

Yan Qing walked out of the house, and when she went downstairs, she happened to meet her neighbor, Aunt Fang.

"Yan Qing? Where are you going so late?"

Yan Qing smiled and avoided talking, "Aunt Fang, are you back? When I came down, I saw that Uncle Yu was ready to eat. You should go back to eat earlier."

Fang Qiuping was not put off by him, and asked directly, "Is that your stepmother acting as a demon again?"

This community is populated by old neighbors for many years. Who doesn't know the little things about Yan's family? Fang Qiuping and Yan Qing's mother used to be colleagues and watched Yan Qing grow up. Therefore, in the past few years, he has seen Yan Qing's situation and took care of him a lot.

Because of this, He Li also scolded her for being nosy.

"Tell the truth, did your father and stepmother kick you out?"

Yan Qing shook his head, "I wasn't driven out by them..."

Fang Qiuping was about to say "it's fine", but heard Yan Qing's next sentence:

"I cut ties with them."

Fang Qiuping was stunned for a moment, then raised her voice, "Cut off the relationship?! Did your stepmother push your dad to do it? I knew that this vixen would do this kind of thing sooner or later! What kind of a good child is forced by them, and he still I'm going to kick you out of the house! Come on, I'll take you back, even if I scold you, I'll have to scold your dad! Aren't you his biological child? Just have the heart to kick you out?"

Yan Qing quickly grabbed her and said, "Aunt Fang, don't go. This is what my dad proposed. If he wants to break it, he can break it. Anyway, I can't stay in this house anymore. I just happened to go to my mother and Xiaoshu. ."

"Go to your mother? Do you know where your mother and your sister are?"

Yan Qing's mother, Ding Yuehong, has a very strong personality. After the divorce, she didn't want acquaintances to laugh at her or sympathize with her, so she took Yan Shu and left the city, and no one knew where she went.

The original owner didn't know either. It wasn't that Ding Yuehong didn't tell him, but after she settled down, she called him and was picked up by Yan Changlin, but Yan Changlin didn't tell him.

Yan Qing didn't know either, because about the story before the female supporting role's return, she only wrote about how bad the place she lived, how ordinary the school she went to, how petty she was, how she couldn't get on the stage... It didn't write which city she lived in.

But Yan Qing smiled and said, "I know, my mother gave me the address. I'll buy a ticket in a while, and my mother will pick me up there. Aunt Fang, don't worry."

He was a high school student who didn't go out of school. He was kicked out of the house in the evening, and Aunt Fang would not ignore him. So he said this to reassure her.

He can take care of himself, so he doesn't bother others.

Fang Qiuping had no doubts, "Alright, it would be great to be able to go back to your mother. Then do you have any money on you? Just wait, Aunt Fang will go back and get you some money..."

Yan Qing quickly refused, "No, I made a lot of money playing games. Aunt Fang, go back, and I will come back to see you later when I have time!"

He said, and ran away in a hurry, for fear that Fang Qiuping would give him money.

Fang Qiuping looked at his back and sighed, "It's a sin, adults make mistakes, and children suffer too..."

After returning home, Fang Qiuping told the family about it, and within two days, Yan Changlin and Yan Qing cut off the father-son relationship and kicked Yan Qing out of the house, the whole community knew.

This is also in line with Yan Qing's intention. It would be good for everyone to know about it, so that the family will not deny the account in the future.

The money saved by the original owner was stored in a card by him, and he always carried it with him. There were more than 6,000 yuan in total. For a student, this amount of money was already quite a lot.

Yan Qing first stayed at the hotel overnight, and the next day rented a house near the school to settle down.

There is still a month before the college entrance examination, so he plans to take the college entrance examination first, and then go to his mother and sister.

"Yan Qing!"

Li Chaoyang ran from the bus stop in front of the school and asked him in a low voice, "Have you really cut ties with your father?"

Yan Qing nodded, "Really, I have already moved out and rented a house near the school."

"You cow!" Li Chaoyang praised with his thumb out, "As far as your family's situation is concerned, breaking it early is a relief."

Yan Qing was convinced.

"By the way, you didn't come to school yesterday, and the twins acted as demons again. Someone on the school forum revealed that you were kicked out of the house by your father because you were gay, and your father kicked you out because you were embarrassed. This must have been done by the twins, no one would do this to you except them!"

Yan Qing frowned, but he didn't expect that he didn't plan to bother with Yan Ziyue's sister and brother, but instead they grabbed him and didn't let go.

Although these rumors did not make him angry, they were indeed disgusting.

"Wait for me to go to the Internet cafe after school at noon, let's go to class now." Yan Qing said.

Li Chaoyang immediately remembered Yan Qing's amazing hacking skills yesterday, his eyes lit up, "Do you have a solution?"

"Well." Yan Qing didn't say much, and walked quickly into the classroom.

"Yan Ziyue, is it true that Yan Qing is **** on the forum?"

At noon, when Yan Ziyue and her classmates were eating in the cafeteria, someone asked.

Yan Ziyue hesitated, "I don't know..."

"Why don't you know? Isn't he your brother? After all, living under the same roof, there will always be some clues, right?"

"He's been kicked out by my dad..." After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth in panic, as if she had leaked some secret, and said quickly, "Sexuality is his privacy, it's his right to like whoever you want, and others will also nothing to say..."

She said vaguely, but her attitude was equivalent to proving that Yan Qing was indeed gay.

For a moment, the girls around were inexplicably excited, "It turned out to be true, this is the first time I have seen homosexuality in reality!"

"Yan Qing is very good-looking, and if two handsome guys are together, it will be quite eye-catching!"

"That's right, this kind of thing still depends on the appearance. If there are two ugly people, it will be disgusting."

Yan Ziyue: "???"

This is not what she expected to develop!

Fortunately, some people have different opinions. "I feel disgusting even if he is handsome. Most of the **** men like to cheat marriage. If you get married and find out that your husband is gay, would it be disgusting?"

The boy's reaction made Yan Ziyue even more happy, "disgusting", "perverted", "gay"... and they all avoided Yan Qing, for fear of getting close to him and some scandal.

Yan Ziyue was in a good mood, had a happy meal, went to the toilet and returned to the classroom.

But after she walked to her seat, she suddenly found that the atmosphere in the class was not quite right. Her classmates looked at her strangely, with disdain, disgust and schadenfreude.

Yan Ziyue panicked and suddenly had a bad premonition. She asked her deskmate, "What's wrong? Did something happen in the class?"

The tablemate looked at her with a complicated expression, and reminded, "You can read the school forum by yourself."

Yan Ziyue hurriedly opened the forum, and after seeing the content above, her eyes darkened and she almost fainted.

On the forum, someone picked up the posts she once posted anonymously, and also confirmed that they were all posted by her. She didn't understand what that long list of evidence meant, but the comments below said it was a real hammer.

She couldn't refute it if she wanted to, because she really sent it all.

Yan Qing felt that the two sisters and brothers were very skilled at throwing dirty water on posts, and it didn't look like they did it for the first time, so she checked it out, and she was pleasantly surprised.

xx likes xx, **** pedals two boats... Posts like this are all pediatrics, and there are still **** being fostered, **** having an abortion, and **** doing aid and dating!

The key is that they are all made up, there is no evidence at all!

For example, the post of the school flower Wang Xiaoxiao being adopted for abortion, and a few pictures of Wang Xiaoxiao getting out of the luxury car were also posted. It was extremely sensational at the time, and many people believed it.

It was Wang Xiaoxiao who specially asked her father to hold a parent-teacher meeting to clarify this rumor.

Because her father is a well-known entrepreneur, and the family has money and power, is such a condition to be supported? Who believes?

So the rumors don't fall apart.

But other girls who were framed were not so lucky. If anyone believed this kind of thing, it would be a lot of harm to girls. Spreading rumors, rumors kill people, and some people are even forced to transfer schools.

"I really didn't expect her to be this kind of person, who knows the face but not the heart. The thought of me being in the same class with this kind of person gives me goosebumps all over my body."

"You see that the people she framed are all girls with good grades and beautiful. Is this because of jealousy?"

"It must be, she is too scary. Just jealous of others being better than her, she deliberately framed her. It's too disgusting to use this reason."

"A few of her friends used to be hers. My God, it's been a lifetime of bad luck to have friends like this!"

"She also broke the story of Yan Qing's homosexuality, isn't it too vicious? After all, it's her own half-brother, what kind of hatred, what kind of grudge, to ruin people like this?"

"You also said that they are half-sisters. Her parents both cheated in their marriages before they had siblings. You said that."

"What's the matter with several posts of boys stealing, beating, and harassing girls?"

"You forgot she has a twin brother? This is someone her brother hates."

"These sisters and brothers are really ruining people!"

Yan Ziyue was like falling into an ice cave, those discussions and gazes made her restless and restless.

How could this be? How can it be discovered?

What should she do next? What will teachers and classmates think of her? For a while, Yan Ziyue was flustered.

Yan Zichen was also very flustered, and ran to her and asked, "Sister, what's going on?"

"I don't know! Someone must be targeting us!" She suddenly remembered something, "It's Yan Qing! Yes! It must be him! Yesterday, I said that the IP check found our house."

When Yan Zichen heard this, he immediately raised his voice, "I just said, he has already been kicked out, so don't provoke him at school! If you don't listen, it's better now! You even got me scolded!"

Yan Ziyue was stunned and said incredulously, "You are blaming me now? It was your idea to post it in the first place!"

It was only when the knife cut himself that he knew the pain, and the two brothers and sisters also began to blame each other.

But Yan Qing didn't care about these things. After he finished this, he went back to school and didn't pay attention to the follow-up.

"Ah? I thought you weren't going to go back to class in the afternoon." Li Chaoyang said still.

"Mock exam tomorrow, go back to review."

"Ah? Is there an exam tomorrow?" Li Chaoyang looked confused, "It's too bad, I'm going to be beaten by my dad again. But Yan Qing, you don't have to hide your clumsiness this time, right? You've cut ties with them anyway, and you don't need to pass the exam. I'm worried that they will embarrass you. Take the test well, and let everyone be impressed, and it will definitely surprise everyone!" Saying this, Li Chaoyang suddenly became excited and was looking forward to this test.

It may also be suspected of cheating.

But Yan Qing didn't say this. He thought for a while and said, "When the exam is over, I'll help you with tutoring. There's still a month left, make a surprise attack, maybe there's still hope."

Li Chaoyang's achievements are indeed a little appalling. The original owner has only this friend, and if he can help him, it is considered to be their friendship.

Li Chaoyang scratched his head, "My grades are already useless, won't you delay your review by giving me tuition?"

"It's okay, it's for me to check the gaps and fill the gaps."

"Okay! Let's start after the exam."

A classmate who happened to pass by them: "..."

The second-to-last tutor is the last-to-last one, one dares to speak and one dares to listen!