
Chapter 9: A Bet

I couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but I nodded slightly and agreed.

People could sometimes be humble and submissive without any reason. As for me, I was used to obeying Dylan although I might be unwilling to oblige his request.

When he drove us downtown, he sent me straight to the hospital instead of heading back to the villa.

The hospital smelled of disinfectants. I didn't like that smell, but I still followed Dylan into Camilla's patient room.

Camilla had a tube connected to her arm. As delicate as she already was, she looked smaller and weaker lying on a plain white bed with her pure and clear looking eyes.

Seeing Dylan and I entering the room together, she gave me a rather cold stare. She then looked at Dylan after some time and said, "I don't want to see her here!"

It seemed that she had lost her child. The lovely side of her was gone, but with more coldness and hatred.

Dylan walked over to her and sat her up. He rubbed his chin against her forehead and comforted her. "Let her take care of you for a few days. That's what she ought to do."

This sight filled with love and intimacy stung my heart mercilessly.

For a split second there, Camilla wanted to say something, but she didn't. She looked up at Dylan and said with a faint smile, "Okay!"

The two decided my stay just like that.

And yet I obeyed all of their arrangements, which was just ridiculous, to be honest.

Dylan didn't have much time to accompany Camilla. Despite being absent at Mr. Thomson's funeral, Dylan had to take care of the Thomson company as a member of the Thomson family.

That was the reason why I seemed to be the only one to take care of Camilla.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, but Camilla was still awake in light of too much sleep during the day. There wasn't any extra mattress in the hospital, so I could only sit on the chair beside her bed.

Seeing that I wasn't asleep, she looked at me and said, "Lacey, you are too submissive and humble."

Hearing this, I didn't know what to say. I just looked down at the ring in my hand and remained silent. I only looked up at her after a while and said, "Isn't it like this when you're in love with someone?"

I didn't know why, but she chuckled. After a long while, she asked, "Are you tired?"

I shook my head. After everything I had been through, what exactly wouldn't make me feel tired? Right now, all I did was just fall in love with someone, so it was nothing.

"Can you gave me a glass of water?" she asked, slightly sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

I nodded and stood up to do what I was told to.

"There's no need to add cold water. It'll be better if it's hot!" she said with little emotion in her voice.

I handed the glass of water to her, but she didn't take it. She just looked at me and said, "I think you're pitiful, but at the mean time, I see you as a pathetic person. I didn't blame you for my child at first, but still, I couldn't help but hate you and want you to take responsibility for everything, you know?"

I didn't know what she meant. I just handed her the glass and said, "It's hot, be careful!"

She took the glass of water and grabbed my wrist all of a sudden. Out of instinct, I wanted to break my hand free from her grip. But she stared at me with her black eyes and said, "Let's make a bet and see if he'll care for you."

I froze. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dylan standing at the doorway. I didn't know since when he was there. Camilla looked at me with a calm and cold look. ''What do you say?"

I let her pour the glass of hot water on the back of my hand. It was really painful, but I didn't let out a single sound.

Although I kept silent, I was in on this bet.

Camilla put the glass down and said innocently, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. The water was too hot and I accidentally spilled it. Are you okay?"

What she said was simply untrue.

I withdrew my hand and shook my head. "I'm fine!" I wasn't fine. My hand was in great pain, but I forced myself to endure it.