
Chapter 14: Did You Think Benjamin Would Like You?

I knew that he was pissed off, so I said my goodbye to Demi and walked to him. ''Thank you,'' I lowered my head and said.

He gave me a cold glance, emotion not found in his dark eyes. "Get in the car!" He said coldly.

And I obeyed in silence.

When we almost got to the villa, I got Demi's message saying that she had reached home. After telling her to have a good rest, I turned to look out the window.

Then I looked at him. As usual, he held a cold attitude. I wouldn't speak unless he had said something first.

After we had arrived, he parked the car and went into the villa. "Dylan, I called Benjamin because I thought you were drunk. I didn't mean anything else." Following him, I said after thinking for a while.

It must have sounded useless, but I said it anyway. But I knew that he wouldn't care even though I said that.

He suddenly stopped and looked back at me. "Anything else? Did you think Benjamin would like you?" He said with a low voice, his eyes narrowed.

His words made me speechless, I didn't know what to say.

That's right. Dylan was Benjamin's friend, and I was Dylan's lawful wife. Even if I wasn't his wife, Benjamin probably wouldn't like me.

For Dylan, I was just as worthless as dust within the soil. If it wasn't for how much Mr. Thomson had been fond of me, I wouldn't even get a chance to meet Dylan, let alone marry him.

Seeing that I wasn't going to say anything, Dylan shot me a cold glance and was about to head upstairs.

A few steps later, he halted and seemed to have suddenly thought of something. Then he looked back at me and said, ''Buy me supper from The Bengal Chef.''

I froze. Why didn't he say that on the way back just now?The Bengal Chef was really far from here. Besides, it was already midnight, and yet I had to buy him supper from somewhere so far away?

"Do you have to eat it today? It's already midnight, maybe it's already closed?"

"It opens for 24 hours a day!" Without even letting me speak, he went straight upstairs.

He didn't want supper, all he wanted was to trouble me.

But after all, it was my fault. So after a pause, I headed out of the villa and prepared myself for a drive.

It was a rainy season, and the air was humid and stuffy. It seemed that it would be raining soon. At first, I wanted to drive Dylan's Jeep, but he had taken the car key to the study room. Left with no choice, I went to the garage and drove a car with a relatively low base.

At one o'clock in the morning, I finally managed to buy his supper after driving all the way to the other end of the city. I was glad that it didn't rain.

However, as soon as I came out of The Bengal Chef, it began to rain heavily. Thunder roared and lightning flashed through the sky, rain poured and wetted the ground.

Many roads and tunnels in Flasmond would be flooded with water during the rainy season, so I chose a longer route to avoid it.

But what I didn't expect was that the car would break down at a halfway home. At that time, I was still quite far from the villa because I drove slowly and decided to take a longer journey. Besides, it was raining heavily, and this place was pretty desolate, so I couldn't get a taxi to send me home.

I looked at my phone. There was barely any battery left. Left with no choice, I decided to call Dylan.

The phone rang several times, but no one answered. As my phone was about to die, I just took an umbrella from inside the car and walked in the villa's direction with Dylan's supper in my hand.