
Chapter 12: Troublemaking Thugs

Too much has happened in the past few days, and I didn't know how I should deal with them, so I went to see Demi.

In a bar named The Lodge.

It was still early, so there wasn't many people there yet. Demi ordered a glass of cocktail and gave it to me. ''Why are you here at this time? Did something happen?''

Blaring music and hyped screams of people surrounded the sensual pole dance played out on stage. I put the cocktail I was going to drink down onto the table and shook my head. ''Nothing. I just wanted to spend some time here.'' 

"Did Dylan bully you again?" Demi asked. "If you two really can't get along,  just divorce already. With your beauty, you can find someone else easily, so why stick with Dylan? Aren't you tired of all this?'' she said.

Demi has always been straightforward. As a good friend of mine, she couldn't bear to see how much time I wasted on Dylan.

I gave her the pregnancy report and said helplessly, ''No matter how beautiful I am, no one would accept someone who has already have a child, Demi.''

She snatched the pregnancy report from my hand and looked at it carefully. She then looked at me with widened eyes and said, "Six weeks? I thought you weren't intimate with Dylan. How did you get pregnant?"

"Do you remember the day when Dylan came to pick me up when I was drunk last month?" I took the report from her and said.

Her eyes widened, surprised and speechless. After a while, she asked, "What are you going to do now?"

I shook my head. I had no answer to that question.

"Abort it!" Demi said. "You and Dylan aren't meant for each other. Because Mr. Thomson was gone, it's not a good idea to keep the child. Abort it, and divorce with Dylan. Life is a long way to go. You can't just love one man in your entire life, Lacey.''

I was a little distracted. Seeing the crowd in the bar grow thick, I turned to Demi and said, "Go entertain your customers. I'll stay here for a while."

Seeing that I didn't listen to her, she rolled her eyes at me and replaced the glass of cocktail with juice.

The night sky got darker and darker, and more and more people came to the bar. Demi was so busy that she had no time for me, so I sat in a corner alone, daydreaming.

Looking at the crowd drinking and enjoying themselves under colourful lights, I drifted into my thoughts.

I didn't even realize that something was happening, not until ear-piercing screams and loud noises made me aware of my surroundings.

Customers have left, and the music has been turned off. Demi, on the other hand, was surrounded by a few thugs whom I didn't notice their arrival.

I was sitting in the corner, where the lights were dim, so I could hardly be seen. The thugs, who were surrounding Demi, had baseball bats in their hands.

They were obviously here to cause trouble. "Are you here to cause trouble or to have fun?" Demi asked in a calm voice.

"I'm here to cause trouble, girl. How about you play with us. If you have the guts to do so,'' said the one who seemed to be the leader of them as he reached out to touch Demi's face with a wicked smile.

''Thud!" Before he could touch Demi, I threw my orange juice glass at his arm.

After getting hit, the thug held his pained arm and shouted, ''Who is that?''

"Me!" I got up from my seat and walked up to them. I looked at Demi, whom looked back at me with a worried face. "Why are you still here?"

I was speechless. I guessed she thought that I had left just now.

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Where would I be if not here?"

"Stupid!" Demi said and stood before me, protecting me from the thugs. "Look for a chance to escape if a fight breaks out later," she said softly.

I knew that she was worried about me, so I kept quiet. I just stared at the thug I hit just now and said, ''Do you really think it's fair for a couple of guys to bully a defenceless girl?''