
My battleship can be Upgraded

This is an interstellar era of giant ships and galaxies. Special fire warships can regularly enter different spaces, harvest source points, and strengthen themselves. Wang Dong carried an auxiliary system and traveled here. The "scan" function can clearly see the growth qualifications of a warship and select the most perfect ship! The "source point acquisition doubling" function allows the warship to obtain three, five or even a hundred times the source points of others! The "module feature selection" function can make the features that appear randomly become arbitrary! See how Wang Dong uses the auxiliary system to swim in this interstellar era. Control the most powerful battleship and overcome all dissatisfaction! Explore the endless universe and challenge the infinite unknown!

Havocado · Sci-fi
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124 Chs


Wang Dong had no intention of getting involved.

On the one hand, he has no need for related interests.

How much money can be earned from mining is not enough for Pond's daily consumption.

His newly acquired Explorer Sky Survey Radar relies on its "spiritual detection" function to randomly obtain a high-quality ship-based module on a different space battlefield. The price of the sale is equivalent to a year's hard work of an interstellar miner. The gains don't stop there.

On the other hand, Wang Dong was not optimistic about the outcome of the negotiations with the Tianhu Caravan.

Just look at the fact that the Tianhu Caravan couldn't wait to make system adjustments as soon as it took over Lao Qin's mining company.

It can fully reflect the greed and confidence of the Tianhu Caravan.

Coupled with the recent overwhelming against the Kongsha Chamber of Commerce, the Tianhu Caravan has become even more arrogant.

The interstellar miners chose this time to negotiate with the Tianhu caravan, and Wang Dong didn't think they could get any benefits.

Therefore, Wang Dong declined the proposal from some people who were familiar with the miners to recommend him as one of the representatives.

Of course, Wang Dong would not do anything like pour cold water on him.

The miners were also in a state of excitement. At this time, Wang Dong went up to pour cold water on them and told them to be patient for now, fearing that they would be beaten to the Tianhu caravan side immediately.

Every minute, I was caught in the middle, suffering from both ends.

Wang Dong was stupid to do such a thing.

Anyway, the shipboard fire on the Pond is still in the buffer period and will not be able to enter another space until next month.

Wang Dong was not in a hurry at all. He often invited Chen Linfeng, Zheng Yan, and others to go out for small gatherings.

Keep in touch with each other and have fun.

Isn't it more comfortable to have a beautiful girl with you than to have a series with a tough guy?

On August 10, the miners who completed the series connection and elected representatives began to negotiate with the Tianhu caravan.

It didn't go well.

The Tianhu caravan didn't even take these miners seriously.

It was just that a new middle-level manager from the mining company came out and dismissed them directly.

"The company has no intention of forcing miners to serve it."It only requires that, when serving the company, they must abide by the company's rules and regulations."

Under the premise of forming a de facto monopoly, this statement, which seems reasonable at first glance, is actually just acting rogue.

Of course, the miners were not happy and immediately went on strike.

Tianhu Caravan took out a stack of claim letters calmly.

It was a letter demanding compensation for the various damages caused to the mining spacecraft by the miners when they rented the company's mining spacecraft.

The miners were in an uproar.

Miners lease mining spaceships from mining companies and pay rental fees. As for the various maintenance and repair work on the mining spacecraft, the company will be responsible for it.

The company will purchase its own insurance for each mining spacecraft. In the event of various situations, such as the spacecraft crashing or being seriously damaged, the insurance company will compensate.

This practice has become a common rule on the mining planet and has been so for hundreds of years.

The mining process of interstellar miners is not just a play, and the mining spacecraft will inevitably suffer some damage.

Especially in the asteroid belt mining areas, the astronomical conditions are complex, and damage to mining spacecraft is common.

Otherwise, Wang Dong would not need to rely on the auxiliary system's detection function of the ship's condition to deliberately select a mining ship with a better ship condition.

The damage to the mining spacecraft is actually equivalent to the wear and tear of mining tools, which falls within the range of normal wear and tear.

Moreover, the figures on the claim letter issued by the Tianhu Caravan this time are the accumulated maintenance costs of the mining spacecraft after repeated mining by the miners.

Compared to ordinary miners, this is simply an astronomical figure!

This kind of claim letter will naturally not receive official support.

The miners who dare to venture into space alone are not cowards, and of course they will not admit this so-called claim letter.

But one of the main businesses of Tianhu Caravan is debt collection.

How can ordinary civilians have the ability to fight against these professional debt collectors?

Various violent and non-violent methods were used, but within just a few days, the miners were wailing.

Wang Dong was also involved.

On the afternoon of August 14th.

Looking at the claim letter with an amount of more than three million yuan in front of him, Wang Dong almost laughed angrily.

Several years of working as a miner allowed him to accumulate a considerable amount of savings.

But this claim letter was enough to reduce his savings to one-tenth of their original value.

It should be said that the financial personnel of Tianhu Caravan are very competent. Based on the accounts left by the mining company, they accurately calculated Wang Dong's income over the years, measured the maximum amount that Wang Dong could bear, and then decided on the size of the amount on the claim letter.

Wang Dong estimated that this was because the Tianhu caravan did not know why he saved Qin Wanli.

If the Tianhu caravan found out that Qin Wanli came out of the mining area from Wang Dong, I am afraid that the number on this claim letter would be doubled dozens of times!

At the same time as the claim letter, there was also a letter of appointment.

"Mr. Wang Dong, our company is looking for you as the chief navigator. Please report to the company's Human Resources Department on time on August 15."

The signature is "Tianhu Mining Development Co., Ltd." The person who delivered these two documents was Chen Wei, the new HR director of the mining company.

 Quite polite on the surface.

 It is said that as long as Wang Dong accepts the appointment of "chief navigator," all the figures on the claim letter can be reduced.

 Moreover, this so-called "chief navigator" is not a long-term job. He only needs to cooperate with the company to complete one exploration.

 There was no need for Wang Dong to resort to insinuations. The HR Director, Chen Wei, was very cooperative and revealed some specific requirements during the conversation.

 It turns out that Tianhu Caravan hopes to organize an exploration in the depths of the asteroid belt mining area in the near future to understand the specific conditions of the mining area and the scale and potential of the mineral deposits.

 As an outstanding member of the interstellar miners on the mining planet, Wang Dong was included in this plan.

 Before leaving, the human resources director, Chen Weicai, left a message in a calm tone: "The above are all company business secrets. Please do not leak them and report to work on time." Regardless of whether Wang Dong agreed or not, it seemed that you should determine your appearance.

 Moreover, there were still several burly men left outside Wang Dong's residence.

 A cold light flashed in Wang Dong's eyes.

 The dangers of this work are self-evident.

 Deep in the mining area, even warships must be careful when moving inside, let alone mining spacecraft.

 Tianhu Caravan gave no room for rejection at all.

 Moreover, there was no mention of remuneration.

 Just relying on the "arrears" mentioned in the claim letter is nonsense.

 When I touched my personal smart terminal, as expected, there was no signal!

 Apparently, the few remaining personnel outside were also equipped with small jammers.