
Chapter 78 Useless

However, since BDU Company wasn't going to do all of the accounts, which left me with no choice but to hand Mcguire Co.'s accounts over to AC Company, the documents that Kody had found for me were now useless.

So I just ignored the e-mail, because I wouldn't want to have anything to do with Kody unless it was really necessary.

I wanted to leave the past to the past, and never to bring it up again.

Then the doorbell rang. I figured that it was Demi coming back after buying what she wanted to buy. When I got up, I suddenly felt dizzy, probably because I had sat for a long time.

Opening the door, I lowered my head to find her a pair of slippers. ''What did you buy? You've been out for long,'' I said, still feeling dizzy.

Throwing the furry slippers at the door, I looked at the doorway after hearing no response from her.

It wasn't Demi. It was a tall man, holding a complicated expression.