
My Atomic System

mc dies in a worldwide nuclear war and gets reincarnated by a system into the very thing that wiped out earth

Night_writer · Action
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4 Chs

new world (3)

"hmm... can i get more info on each." atomic said


"wat? what do you mean no."


atomics expression changed into shock and and confusion. atomic then decided to keep quite just went with the griffin wings

[confirmed, activating "griffin wings"]

atomics shirt ripped apart trying to resist the ever growing wings. at first they seemed a normal size the they kept growing until they were towering over atomic. he looked down to see that his eyes became sharper and more reactive. not to mention that he was floating with the lower part of his wings barley grazing the ground, they seemed angelic

"so wings work differently in this world huh." atomic wondered to himself sarcastically

I just noticed the muscles in my back that weren't there before. if felt both alien and natural. I just thought of flying and bam! I shot into the air flapping my wings aggressively flying closer and closer to the peak of the mountain.

in a tower like room a humanoid figure lurked in the dark sitting in a chair intently staring into a mirror viewing atomic

"hmm. amusing, wonder how a griffin hybrid survived in the lost forest ill have to keep my eye on this one just incase. system pin him to the watch list, oh and let me watch our hero's battle against the dragons."

[affirmative sir] a blue cube glowed as it spoke in a test tube like chamber behind the figures chair.

atomic finally reaches the peak of the mountains and sees fields for miles with towns spread out and a kingdom in the center.

"woah" he admires the rising sun as it shines on his still wings 

he starts gliding downwards at a slow speed still taking in the scenery with is enhanced eyes. after what felt like a minute he arrived a ways away from a small village.

[disabling "griffin wings"]

he reverted back to his normal self and started walking. not long after he heard a man shouting in the distance

"young man! move out the way!" the man screamed while on a prestige looking wagon with lizard like animals pulling it at a very fast speed.

the wagon slid nearly fliping on its side but the lizards were not so lucky. the man angrily stomped his way to atomic grabing his collar and saying "do you have any idea who you just offended?"

"would you be surprised if i said no?" atomic said jokingly with a smile

"cmon rowan it's not that serious." a boys voice came from the wagon." let him join us and give him a shirt while your at it."

"of course master as long as you wish it." his faced turned into a creepily real smile "here a shirt and in you go." he pulled out a shirt from a ring and opened the wagon door for atomic, shoving him in.

 the end

 status screen update

 | shop | status selected | map |

 name- [atomic]

 age- [∞]

 sex- [male]

 [combat stats]

 level- [∞]

 strength- [100]

 agility- [100]

 defense- [100]

 sense- [100]

 mana- [1026] (mana regen-1001, mana capacity-1001)

 skill points-98999


-atomic absorption lvl max [more info]-iron skin lvl1 [more info]-venom lvl1 [more info]-intimidation lvl1 [more info]-stealth lvl1 [more info]-night vision lvl1 [more info]-nuclear magic lvl1 [more info]

[hidden skills]

mutation lvl? [more info]