
My Beasting System

Ever since the beginning of the war between the humans and the notorious Mages, humanity has been forced nearly to the brick of extinction. Old technology was destroyed. New technology humanity was unfair with took over, all thanks to a well renounced scientist named Madeline Cane. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the humans were able to tip the scale of the war against the Mages, but only in the slightest. Being creatures that deal in elemental abilities, highly advanced technology posed little to no harm against them. The world was ending, and all hope was almost lost...untill they came from the shadows. Somewhere deep in Old China lived a family no one has ever known before. Till this day, no one even knows their family name. They assisted the military in fighting The Mages. They displayed great skill in the battle field, showcasing martial arts no one has ever seen before. The military always begged them to teach them their techniques, but they always refused, saying it was their family secret. Things seemed to be going well for the humans, until the family was mysterious wiped out the day before the humans were supposed to fully wipe out the Mages. They had lessened their numbers, leaving them at a dangerously low ten. It was assumed that the Mages were responsible for the death of the Family. Who else had power that could rival such a family? Perhaps among the ten remaining were the strongest of their kind which had invaded earth. Never the less, for going out of their way to assist the military for the greater good of the Earth, the family name was forever went down in history as 'The Beasts.' However, The Beasts didn't leave Earth without leaving humanity something it can use to win the war. On the day before the family was attacked, Li Shen, the patriarch of the family, handed over a blue coloured flask with ancient engraving to the Head World Leader saying that one day he would be gone and someone needed to be around to keep fighting. He then went on to tell him that in the flask was every technique and ability his bloodline had developed since the start of their dynesty, and that it should never fall into the wrong hands, else the world would have something much worse to worry about. However, despite the solemn promise the Head World Leader made to him, due to the unstable market forces brought about because of the remaining powerful mages attacking the earth, the system was stolen, and later fell into the hands of Zhao Ling, a rich business man who decides to use it to make a butt load of money by making it a price in a tournament he calls the Tournament For Power by making people pay to watch or see the tournament in person as well as hosting a betting platform where people can bet on who they want to win. But despite all the measures he put in place, as well as the incompetence of his staff, the system still ended up in the hands of a nobody who wasn't even a part of the damn tournament. Heck, he was too young to participate anyway. Of all the things in the world, Leo never expected he would have to sacrifice his mother...just so he could live. [ Ashley Tseab selected ] [ Your wounds are healing. ] ... From here on out, Leo sets out to grow stronger. Completing quests day by day, his dream slowly turns into a reality. However, things take an unexpected turn when he is key with a quest he isn't sure he can complete. [ 10 days till next Beating Cycle. ] [ 10 days till you turn. ] Follow the story of Leo Tseab, a boy who sets on a journey to prove to the world that he is worth it, that he is a somebody, but most importantly, to get stronger than his older broth so he can shove it in his devilishly handsome face.

Darz · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Leo's Dilemma (Part 3)

Two girls were being kidnapped right in front of his eyes, and one of them almost caused him infertility. Leo didn't know how to react to the situation. If it were any other girl in her place, he would have effortlessly swooped in to save her, but this was different.

Leo could still feel a stinging pain from the kick in her area. This was just a reminder that the girl's life wasn't worth saving. But what about the older girl next to her? She never did anything bad to Leo. Heck, Leo has never seen her until now. It would be unfair to let her be raped just because of the grudge he has with the other girl.

"I could just save her and leave the other one for the man. That way I can be the hero while still allowing him to illegally satisfy himself." Leo pondered leaving the younger girl, but decided against it, thinking that the older one would just see him as an accomplice taking his prize. He didn't want to be viewed as a pervert, again.

"Even if I choose to save both of them, it's not like I can take that guy on. He looks way too jacked for me to handle." Leo wasn't wrong. If one were to look at the man closely, they could see his muscles bulging from every part of his body, almost inhuman.

This just further killed Leo's motivation to step in. In the end, why risk your life to save people you barely know?

Leo didn't have the power to face that guy. And he would much rather face another day of his shitty life that play Superman.

Luckily, he didn't have to watch the scene in front of him unfold any longer as the man effortlessly threw both the girls into the car and drove off. Where he was going, Leo did not know. Neither did he want to know.

"Finally he's gone. Now I can get the heck outta here." Leo was disappointed that his time and patience were wasted for nothing. He should've just left when he embarrassed himself in front of all those people. Why did he stay anyway?

What was more strange was the fact that not many people had left after all thay time.

"Is the event still on?" Leo asked himself, looking at the large door in front of him. What the hell is going on in there? Don't these people have jobs and families to go to?"

Although Leo was curious about this, he chose not to pry into it due to the memory of what happened before flashing in his head. The laugher. The hot stares if those having a bad mood. The announcer. Everything flashed in front of his very eyes, reminding him about the reality of life. The reality that people won't shy away from making fun of you for their own amusement.

Putting all that behind him, Leo clinged onto his small luggage bag as he ventured into the unknown of the night. However, he doesn't go far when-

"Wait! You said you were looking for a job, right?! We have a job we think will suit you."

Turning around, Leo could see that it was a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties and had straight brown hair and wore a flay green dress with green eyes to match.

Although Leo turned to face the woman, he couldn't hide the nasty look on his face.

Five hours! He had been waiting in this useless place for five hours! It was a miracle Leo didn't loose his sanity from how small everyone passing by tried to make him feel. At times his face would twitch out of anger, he was able to sustain a calm face most of the time. Well except for when that blonde girl kick him in the nuts...

"Weren't you looking for a job?" The woman asked with a curious gaze.

It was hard for Leo to stay mad at her when she pulled that look. It was like glaring at a child who did something wrong. She was just too cute for her own good.

Taking in a deep breath, Leo did what his sports coach advised him to do whenever he was freaking pissed off.

Now having calmed down, Leo walked towards the woman with calm and heavy steps, holding his luggage under his right arm pit.

"You said you were looking for a job?" She asked again. But this time, the boy was responsive.

"Yes. I was looking for a job as a Meson." He told the woman. Honestly, the reason Leo choose this job was because it required no special skills whatsoever. Something Leo had in abundance.

The woman didn't reply immediately. She seemed to fall into a daze when Leo asked her about getting a job as a Meson, but quickly snapped out of it before Leo could notice.

"Oh a Meson. Sure. We still have one post left. You got the job."

Leo's eyes widened surprise when he heard what she said.

"Could you please repeat what you said?" He asked, thinking he might have heard her wrong.

"You got the job." She repeated, seeing no problem in doing so.

Hearing her repeat what she said again, put a huge smile on Leo's face. Finally, after all that embarrassment and abuse. After witnessing a kidnapping unfold before his very eyes, he finally got the job. The road may have been tricky, but he perservered and bagged the job.

"When do I start working?" He asked excitedly. Leo could still not believe it. He even wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming but refrained from doing so, thinking it would make him seem weird in front of her.

"You'll start tomorrow. You don't have to worry about dress code." She said, eyeing Leo from top to bottom. Leo could tell she was mentally insulting his poor clothing sense but choose to over look it. If she had never bothered calling out to him, he wouldn't be here being scrutinized by her hot gazes in the first place.

"Also," She added on. "Be nice to everyone. No matter how badly they treat you, don't lash out at them, for your own sake."

Although Leo wanted to ask her a few more questions, the woman was already on her way back into the building, but decided to ask anyway.

"Do you guys have any living quarters I can stay in?!" He yelled out, guesturing at the luggage he held under his right arm pit. Truth be told, when she was scanning him from head to toe, her eye failed to notice the black suitcase he was carrying, but she didn't think much about it and just labelled it as human imperfection.

When turning around, the woman seemed like she didn't want to respond, but had to for the sake of her job.

"There's an empty room we aren't using for the Seduction Trial. You can use stay there for now. But the rent will be deducted from your payment."

Leo expected this to be the case. Nothing came free in life. Asking his next question, he hoped the amount of money they would pay him was reasonable enough for him to pay rent.

"How much do I get paid in a day?" He asked woman who took a deep breath before replying.

"50 points a day. The rent is 20 points per day." Already knowing what his next question to be, she wasted no time in answering that to. She wasn't in the mood for any back and forth tonight.

Leo wanted to protest after hearing his daily payment and rent, but choose to keep quiet. At the end of the day, he needed them, not the other way around. They could easily find someone else who would willingly agree to the amount of money.

After thinking long and hard about it, Leo finally came to a decision.

"I accept the job." He said with a nasty scowl but the woman couldn't less as she made her way back into the building, leaving Leo out in the cold.

"Geez rude much." He said in annoyance. Why the heck does every woman hate him today? What sin did he commit to be treated so disrespectfully?

Although Leo was mad about that, he couldn't help but walk with a jump in each step. After all his time and patience, he had finally gotten the job he wanted to badly. No more being a useless waste of space. Leo is now a working young man earning 30 points a day. And most importantly, Leo can finally stop his brother from aquireing more power.

__ __

It had been twenty four hours since the twenty couples had gone to their separate rooms for the trial. And it was safe to say that 19 of them had broken the rules, leaving one couple as the winner of the trial. Due to this unexpected outcome, the announcer decided to abolish the final trial, making the young man who was able to tame his dick the winner and the one who will obtain the Legendary Beasting System.

Hey guys. I know I said this part will only last two chapters but I didn't know how to make it fit so I had to expand it to three. Hope you love the story. If you do comment and vote for me. Keep reading.

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