink gulping it down .The waiter was shocked,he had never seen such a behavior from a beautiful lady before.

After gulping her drink like a starved animal she looked at the waiter with a -what- do -you care -look ,and he left smiling meaning he clearly got her message.

After the waiter left, she took two deep breaths to calm herself down.Just then the man of the hour arrived. Very arrogantly he sat down before her,

"Hey pigeon...what an early little Birdy you are,"he said chuckling.

"I'm not a pigeon ,I have a name if you even cared to know,"she answered him with a snort.

"I do know your name pigeon ,"he said smiling to her .

That smile might have looked genuine to someone else but she saw it as a dangerous sign and she didn't like it one bit .It gave her chills.

"Then address me properly ,we are not friends so stop giving me pet names...I just want my book and I'll be out of your way"she told him seriously so he would take this seriously too.

Unfortunately for her, the guy before her had no intentions of giving the book back to her....he had other plans in mind.

"What book?"he feigned innocence and pretended not to know what she was taking about just to see her reaction.

And she had the best reaction to this even more than he had expected,

"What!?"she was in shock ,her mouth open and her eyes almost popped out .Then her eyes became wet like she wanted to cry ,she didn't though probably thinking 'No I can't cry now not in front of this guy.'

"What do you mean by that?Are you not the one that has my book"she asked him her voice getting smaller and smaller.

He sat there looking at her half amused and half pitifully.He could see the turmoil in her eyes but he wasn't yet satisfied with bullying her. No woman had ever evoked such feelings in him until now,her ...so he was quite playful and too excited to Know her better. This was not how he would have wanted things to go but being that she's a tough nut to crack he had to test her a little bit.

"Then why did you call saying you had it,oh my you tricked me to coming here ,"she said more to herself than to him .She was so confused right now and him not talking was making things worse .Then out of no where like she got strength from somewhere ,her expressions changed .From on the verge of tears to a no nonsense one which was quite scary .

"Why do you think too much? Hurting your pretty little brain cells for nothing,tsk tsk,"he commented after seeing how she changed her expressions too quickly.

"Why don't we enjoy our lunch first hmm , before you explode,"he said to her while ushering for the waiter who stood by the door.

"No,I ... that won't be necessary sir, all I want is my book and if you don't have it then I'll be on my way .Have a nice meal"she said standing up ready to leave.

What he said next made her change her mind rooting her to the spot.

"What a pity the writer of that beautiful piece would have to put an end to her diligence ,tsk "he said.

This was enough for her to panic.

'what did he just say? Did he actually read through it,NO this can't be true.But he doesn't look like he's bluffing,omg I'm doomed.'

Making a resolve she decided to listen to what he had to say so that at the end of it all she would get her book back .

"Ok , fine"

He then called the waiter that was standing at the door waiting for his orders.He accompanied by others of his stuff, arrived with the different delicacies that the guy had ordered before hand.

"So he even ordered before hand,"she said in her mind scornfully.

After the deliteful meal ,he decided to address the elephant in the room.

"So penguin, the reason I wanted you to come have a meal with me was because I needed to discuss something with you.Somethimg quite urgent you see,one I know that will benefit the both of us."he spoke then looked at her to see her reaction but saw none so he continued,"I need you to sign a contract for me then I could return your book ."

"What type of contract are we talking about here?"she asked eyeing him very closely.

"Do you agree?"

"I didn't say that,I asked a question,"

"You need to agree first....you would do anything to get that book back won't you?"he asked trying to bargain with her.

"Yes of course I would,"

"Then do you agree?"

"If it's something within my capabilities then I agree,"

"Trust me it is, cupcake....so it's a deal then . I'll call you for the signing then I'll give you the book . That ok?"

She didn't answer immediately as she was still contemplating.

'Did I make the right choice?I just hope this is not a trap '

"Yes,I agree."

What do you think are the contents of the contract Nova and Nate are going to sign...

Shanelle_Novacreators' thoughts