

Last night, I spent an erotic night with a stranger in a bar. I'm not a random woman. I did this because I was too sad yesterday. The boyfriend who had been in love with me for three years dumped me and flash-married a rich girl. Although I act as if nothing happened in front of my friends, I'm really sad. To ease my mood, I went to the bar alone and got drunk. Accidentally, ran into him. He is beyond attractive and incredibly sexy. As desire controlled my mind, I had one-night stand with him. When I decided to forget everything and move on, I found my one-night stand turn to be my new boss. A possessive guy.

Sanjeet_Kumar_0943 · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 5

Chloe's POV:

I went home to pack up my things and was ready to complete the task in the company for the next six days.

Two days later, at noon, I suddenly received a call from Hank.

"Hank, I'm very busy right now. I don't have time to chat with you." I was a little agitated. Caculations work was far more complicated than had imagined.

"I know you're busy, so I don't dare to disturb you, but you have to eat. I've prepared your favorite seafood fried rice for you. Come down and take it," Hank said.

The last time we took the dinner, we added social accounts to each other. We talked very happily. Many things were very tacit, so we always kept in touch.

When I heard that he wanted to bring me seafood fried rice, I was very touched. These days, I asked my colleagues to bring some fast food back. I didn't expect that Hank still remembered that I liked seafood fried rice.

Looking at my watch, thought, "I should be back soon."

So I replied to Hank, "Wait a minute, I can go down."

As soon as I got out of the building, I saw Hank holding one box in his hand and smiling at me.

"Although work is important, health is more important. Don't be tired." Hank's voice was very gentle.

"I see." My eyes were a little sore.

I've been living in the company for several days, but no one cares about me so much.

"Bring it up and eat it." Hank stuffed the food into my hand.

I turned to look at a row of chairs not far away for pedestrians to rest. I pointed there and said with a smile, "There are still a few minutes before work. Why don't you go there with me?"

"Okay," Hank replied with a smile.

I ate the fried rice. On the one hand, I was really hungry. This fried rice was really delicious.

On the other hand, I have to seize the time to eat and continue to work.

I ate and couldn't help saying, "Well, it's delicious!"

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke..."

"Cough cough..."

Before Hank could finish his sentence, I choked and bent down to cough.

While I was feeling very uncomfortable, I could feel that Hank was patting my back. When I felt a little better, he handed me a glass of water. "Drink some water!"

Hank's actions were very gentle. I'm very grateful to him.

I took a swig of water and caressed my chest. "It's lucky that I didn't choke myself to death!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I looked up and saw a man in a black suit not far away.

The man's temperament was cold, and his hands were in his pockets.

I could see that he is looking at me. I suddenly became nervous.

But the man did nothing then turned and left. I couldn't help but say, "Damn it, why can I see that man no matter where I am?"

"Do you know that person?" Hank asked. "Yes!" I replied.

"Who is he?" Hank asked curiously.

"The capitalist who exploited me," I replied.

"Your boss?" Hank raised his eyebrows.

I nodded, looked down at my watch, and got up. "I have to go back to work."

After taking a few steps, I suddenly turned to Hank and said, "Thank you for your seafood meal."

After that, I continued to walk to the office.

At this time, the elevator was very busy.

I stood among a bunch of people, waiting for the elevator. Suddenly, I heard a familiar man's voice.

"No wonder there will be a mistake at work. Are all the female employees in your finance department dating men at the same time as you are doing?"

I looked up and saw that it was Henry standing in front of me. There was a hint of mockery in Henry's words just now.

But I couldn't find any words to refute it. I was indeed with Hank just now.

Although there's no ambiguous relationship between me and Hank.

I don't think I should explain it to Henry.

After a moment of silence, I said, "Mr. William, I only represent myself. Please don't implicate the others in our department!"

Henry said coldly, "I think you don't have to waste your effort. You can't complete the plan before Monday."

His indifference and disdain annoyed me. I only felt that my chest was full of gas.

I turned around and walked to the safe exit in my high heels. I would rather climb the stairs than take an elevator with the detestable capitalist.

Henry's irony made me want to complete the task even more. From that day on, I have never left the office.

"If I'm hungry, I'll eat biscuits and instant noodles. If I'm sleepy, I'll lie down and sleep for an hour. After a few days, I'm very tired, and the dark circles under my eyes have become very obvious."

Early in the morning, when Joy entered the office, she ran over to me and asked, "Chloe, what did Mr. William come here for?"

I looked up blankly. " capitalist? He's never been here."

"I just came in and saw him coming out from here." Joy pointed at the door.

At this moment, Chloe suddenly understood: Henry must have come to laugh at her. He thought that he would not be able to complete the plan on Monday.

"Damn, I rolled up my sleeves. I must surprise him this time."

"I see. Boss secretly came to see you. Does he like you?" Joy said.

I glanced at her and said, "He can't like me. He's just waiting for me haven't finish my work and laugh at me!"

Joy's expression instantly changed from relaxed to serious. She said guiltily, "Chloe, I'm sorry. I got you into trouble. You've been so busy these days, but can't help you."

I looked up at the guilty Joy and said in a deliberately relaxed tone, "I'm fine. I'm fine! Your condition is not good now. Your brother is useless. Your mother lean on you now! Go to work quickly! I'm really fine."

"Thank you," Joy said gratefully. Then I saw her return to her seat.

I lowered my head and continued to work.. Now every minute and every second was very important.

On Sunday evening, my colleagues got off work and left. I was still working hard in front of the computer.

A steady sound of footsteps suddenly came from the empty office. I was a little scared and very nervous.

I suddenly looked up and saw a man in a black suit appear in front of me.

I didn't want to talk to him, so I didn't look up.

I heard him say, "There are only a dozen hours left until the bidding meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Are you sure you can complete it?"

Although Henry's expression was very strict this time, I didn't hear any disdain or contempt.

I looked at the work beside me and answered with certainty, "It will definitely be completed at five or six o'clock tomorrow morning."

Henry nodded. "Then I'll have a rest at the company tonight. If you're done. Give me the plan directly!"

Before I could say anything, he had already turned and left.

I didn't rest for the rest of the night.

At half past six in the morning, the plan was finally completed.

Holding the two-inch-thick plan in my arms, I walked briskly to the office of Henry.

The door of Boss's office was closed. I looked inside and saw that he was already sitting at his desk. I thought he should still be sleeping at this time.

knock knock...

I knocked on the door, and the unique low voice of Henry immediately came from inside. "Come in."

I stepped in and placed the thick plan in front of Henry. "Sir, the plan has been completed."

Henry reached out and flipped through the budget case, and then asked with a puzzled look in his eyes, "Now I don't have time to verify the seriousness of the budget case. If there is a mistake in the budget case we submitted this time, our company's serious and rigorous style will be destroyed. Do you understand?"

I immediately became nervous, but things had come to this point. I had no reason to retreat. I must succeed this time.

After I finished my school, I entered this company. It's been three years, and I've been working hard. Because of the company's salary, I supported my mother and sister. I'm very grateful to the company....

"I understand. I've done my best to check these documents these days. I can guarantee that there won't be any big problems."

Henry glanced at me and said nothing.

He got up and said, "I'll go to print the plan now. There's a bathroom in the lounge over there. Go take a shower!"

"Take a shower?" I held my chest nervously and stared at the man in front of me in surprise.

Why does he suddenly want me to take a shower here?

What does this man want from me?

The entire floor was the company, and at this time, no one came to work. If he forced me to go to bed, how could I be his match?

What should I do now?