
Chapter 8: Taking Care of Camilla

Ella snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "He's nothing but an ungrateful person who wasted Mr. Thomson's time."

"Don't say that!" Davon glared at her and looked at me. "It's getting late. Your grandfather-in-law is resting in peace now. Maybe you should head back already!"

"Okay! Thank you, Uncle Davon." Both Davon and Ella were already over fifty years old with no children. Holding their respective shares in the Thomson company, they lived a peaceful and happy life together.

Ella might seem sharp-tongued, but she wasn't a bad person. Many people would be envious of how they spent their days together.

Watching them walk away, I stood in front of Granpa Thomson's tombstone, lost in my own thoughts. After this funeral, everything between Dylan and I would soon be over.

I would lose him in the end, just like how the wind would stop, raindrops would dry up, and the sun would set.

"Grandpa, take care. I'll come again in a while." I bowed deeply in front of the tombstone. At the moment I turned around to leave, I froze.

When did Dylan arrive here?

His slender body stood not far behind me. He was dressed in black, and he wore a gloomy face, looking at the old man's tombstone. He had a dark expression, emotion hidden behind those eyes.

When he saw me turn around, he snapped himself out of his thoughts and said in a low and restrained voice, "Let's go!"

Did he come to pick me up?

I quickly stopped him when he was about to leave. "Dylan, grandpa has left. You should let anything that happened between you two slide. You know how much he had done for you these years."

He stared at me with colder eyes than before. It made me panic, so I stopped talking.

I thought that he would be furious at what I said, but he merely left without saying a word.

The sky gradually darkened as I followed him out of the graveyard. The driver, who was supposed to pick me up, had already left because of Dylan's arrival.

I was left with no choice but to go back with Dylan. On the way home, it was terribly quiet between us two. I pinched and fiddled my fingers along with the anxiety within me. Countless times I wanted to ask him about how Camilla was doing, but every time I saw his gloomy face, I just couldn't.

After quite a while, I finally spoke, "How is Miss Hill?" I didn't push her, but she fell right in front of me. I felt like I should at least ask about her well-being.

"Screech!" Dylan suddenly hit the brakes, making me jerk forwards with force. Before I could react, I was suddenly pinned down harshly by him.

He stared at me with his dark eyes, which were sharp and cold. His dark and ice cold aura scared me, making me curl up a bit. ''Dylan.''

"How do you wish she is?" he asked in a cold tone. Then, he said sarcastically, "Lacey, do you really think that the box the old man left you will stop me from divorcing you?''

I could feel my heart skip a beat. It had only been a couple of hours, yet he already knew about the box.

"I didn't push her." Suppressing the bitterness in my heart, I looked into his black eyes and somehow felt the urge to laugh. ''I don't know what's in the box that grandpa gave me, Dylan, and I've never thought of using it to save our marriage. Since you're so keen on divorcing me, I'm happy to oblige. Let's get it done tomorrow at HMCTS.''

The sky went completely dark. Raindrops hit the car window, making noises accompanied by the wind outside. The air between us felt heavier, quieter.

For a moment there, Dylan looked a little surprised that I would agree to divorce. Then he smirked and let out a dry chuckle. ''Camilla is lying in the hospital, you know? Are you planning to just run away after agreeing to divorce?''

"Well then what do you want from me?" That made sense, he wouldn't let me go that easily now that his beloved was lying in the hospital.

''Take care of her, starting tomorrow." He sat up straight and positioned his slender fingers on the steering wheel, his eyes focused on something I couldn't see.