
My Beasting System

Ever since the beginning of the war between the humans and the notorious Mages, humanity has been forced nearly to the brick of extinction. Old technology was destroyed. New technology humanity was unfair with took over, all thanks to a well renounced scientist named Madeline Cane. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the humans were able to tip the scale of the war against the Mages, but only in the slightest. Being creatures that deal in elemental abilities, highly advanced technology posed little to no harm against them. The world was ending, and all hope was almost lost...untill they came from the shadows. Somewhere deep in Old China lived a family no one has ever known before. Till this day, no one even knows their family name. They assisted the military in fighting The Mages. They displayed great skill in the battle field, showcasing martial arts no one has ever seen before. The military always begged them to teach them their techniques, but they always refused, saying it was their family secret. Things seemed to be going well for the humans, until the family was mysterious wiped out the day before the humans were supposed to fully wipe out the Mages. They had lessened their numbers, leaving them at a dangerously low ten. It was assumed that the Mages were responsible for the death of the Family. Who else had power that could rival such a family? Perhaps among the ten remaining were the strongest of their kind which had invaded earth. Never the less, for going out of their way to assist the military for the greater good of the Earth, the family name was forever went down in history as 'The Beasts.' However, The Beasts didn't leave Earth without leaving humanity something it can use to win the war. On the day before the family was attacked, Li Shen, the patriarch of the family, handed over a blue coloured flask with ancient engraving to the Head World Leader saying that one day he would be gone and someone needed to be around to keep fighting. He then went on to tell him that in the flask was every technique and ability his bloodline had developed since the start of their dynesty, and that it should never fall into the wrong hands, else the world would have something much worse to worry about. However, despite the solemn promise the Head World Leader made to him, due to the unstable market forces brought about because of the remaining powerful mages attacking the earth, the system was stolen, and later fell into the hands of Zhao Ling, a rich business man who decides to use it to make a butt load of money by making it a price in a tournament he calls the Tournament For Power by making people pay to watch or see the tournament in person as well as hosting a betting platform where people can bet on who they want to win. But despite all the measures he put in place, as well as the incompetence of his staff, the system still ended up in the hands of a nobody who wasn't even a part of the damn tournament. Heck, he was too young to participate anyway. Of all the things in the world, Leo never expected he would have to sacrifice his mother...just so he could live. [ Ashley Tseab selected ] [ Your wounds are healing. ] ... From here on out, Leo sets out to grow stronger. Completing quests day by day, his dream slowly turns into a reality. However, things take an unexpected turn when he is key with a quest he isn't sure he can complete. [ 10 days till next Beating Cycle. ] [ 10 days till you turn. ] Follow the story of Leo Tseab, a boy who sets on a journey to prove to the world that he is worth it, that he is a somebody, but most importantly, to get stronger than his older broth so he can shove it in his devilishly handsome face.

Darz · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Fugitive

Leo was in no mood for whatever bullshit the system had to say. Sera had abandoned him during his time of need, and no form of 'pleading' from her side would make him relent.

Truth be told, the tone Sera used to address Leo was a far cry from what one would actually call pleading. It sounded more like a mother correcting her son fir doing something wrong, which just antered Leo the more, since the reality of the situation was the other way around.

Leo couldn't help but pinch the centre of his forehead as he let out a deep sigh. At the end of the day, Sera had her reason not to intervene, and Leo could actually respect that. And besides, he needed her if he was going to make it out if this mess completely intact.

After about ten minutes if awkward silent, Leo let out another deep sigh. It seemed like that was going to become a habit for better or worse, but Leo didn't care about that for now.

"I accept your apology." Sera had neverade an apology to him, but Leo apologized anyway, thinking she did so. It was strange, it was like Leo's self esteem had drastically decreased ever since the system started ignoring him.

However, it didn't seem like Sera was going to keep up that trend any longer.

[ You really have a low self worth, don't you? That won't be good on your way to becoming a Beast Tamer. ] Sera teased. Leo wanted to refute, but bit his tongue, afraid Sera would just go quiet again and leave him to his own devices like she did before.

Now that the malice between them was somewhat over, Leo's mind went sharp like it was before. Currently, he could feel a soft tongue sliding through his legs, looking down, he could see a black rat licking his leg.

"Eewww!!!" Leo almost yelled out in disgust, lifting his right leg with lightning fast speed and before the rodent could react, it's body was flattened, blood and internal organs spewing all over the place. No other rat dared to come towards Leo, afraid they would meet the same fate as their unfortunate friend. It was a strange sight to see, considering rats had no form of intelligence what so ever. It was then that Leo began to piece things together.

"This has to be a mage's doing. But how was a mage able to make it inside the dome? Wasn't it strong enough to keep even the strongest of them out of the city?"

What Leo was contemplating about was a giant dome which was created by a well renounced scientist during the bring of the great war. During this time, people were dying like flies under the deadly hands of what humanity came to know as mages. Being able to control natural elements, and displaying a relative immunity towards Earth's weapons, it seemed like humanity was done for.

However, before things escalated beyond what anyone could control, a young woman with countless Oscar awards in science stepped forward and decided to assist in the war the best she could.

The hero who had stepped forward was a woman whose name will be remembered for generations to come. That is, if kids actually displaying interest in learning about their history.

She was known as. . The woman who devoted her youth to help create the giant dome which now sheilded what was left if humanity from the vicious mages.

Some would think that they were safe, that there was nothing to worry about now that there was a dome protecting them, but to those who chose to face reality, there was a limit.

Spending the rest of her life treating such a dome, she eventually died during the last phase of the experiments. As such, the military had to step in, finishing off whatever she had started.

Due to there being no other scientist even slightly close to her caliber, there was no one who could fully comprehend what she was making. To most, it just seemed like a force field, but to a few who were a little more on the intellectual side of the spectrum, they had a faint idea of what it was really supposed to do.

Meanwhile, while in the middle of his thoughts, the system decided to interrupt him.

[ Don't worry about what you can't control. Just focus on yourself and those you care about, and everything else will fall into place. ] Sera said.

Honestly, Leo couldn't help but agree with what Sera had to say. As long as it didn't affect him, he should be fine, besides, that had been his philosophy this whole fucking time.

Finally ending his train of theories, Leo decided to do as Sera advised. Pulling up his stats, Leo wanted to find out how much resources he had at the moment, to make sure if it was enough for what he was planning to do.

[ Name: Leo Tseab ]

[ Race: Human ]

Seeing as everything was in tip top shape, Leo decided it would be best if he would leave the country for a while. Now that he had the Beasting System, it would just be a matter of time before the police and others would come searching for him. Leo couldn't imagine the horrible operations they would carry out on him if they get him, all just to get back the Beasting System.

At the end, Leo assumed this to be the best course of action. For one, he planned to choose a small country that knew little to nothing about what the system was, as well as train and sharpen his skills while away. Leo still had that vandetta with his brother to settle, and whatever remorse he thought he would feel for his mother...never came.

He had truely turned into a monster.

Thinking along these lines, Leo immediately activated Active Charge, running to the nearest transport station.

With a plan in motion, and having the skill to achieve it, Leo had no intention of spending another moment where he stood, least the police would catch up to him and perform surgeries to get back their beloved Beasting System. The very thought it sending chills down Leo's spine.

"Never again..." Leo lowly muttered as he sprinted towards the nearest transport station.

Never again would he go undergo surgery in his life.

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