
Chapter 72 Do You Plan to Violate the Contract?

Hanging up, I nodded and walked to him. After getting into the car, I leaned against the seat, breathing a sigh of relief, and looked at him. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" he asked in a displeased tone.

Rubbing my finger between my eyebrows, I closed my eyes and said wearily, "Alfred said that he will only do the Thomson company's accounts, excluding Mcguire Co.'s."

"Then let AC Company do it!" he said as he started the car.

I was stunned. What did he mean? "Only Mcguire Co.'s or all of it?" I asked in confusion.

After turning the traffic light, he glanced at me with his eyebrows slightly raised. "Do you plan to break the contract?"

Well, I had already signed a contract with Alfred. So of course, AC Company would be in charge of only Mcguire Co.'s accounting.