

"Little Shu is back? Why is it so late today? Is there any delay in school? Go wash your hands and eat. Mom made your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs today."

Ding Yuehong served the meal while talking, but she didn't get a response from Yan Shu. She looked back and saw Yan Shu standing at the door with her schoolbag, her face very ugly.

"What's wrong, Xiaoshu, why is her face so bad, is she sick?" She hurriedly walked over and touched Yanshu's forehead.

"Mom, I'm fine." Yan Shu bit her lip, and her tears suddenly couldn't be held back, "Mom! My brother was kicked out of the house by my dad, and he was kicked out a month before his college entrance examination... "

Yan Shu is also in the third year of high school. When the teacher used the previous college entrance examination champions to motivate them, he mentioned Yan Qing. Only then did Yan Shu know that his brother had passed the provincial champion.

This is the first time she has heard of her brother's news after six years of separation from her, and it's still such good news. She was pleasantly surprised, so she searched the Internet for more news about her brother.

Then I learned that my brother had been kicked out of the house long ago.

Compared with the surprise that he passed the provincial championship, Yan Shu felt more distressed about what happened to his brother.

They have a good relationship between siblings, and she liked to play behind her brother's **** when she was a child. After separation, she never missed her father, but often thought of her brother.

I didn't expect to hear about him again, but this is the case. She felt sour in her heart, she couldn't tell whether she was distressed for her brother, or she remembered the grievances when she was abandoned by her father.

"What?!" Ding Yuehong was stunned, her face full of disbelief, "How could it be? How could your father do such a thing?"

"Why not! He can cheat in marriage, divorce you and marry a mistress, what else can't he do? If you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. According to reports, my brother was bullied by them and didn't even dare to take the exam. Good! How can you expect him to be so good to my brother! He was the one who kept you from taking your brother away, but he left his brother but didn't treat him well, how could he be a father like that!"

Yan Shu's accumulated resentment burst out all of a sudden. When Yan Changlin chose that woman and her child and abandoned their mother and daughter, Yan Shu didn't plan to recognize this father again. I can still call him Dad, because my mother advised her not to punish herself for the fault of adults.

Yan Shu showed Ding Yuehong all the reports about her brother she found on the Internet.

Ding Yuehong read it tremblingly, slumped on the chair, covered her face and wept, "Mom is wrong, Mom shouldn't be afraid of being laughed at by acquaintances, so she should hide away. You shouldn't leave your brother to your father, if we With a family of three together, your brother won't have to suffer all this. Your brother, how hard must your brother be..."

"I was kicked out when the college entrance examination was so important. Your father was so cruel. Isn't your brother his child? If it wasn't for your brother's success, it would ruin his life!"

Ding Yuehong felt so guilty that she kept blaming herself.

Yan Shu wiped away her tears and said firmly, "Mom, let's go get my brother back! He doesn't want my brother, let's do it, and the three of us will never be separated again, okay?"

Ding Yuehong nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, let's get your brother back, I'll go find him tomorrow."

"Mom, don't worry. I'll have winter vacation after the exam in two days. I'll go with you. I see news that my brother has been admitted to University A, so we can go there and ask."

Ding Yuehong's heart was numb and she had no idea. She nodded again and again when Yan Shu said anything, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Mingzhu, the weather is fine today, why don't you go shopping with your mother? Go and see this season's new bags and clothes. You haven't bought new clothes for a long time." Mother Su suggested cautiously, for fear of touching Su Mingzhu's sensitivity nerve.

Ever since Mingzhu found out that she is not the biological daughter of the Su family, she has been anxious and worried. Even the actions and words have become more careful, and they are no longer as cheerful and sunny as in the past.

Although the Su family has repeatedly said that regardless of blood relationship, she is the eldest miss of the Su family, and no one can shake her position, but Su Mingzhu is still very uneasy.

When I accidentally broke a plate during lunch, I was at a loss and apologized uncomfortably.

This made Su's mother feel distressed. Her pearl, born to be the pearl of her family, has always been proud and confident, and she has been dazzling with unbridled brilliance. How has she ever been so cautious?

Because of this, the family has been very careful in talking and doing things these days, trying to take care of her emotions as much as possible.

Su Mingzhu pretended to be strong and showed a smile, "Mom, I still have a lot of clothes, don't you need to buy them?"

The more she was like this, the more distressed Mother Su felt, she couldn't help but pull her up, "Go, go, those in your cloakroom are out of season, when did you wear out-of-season clothes? Mom can't bear you aggrieved yourself so much. "

Mother Su took her to the store she often went to, and did a lot of shopping. She bought a bunch of clothes, bags and shoes.

Shopping will make a woman feel happy, or it may be Su Mingzhu's attitude that gave Su Mingzhu a reassurance. Her anxiety finally dissipated, and she hugged Su's mother's arm and acted coquettishly, "Mom, you are so kind to me."

"You are my precious daughter, I am not good to you and who is good to you?" Seeing her finally showing a long-lost smile, Mother Su was also happy, "Call your father and brother out, let's eat out today. Go to you. Is your favorite Italian restaurant any good?"

"Okay, I'll call them right now."

However, the meal was never finished.

"Mingzhu, let's go to dinner another day. Your aunt Song is sick and hospitalized. I have to go see her." Mother Su said to Su Mingzhu after receiving a call.

"I'll go with my mother." Su Mingzhu said.

"Alright, your Aunt Song must be very happy to see you."

The Song family and the Su family are long-term friends, and the two have many contacts in the business field. Even a few years ago, the two families verbally agreed on the marriage contract between Su Mingzhu and Song Xinglan, the only son of the Song family.

Mrs. Song was fine, she just fell down the stairs and suffered a slight bone fracture. The mother and daughter of the Su family stayed with her for a while and then said goodbye.

They had just descended to the hospital lobby and bumped into a mother and daughter head-on.

The four looked at each other, stunned.

The mother on the opposite side was carved out of the same mold as Su Mingzhu. And that girl looked exactly like Su's mother.

In addition, she just learned that Su Mingzhu was in the hospital by mistake, and Su's mother instantly had a guess.

This is probably the wrong child and her adoptive mother. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that their daughters look exactly the same as the other?

With such a guess, Mother Su couldn't help but look at the mother and daughter opposite.

The girl has a bright face, with a high ponytail, revealing a clean forehead. The facial features are more like herself, but her big, deep eyes resemble her father Su Liangcheng.

Wearing a gray turtleneck sweater and a black down jacket over a straight fit, wraps the person from head to toe. Thanks to her youth and beauty, she can afford such a rustic dress.

Her adoptive mother is not very particular about what she wears. Her clothes are neither style nor style, and she dresses like an ordinary housewife.

Mother Su glanced at them and knew that their family conditions were very ordinary.

Take a look at the pearls around you. She is dressed in high-level customization from head to toe. The jewelry and clothes are matched just right. Every strand of hair is well maintained, and there is exquisite elegance everywhere.

Mother Su secretly sighed, although she never expected the family who adopted her daughter to be as rich and noble as the Su family, but after seeing it, there is still a big gap. I raised the other party's daughter so well, but the other party...

Yan Shu was bumpy all the way, and accidentally caught a cold. As soon as she arrived in S city, she started to have a fever and a cold. Ding Yuehong was afraid that she would burn her body, so she hurriedly brought her to the hospital. As soon as she walked into the hall after the transfusion, she met a mother and daughter.

The other party's clothes looked like a rich man, but what surprised Yan Shu was that the mother and daughter were very familiar with each other.

After a closer look, I found that their mother and daughter look very similar to themselves and their mother.

If there is only one image, it is not uncommon. There are many wonders in the world, and there are not no people who have nothing to do but look alike. But the two children are like each other's mother, which is too strange!

It's like two mothers each holding the wrong child.

However, Ding Yuehong didn't think much about it, just regarded it as a coincidence. Who would expect a normal person to hold the wrong child?

Yan Shu is the same. It's just that she was very sensitively aware that the lady seemed to be looking at herself, looking at her from head to toe, as if she was evaluating her, which made Yan Shu feel very uncomfortable.

She pulled her mother and gave way to the side, ready to go around. But unexpectedly, the noble and elegant lady stopped them, "Please wait a moment, maybe we need to talk..."