
Chapter 171 It's not simple

Flasmond was not only big but also small. In the age of Internet development, any little thing would be known to all.

I didn't go back to the villa. Aunt Aubree called me and many reporters outside asked me not to go back.

Fortunately, few people in the Shearsey Estate knew about it, so it was safe to stay here.

Dylan still couldn't get in touch with him. Alfred called and said that he was still in ICU, but he didn't know the specific situation.

As I expected, the Thomson company's stock market fell to the bottom in just two days. Many shareholders had already collapsed, and some even committed suicide.

Joe held a press conference to appease them. Due to the intervention of the Ministry of Public Security in the investigation, the business of the Thomson company had stopped.

There were more than half of the shops, shops, construction sites, and hospitals in Flasmond. Once it stopped, the whole city was basically half paralyzed.