
My battleship can be Upgraded

This is an interstellar era of giant ships and galaxies. Special fire warships can regularly enter different spaces, harvest source points, and strengthen themselves. Wang Dong carried an auxiliary system and traveled here. The "scan" function can clearly see the growth qualifications of a warship and select the most perfect ship! The "source point acquisition doubling" function allows the warship to obtain three, five or even a hundred times the source points of others! The "module feature selection" function can make the features that appear randomly become arbitrary! See how Wang Dong uses the auxiliary system to swim in this interstellar era. Control the most powerful battleship and overcome all dissatisfaction! Explore the endless universe and challenge the infinite unknown!

Havocado · Sci-fi
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112 Chs


Wang Dong didn't bother to pay attention to him: "It's good to work hard and your big brother and sister are good. Even if you want to be jealous, you are also afraid of each other, when can you take care of such a little fat man?"

Qin Wanli smiled weakly and changed the subject: "I mainly completed a secret transaction this time. I was chosen because my big brothers and sisters were all targeted, and I received the least attention.

In addition, although the goods traded are valuable, they are not large enough to be carried by private airships.

The transaction process was relatively smooth, but when I wa returning, I met Chen Xiu, the son of the Tianhu caravan, and I almost died in the mining area."

Chen Xiu's identity is comparable to Qin Wanli, the son of the boss of the Tianhu caravan, and he is a standard gentleman. There had been several conflicts with Qin Wanli before.

"It turned out to be that guy; no wonder he bites you like a mad dog."

Wang Dong patted Qin Wanli's fleshy shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you stay on the ship for two days first, and when the wind is over, I will send you back." It's just that the conditions on board are definitely not as good as your personal airship, and you have to overcome them."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Qin Wanli laughed and said, "I am already grateful to be able to save a small life; where do you dare to be hypocritical?" I won't say anything more, Wang Dong. Thank you."

"You're welcome, as it should be."

Wang Dong smiled slightly.

It is obviously not appropriate to return now.

Although the Tianhu Caravan temporarily gave up the pursuit because Qin Wanli risked hiding in the mining area,.

But they will definitely continue to stay outside the mine for some time to observe.

Only by waiting for a day or two, or until the reinforcements of the Kongsha Chamber of Commerce, or until the Tianhu Caravan's patience is exhausted and Qin Wanli is thought to have died in the mining area, will he retreat.

No matter what it is, Wang Dong chooses to respond to all changes the same way and do a good job of mining first.

Qin Wanli didn't say much about Wang Dong's determination, as if he were the only one who was looking forward, and patiently accompanied Wang Dong on the mining spaceship for two days to do mining work.

Not to mention, there is a person chatting next to him to relieve boredom, and the boring mining work suddenly seems to be lively.

Two days later, after the collected ore filled eighty percent of the cargo hold, Wang Dong stretched his waist and said, "It's almost over; let's go.""

Qin Wanli nodded and clenched his fists slightly.

"Don't worry; with Chen Xiu's patience, two days is definitely enough."

Wang Dong saw his nervousness and comforted him with a smile.

The two of them left the mine and headed straight back to the mine planet. Sure enough, the journey went smoothly, and there were no warships in the Tianhu caravan.

But Qin Wanli was still a little nervous along the way. It wasn't until he saw the figure of the patrol fleet that he completely relieved himself.

"It's still Wang Dong; your judgment is accurate; Chen Xiu, that kid, must have thought that I had already died in the mining area, so I gave up and continued to wait."

Wang Dong smiled.

Whatever judgment is accurate, there is no need to judge at all.

On the Pond, the Sky Survey Radar can easily monitor the whereabouts of the small, broken ships of the Tianhu Caravan without being detected.

Therefore, Wang Dong had long known that, after waiting for a day, the Tianhu caravan had already withdrawn.

He also deliberately stayed in the mine for an extra day just to be on the safe side, so of course the journey was smooth.

After approaching the planet in the mining area, Qin Wanli successfully contacted his home.

Not long after, a spaceship from the Kongsha Chamber of Commerce arrived and directly picked up Qin Wanli in orbit to escort him away.

When they separated, Wang Dong and Qin Wanli didn't say much.

The little fat man just shook Wang Dong's hand heavily.

After that, Wang Dong manipulated the spacecraft to land on the tarmac of the mining company.

Ignoring Zhou Laosan's request to collect minerals, Wang Dong completed the settlement in accordance with the normal process.

Zhou Laosan's eyes were a little resentful.

But Wang Dongyi was not afraid and looked back at him indifferently.

Just a few seconds later, Zhou Laosan was defeated by Wang Dong's gaze, and he turned his head away.

Not to mention the iron-blooded killing in another space, Wang Dong is also a veteran driver who has experienced a lot of life-and-death battles in this universe.

As for a little person like Zhou Laosan, who only dares to take advantage of the chaos, how can he not be crushed in momentum?

Wang Dong ignored him and left the mining company.

Two days later, Wang Dong received the news.

Lao Qin's mining company changed hands with the Tianhu caravan at a very low price.

Along with the package transfer, there is also Lao Qin's contracting right to the asteroid belt mining area.

In this regard, Wang Dong has long been mentally prepared. Although there was no such scene before rebirth,.

But the matter of being reborn is not meant to repeat the life of the past.

It's normal, it's good, and it's changed.

Wang Dong himself looked at this matter with a Buddhist attitude.

Even if the news came soon afterwards that the Tianhu caravan had made a series of adjustments to the relevant systems of the mining company,.

The purchase price of various minerals has been reduced by at least 10%.

At the same time, the handling fee for various services provided by mining companies, including spacecraft rental fees, has been increased by at least 10%.

Moreover, on this basis, a performance appraisal mechanism was even introduced.

Each month, the miners who complete the least mining performance will be charged a higher fee in the following month.

The miners were in an uproar.

But it didn't work.

After taking over Lao Qin's mining company and integrating it into its own system, In the entire mining area of the planet, the Tianhu caravan has formed a dominant position in the field of mining.

Originally, in addition to Lao Qin's mining company, there were also some small mining companies on the mining planet.

The Kongsha Chamber of Commerce has always been good, and the same is true of Lao Qin's mining company, which has no intention of killing these small-scale peers.

But the style of the Tianhu Caravan is completely different.

While the Tianhu Caravan was annexing the mining companies of the Kongsha Chamber of Commerce, the Tianhu Caravan was constantly putting pressure on those small mining companies to make acquisitions.

It is only a matter of time before the integration of the entire market is completed.

Those small mining companies won't last long.

Soon, apart from the mining companies of the Tianhu Caravan, the miners were unable to find any other companies that could buy the ore they had mined on a large scale and smelt it.

This creates a kind of monopoly.

And the interstellar miners are clearly in a weak position in this.

In this regard, the interstellar miners did not sit back but became active, connecting with each other to form a whole and negotiate with the Tianhu caravan.

It's the interstellar age, and productivity is highly developed.

The starving to death is a rare occurrence.

The big deal is not to do it and change careers; the income level is lower, and the quality of life is a little lower.

The miners had nothing to fear.

In just a few days, most of the interstellar miners on the planet in the mining area were organized and prepared to elect representatives to negotiate with the Tianhu caravan.