

Last night, I spent an erotic night with a stranger in a bar. I'm not a random woman. I did this because I was too sad yesterday. The boyfriend who had been in love with me for three years dumped me and flash-married a rich girl. Although I act as if nothing happened in front of my friends, I'm really sad. To ease my mood, I went to the bar alone and got drunk. Accidentally, ran into him. He is beyond attractive and incredibly sexy. As desire controlled my mind, I had one-night stand with him. When I decided to forget everything and move on, I found my one-night stand turn to be my new boss. A possessive guy.

Sanjeet_Kumar_0943 · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 6

Chloe's POV:

Just a minute ago, I was still worried about my safety.

But soon, I realized that I was overthinking things.

Because heard Henry say in a disgusted tone, "How many days has it been since you took a shower? I smelled a sour smell!"

I knew he was telling the truth.

For the past week, all my attention has been on work.

But the disgusting expression on Henry's face still hurt my self-esteem.

"I'm going home to shower!" I turned and left.

"The bidding will be held at nine o'clock. We will set off at half past eight. Are you sure you can come here from your home within an hour and a half?" There came a stern voice from behind.

I looked back and asked, "Do I have to go to the auction as well?"

The bidding was very important and it had always been watched by Boss. How could a small assistant like me be qualified to go to the auction?

Seeing the confusion on Chloe's face, Henry patiently explained, "You're the one who did the calculation. If you askd the related questions, you'll have to answer them."

"Oh." I could only nod.

It took almost an hour to get back from the company to home, not to mention taking a shower and changing clothes, and encountering a traffic jam or other situations.

Henry looked down at the watch on his wrist and said, "I'm going to print the budget. Hurry up and leave my office before everyone comes to the company."

"Got it." I nodded.

After he left, I walked into a lounge in the corner of the president's office.

Although the lounge was not big, and there was only a single bed and a desk, it was simple and clean. There were many personal items of Henry. It could be seen that this lounge should be very secret and no outsiders were allowed to come in.

There was a bathroom in the lounge. The bathroom was not big, but the bathtub was very beautiful.

It's seven o'clock in the morning. I still have time to take a shower.

I took a shower and soaked in the bathtub for a while. After drying my hair, I was very tired and wanted to sleep.

Looking at the time, it was not even eight o'clock yet.

So I decided to sleep on that single bed for a while. Otherwise, I would be more tired at the bidding.

I lay on the small bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

I slept so comfortably that I didn't wake up until someone pulled me off the bed and I opened my eyes.

"What are you doing? Do you know what time it is?" A cold male voice came from above.

Looking up, I saw that it was the ferocious looking Henry. I looked at the clock on the wall.

Oh my god! It's already 8:20 p.m., which is beyond the appointed time for us to meet.

I grabbed my long hair in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, really didn't do it on purpose." I apologized guiltily.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" Henry continued to ask.

I lowered my head and took a look. I was really wearing the shirt of Henry.

I was very annoyed. It seemed that I was too sleepy and my mind was in a mess.

"My secretary, Ava, is already here. How are you going to leave my office?" said Henry.

This is indeed a problem. If I go straight out of the president's office at this time, I will definitely be seen by others.

In less than ten minutes, the news of me and Henry will spread throughout the company.

I grabbed Henry arm and asked, "What should we do? Hurry up and think of a way!"

"Change your clothes immediately. Five minutes later, I will let Ava leave for the time being. Then I will wait for you in the car downstairs." Henry ordered.

"Yes." I nodded in agreement.

I changed my clothes as fast as I could, then walked to the back of the door and gently pushed open a crack. I saw that the secretary Ava was indeed not there.

I quickly left the president's office and ran to the elevator.

When I left the company and got in the Bentley of Henry, I was relieved.

The car drove quickly. It was very quiet in the car, and occasionally there was only the sound of turning the paper.

I looked up at Henry, who was sitting on the other side of the carriage. At this moment, he was focused on the calculation in his hand.

When he worked hard, it was probably his vulnerable moment. In fact, this man was very charming when he was not aggressive.

"What are you looking at?" Henry suddenly asked.

I immediately looked away and said casually, "Oh, I'm worried about the plan."

"Don't worry. I've taken a rough look. There shouldn't be a problem." Henry suddenly closed the plan.

"You took a very short time to check. Are you sure there's no problem?" I looked at him.

He only had a total of two hours to complete the plan, and it also included the time to print it. It would take an ordinary person a day to look through it, let alone to make sure if there were any mistakes.

At this moment, the driver of Henry suddenly turned around and said with a smile, "Miss Snyder, you don't know, do you?Mr. William graduated from the Department of Finance, University of Cambridge. His master's degree is graduated from the Accounting Department of the University of Texas at Austin with a master's degree. He passed the CPA test at the age of 25."

Hearing Charlotte's words, I couldn't help but look at Henry with an admiring look. "You passed the CPA test at the age of 25?"

I always thought that Henry was an uneducated man. Apart from his good looks, he had no other use. He could only be the rich second generation of the boss by relying on his parents.

I really didn't expect that he was a graduate of the University of Cambridge, and his master was from the University of Texas at Austin. Knowing that there are the best accounting majors in the world. He passed the CPA test at the age of 25, which was really amazing.

"Oh my god! I've always dreamed of passing the CPA test through a couple of years. It's a pity that I've only finished two courses after graduating from college for several years. The grand goal I set for myself is to make sure that I'll be able to pass the CPA test!

I looked at Henry with admiration.

However, this kind of worship didn't long, because the next second, the man said, "As long as you graduate from the department of accounting, work hard enough, even if your talent is average, you can pass the CPA."

This made me frown.

This man was too arrogant.

The admiration had for him disappeared in an instant.