
Chapter 11 Will You Take It Back?

When I arrived at Camilla's ward, she was already asleep. A middle-aged nurse greeted me when she saw me. She was assigned by Dylan to look after Camilla. Since she was there, there was no need for me to stay there.

So I left the hospital and went back to the villa by taxi.

After a long night, it was already morning when I arrived home. I was really sleepy because of my pregnancy, so I went to sleep after entering my bedroom.

In my light sleep, I was awoken by a strong smell of cigarettes. When I opened my eyes, a dark figure sitting by the bed scared me. It was only when I looked closely that I realized it was Dylan.

I didn't know when he came back. The bedroom was full of thick smoke, and the doors and windows were shut. Between his slender fingers was a burning cigarette. I didn't know how much he had smoked, but it seemed that it was a lot.

"You're back," I said, sitting up straight and looking up at him.

He had never smoked before this day. Now that he smoked so much in the bedroom, something must have happened.

He didn't speak. He just looked at me with his black eyes. His eyes were dark, like he was deep in his thoughts. But I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. The smell of smoke in the room was so strong that I could hardly breathe. So I got out of bed and opened the window.

He sat on the sofa. When I walked past him, he pulled me into his arms all of a sudden and hugged me tightly.

"Dylan!" Although I didn't know why he suddenly acted like this, I really didn't like the strong smell of smoke and cigarettes on him. So I tried to break free, but he wouldn't let me go.

I calmed down and looked at him. "Did you drink?" Now that I was near him, I had just realized that he had a strong smell of alcohol on him.

"Don't you hate me?" he suddenly asked, which got me a little confused. I looked at him. He was frowning, and there were stubbles near his thin lips, probably because he was too busy recently to take care of it.

"I do!" I answered. I reached out and tried to break myself free from his arms, but he held me so tightly as if he was determined not to let me go.

I was confused by his behavior. "Dylan, what's wrong with you?" I looked at him and asked.

"Will you take it back?" He looked at me with his black eyes. They were a little hazed, maybe because he was drunk.

I had no idea what he was talking about. "Take what back?" I asked.

He looked at me and kept quiet. Then, he began to explore my body with his big palm. At that moment, I immediately knew what he was going to do.

I instinctively pressed his hand down. "Dylan, I'm Lacey, not Camilla. You're mistaking me for her."

He didn't say anything. He picked me up and kissed me ferociously, the smell of alcohol filling the air around me.

"Dylan, I'm Lacey! Stop." I was a little devastated. I held his face with both my hands in an attempt to make him recognize me.

There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes. He stared at me for a few seconds, and then blurted, "Hmm!" Then he ripped off my clothes right after that brief reply.

The suit he wore became wrinkled. His suit jacket was thrown onto the floor beside the bed, and his white shirt was ripped off of himself. He then started to unfasten his belt. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I couldn't let him go on with what he wanted to do, because I had a child in me.

While he was taking off his belt, I pushed him away and got out of bed. I wrapped the comforter around my body and looked at him, saying, "You're drunk, Dylan."

After that, I went straight out of the bedroom.

I headed out after a change of clothes, because if I stayed here, I could lose my child.