
Chapter 73 Alfred's Mother

Following him into the villa, I saw a middle-aged woman in exquisite and fashionable clothes coming to welcome us. She looked at Dylan with a smile and said, "Mr. Thomson, it's been a long time."

Seeing me by Dylan's side, the woman smiled faintly. She looked at Dylan and asked, "Is this Mrs. Thomson?"

Dylan nodded and shook hands with her. "Hi, Mrs. Chambers. Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Mrs. Chambers? Looking at her, I suddenly remembered the conversation between Alfred and Camilla from before. This woman before us, she was Layla Marshall, Alfred's mother.

Why did Dylan suddenly bring me here for a meal today?

After a simple introduction, Layla led Dylan and me into the villa. We went up to the second floor, where the dining room was at. In it, there were a few middle-aged men sitting around the dining table with their respective wives with them.