
Chapter 172 Schem

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this matter had been planned in advance, but it suddenly happened.

"Jason Murray!"

The name suddenly came to my mind, and my heart suddenly cooled down.

That's right. If something were to happen to the Thomson company, only Layla and Jason would have the most strength to help Dylan. It wouldn't be a problem for them to have connections or financial strength.

She lost her daughter for more than 20 years and suddenly found her. How could her parents not scheme for her?

Camilla loved Dylan. This kind of love had probably become a habit. If there was no accident, it was unlikely for Dylan to divorce a pregnant woman like me, but now it was different.

"What do you want?" Demi looked at me, pulled my sleeve, and asked.

"Conspiracy!" I opened my mouth and couldn't eat anymore. I put down the chopsticks in my hand and looked at Demi, saying, "This time, I'm afraid it's not for Dylan, but me!"