
My Atomic System

mc dies in a worldwide nuclear war and gets reincarnated by a system into the very thing that wiped out earth

Night_writer · Action
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4 Chs

A new Friend (4)

"so, where are you from? you don't seem like your from here." the boy said

I looked up at him and he seemed around my age.

"your right, I'm probably one of the only people you'll see from my village." l tried lying with a sweat

"I doubt that, aside from that where are you headed" he beamed

"l don't really know. after leaving my village l've never really put any thought on what i plan on doing here." I looked out the window of the wagon

"how 'bout you follow me to the capital. it'll take a week but everything will be paid for, its really boring not having anyone my age to talk to. oh by the way names Darwin." he smiled as he put his hand on the back of his neck.

"hmm, deal! and my-" l got interrupted as the wagon went to a sudden halt

I looked at Darwin nodded in silence to slowly leave the wagon.

"gimme all your money now." a child's voice rang as we left the wagon we were surrounded by bandits in a instant. they separated forming a pathway that a girl with black eyes, white hair on one side of her head and black hair on the other. she appeared walking to us.

"l will never let you touch the mas-" the butler charged at the child with a sword but had it swatted out of his hands giving him cuts that bled.

"hey mister. you got any money?" she turned facing us. Darwin was about to respond

"took you too long." she said as she charged at us.

l pushed Darwin getting attacked instead. but felt some strings on my hands as l blocked.

"huh?" me and the girl questioned

l took the opportunity and grabbed her putting her in a weak but tight head lock 

"ahhhhhh! your such a cheater let go of me!" she screamed flailing her arms and legs that didn't even tickle.

"why are you crying when your a bandit trying to rob us." l yelled at her

"he got the captain?" a man in the crowd went.

"oh l forgot about you guys, hey tell them to go bother someone else." l looked at the man and back at the girl that was still pouting

"they'll just leave anyway they're not even my men." she screamed continuing her crying. l gently smiled at her without even knowing.

"all right y'all heard that, scram." I firmly said.

"what about me?" she quietly squeaked

"your coming with us. is that okay Darwin?" I looked back at Darwin seeing him helping the butler bandage his hand.

"lm fine if your fine with it, but please keep her from hurting people while your at it." he smiled with a happy aura coming from him.

-------------------------------------  THE END ------------------------------------

                     status screen update

 | shop | status selected | map |

 name- [atomic]

 age- [∞]

 sex- [male]

 [combat stats]

 level- [∞]

 strength- [100]

 agility- [100]

 defense- [100]

 sense- [100]

 mana- [1026] (mana regen-1001, mana capacity-1001)

 skill points-98999


-atomic absorption lvl max [more info]-iron skin lvl1 [more info]-venom lvl1 [more info]-intimidation lvl1 [more info]-stealth lvl1 [more info]-night vision lvl1 [more info]-nuclear magic lvl1 [more info]

[hidden skills]

mutation lvl? [more info]